Author's Notes

You can skip this part (the AN, not the chapter itself). It's just me trying to play it cool with my first fan fic. I have nothing interesting to say here, only one thing, really. If the character's name sounds familiar and you watch House... it's because I've been watching a lot of House and I'm lazy when it comes to names. Much easier to combine thenames of two people from a TV show. Also, today I learned that writing fan fiction for My Little Pony is embarrassing.

Basically I'd like feedback. How my writing style is, should I continue this, etc.

Gregory Chase was not a brony. He'd watched My Little Pony a few times, he'd tried to like it. There was nothing wrong with the show itself, he just didn't want to watch all of the episodes. He sighed to himself. Why do I even care that I don't like it? It's a show for little girls and I don't watch it. If anything that's good news!

He didn't know why he was so concerned with enjoying it. In any other case, if he didn't like something he avoided it. Many minutes passed on like this and he finally shrugged and gave up. He exited his browser (making sure to erase the history first in case any of his friends should use it) and shut off his computer. Greg made his way to the restroom, stopping along the way to get a change of clothes from his dresser.

Finally in the bathroom, Greg took a look at himself in the mirror. Long blonde hair, tan skin, brown eyes that were practically overflowing with cynicism. He prided himself on his cynicism. If you expected the worst from people there was no chance they'd surprise you later on when they did something wrong. If they didn't do anything wrong you had a pleasant surprise, so it was a win-win scenario.

After a long shower, Greg got dressed and went to his bedroom. He let out a massive yawn and fell asleep on his uncomfortable mattress, just like he had for two years now, ever since he'd moved out of his parent's place. Here I am, a 20-year-old man trying to like My Little Pony. Can it get any more pathetic?

He continued this line of thought until he finally drifted to sleep.

Twilight Sparkle was irritated. She'd been trying to master a spell to allow her to view other dimensions, but had yet to show any progress. The best she'd managed was on what had felt like the thousandth try. She had cast the spell on a mirror and managed to see a brief flash of light before the image faded. After trying to replicate (and improve upon) the success for hours, Twilight decided to call it a night.

I can just try it again in the morning. And the morning after that. And after that… well, I'm a night owl anyways… I suppose a few more tries couldn't hurt… And with that thought Twilight went at it again, with a renewed fervor to get it right before she slept. After another hour of this, she knew it was time to throw in the towel for the time being.

And yet… she couldn't help but give it one more try…

Greg's room was dark, save for a small amount of moonlight that crept in through the curtains. Suddenly the room was lit up with a bright flash on the right side of Greg's bed. Greg tossed a bit in his sleep, but didn't wake up as he was facing away from the flash and only saw a small amount of its light. A small lavender unicorn examined her new surroundings.

That didn't work right… it was just supposed to let me see a new dimension… though I suppose this is the same thing. Just more personal. I may as well… her mind froze up as she saw a lumbering creature that was twice her size snoring loudly on the bed. What IS that thing? It looks… bizarre. Greg turned again in his sleep, turning to face Twilight, who promptly ducked and froze.

I… I think I should leave… if this thing wakes up who knows what it will do! And with that, Twilight stepped into the small glowing hole her spell had left in the floor. Once back in the library at Ponyville, she breathed a sigh of relief and began to write down notes on what little she had been able to observe. The creature had hands, and it was similar to a mostly hairless monkey…

Twilight slept soundly afterwards, not knowing that the portal had remained in the creature's room…

Greg woke up like he normally did: unwillingly. He was never eager to get out into the world. After spending a long time in bed (possibly hours; he loved not having to work on weekends), he finally decided that he had to stand up. He was hungry.

Greg sat up in bed, rubbed his eyes and stepped out of his bed, only to get his foot caught on something. He looked down to see a glowing purple hole in his floor. After the obligatory not-so-witty thought (Damn termites!), he discovered he was being sucked in at an alarming pace. He was even more alarmed when his leg sank all the way into the small hole and his groin smacked against the floor. Suddenly, the portal widened, leaving behind no trace of Greg. Not even the sound from his remarkably effeminate scream remained.

Twilight was already awake and studying, having shrugged of the late night. Spike, on the other hand, had been somewhat less willing to get out of bed. Twilight had decided it would be easier just to let him remain there for now. Suppressing a yawn, she turned the page of her book (A History of Life, the Universe and Everything else).

"Page forty-two", she muttered to herself. The calm silence was suddenly disrupted by a loud crash behind her. She jumped, squealed and then turned around to see the creature from last night in front of her, currently sitting up and rubbing its head. She knew that it would be best to confront the creature immediately, but she decided to play it safe and hid behind the desk her book was on before speaking.

"Who are you?", Twilight demanded.

"Wha? Who said that? Was it you, desk? Are you talking to me?", Greg asked, still in a bit of a daze from having fallen through a dimension.

"N... no, the desk isn't talking..." Twilight said as she poked her head above it. "And you didn't answer my question. Who are you? What are you?"

"That's two questions. I'm... uh..." Greg had to think hard to find his name. "I'm Greg. And for what I am..." The answer to this was much easier to find. "I'm a human. Now who are you?"

"I'm Twilight Sparkle." Greg snorted and chuckled.

"What kind of name is that?"

"It's a perfectly normal name! It makes much more sense than 'Greg'."

"I'll have you know that Greg is a normal name. I think. In any case it's my name and I like it." He stood up, eliciting a gasp from the purple pony as she saw his full height. The two stared at each other for a moment, Twilight analyzing and taking mental notes and Greg wondering where he had seen her before. "I hate to pry, but... why am I here?", he said as he gestured to the walls of the tree.

"I think you should know that. You're the one that's here!"

"All I remember is falling through a hole in the floor. I also seem to remember some amount of pain, but I won't go into that right now. I'm also having... a bit of trouble remembering anything other than that." At this Greg paused. I really don't remember anything... and I'm being stared down by a purple horse that's half my size and has a ridiculous name...

Twilight simply stared, and finally put her hoof to her chin in thought. If the creature didn't remember anything, it wouldn't be especially useful for learning about its species.

"I think it's time you went back to... wherever you came from", she said. Greg nodded in agreement.

"Go ahead. Take me back."

"Alright. Just let me open up a portal." Twilight's horn began to glow as Greg looked on.

"How does it do that?"

"Do what?"

"How does your horn glow?"



"Yes. You don't even remember magic?"

"It's just... where I'm from... I seem to recall there was no magic." Twilight filed it away for later. At least this... Greg was yielding some information. Finally, a small purple hole appeared and Twilight stepped aside.

"In you go." Greg stepped towards it, only to have it close up and disappear before he could touch it. "That wasn't supposed to happen..." Twilight mumbled.

"Maybe you didn't do it right?" Greg suggested.

"Hey! I did it perfectly! Maybe it's your fault. You might have magic where you came from. How else would you get here after the first portal closed?"

"Maybe it didn't close. That would explain me being here as well as me having magic would."

The two started bickering, but were interrupted by a yelp. Both looked at the source: a small purple dragon at the top of the stairs.

"Spike! Find me all the books on inter-dimensional travel that you can..."

Spike stared at the odd monkey in the library, and promptly started asking Twilight a rapid series of questions.