Harry Sirius Potter and The Goblet of Fire
disclaimer: I don't own anything
A.N. Harry will be eight when Voldemort attacked
this is my fist story on fanfiction
Chapter One: Halloween 1998
Laughter rang out at number 7 Godric Hallow, as 36-year-old Lily Potter chased her eight year old son Harry around the livingroom, as her husband James laughed at the scene. The family wasn't letting stormy weather ruin their Halloween, they planed on staying up all night telling ghost stories. Lily and James were just happy that Harry was in a cheerful mood.
Harry had been in a sad mood ever since his older brother Cody went to Hogwarts, and his other brother the eldest, eighteen year old Jesse, didn't live with them anymore. The Potter family had been in hiding for a year now, hiding from the most feared wizard of all time lord Voldemort, he was after little Harry, because of a prophecy that was made ,when Lily was pregnant with Harry, that told of a child born at the end of July that would have the power to defeat the Dark Lord. Some how Voldemort fond out about it last year, and he believes that child to be Harry, and the Potters have been in hiding ever since. it was starting to get to Harry now that Cody was at Hogwarts, he had nobody to play with, and his to good friends Teddy and Rigel couldn't come over for safety reasons. So the couple was just happy to see a smile back on the face of their usual happy and cheerful little boy.
But unknown to them that smile wasn't going to be there for long, because right outside their home standing in the thunder and rain; watching the family was none other than Voldemort himself. Peter Pettigrew had rated them out, now Voldemort was watching the scene, happy in the thought that this was the families last moment together. He pulled his wand from the inside of his robes, and as thunder boomed he pointed it at the door and it was blasted away at once.
There was screams of shock from the livingroom and right away, James Potter was in the entry way his eyes widen before yelling.
"It's him, Lily, take Harry and run. I'll hold him off."
Lily garbed Harry's arm and ran up the stairs as a cruel laugh rang out.
" You think you could hold of Lord Voldemort?" Voldemort laughter, followed by
"Avada Kedvra." And the sound of James Potter hitting the floor.
" Dad!" Harry yelled, the same time Lily cried out "James!"
Lily dragged Harry faster up the steps, and into the master bedroom. Thunder roared and lighting lit up the sky, as Harry and Lily pushed a dresser up against the door. Lily then ran over to the big picture window. and tried to open it
"Come on open." she begged, as she heard foot steps on the stairs.
" Can't we flew Mum?" Harry asked. "There is a fireplace in here."
"No, sweetie, we had the flew blocked." Lily answered. The footsteps were now in the hall. As Lily tried harder to get the window open.
"Damn, this window is always getting stock."
"What about apartions".
"We have anti-apartion wards."
Just then the door to the room was blasted open, sending the dresser through the wall and in to Harry's room next door. Lily through her youngest son behind her, and snatched her wand that was laying on the night stand up, and pointed it at Voldemort.
"You stay away from my son," she demanded. Harry looked around his mother to get a look at the man who wanted to kill him. He was a tail man bolding black hair, and brown eyes with bets of red, his nose looked as if it was disappearing: he looked like someone who had got stocked trying to turn into a snake.
Lily's voice was shaky, but she held her wand steady as the evil man laughed.
"Silly, girl, you think you can take on me, Lord Voldemort greatest wizard of all time."
Harry snorted at the greatest wizard at all time part.
" Stupefy." With a small flick of his wand Lily's cures was blocked, another flick and Lily was disarmed and her wand flew across the room, hit the wall and rolled under the bed. Lily through her arms out blocking Harry.
" Not Harry, Not Harry, Please." Lily cried.
" Stand a side!" Voldemort yelled.
" Not Harry, not Harry, kill me instead." Lily cried, tears running down her face.
"What? Mum, no!" Harry cried, he was closer to his Mum then anyone else in his family, being Lily's youngest and last child at home, Lily and James both kinda favored him, so did Harry's godfather Sirius.
" Stand aside, now!." Voldemort yelled, even louder.
" Have mercy." Lily begged.
Lily screamed in agony, as she fall to the floor, thunder nearly drowning her out, as lighting lit up the room and, rained poured down.
"Leave my Mum alone, you snake face prat!" Harry yelled.
"Well looky here little Harry has a backbone." Voldemort taunted .
Harry didn't say anything, he just glared. Lily was trying to get up, but didn't have the strength, so she reached a shaky hand out, pulled Harry down under her and covered him with her body.
" Foolish, Mudblood, you think that will save your half-blood brat."
Again Lily screamed, and Harry had to cover his ears with his hands, but she did not move off him.
"I am sick of this silly games." Voldemort sneered. "Say goodbye to you mummy, little Harry, Avada Kedavra."
Green light lit up the room and Lily's body collapsed on top of Harry, he had to crawl out from under her and rolled her over, her once lively green eyes stared up at him lifeless.
"No, Mum." Harry cried, laying his head on her side.
"How very sad, almost breaks my heart." Voldemort laughed
Harry raised his head and glared at him.
" You have to have a heart before it can break."
"Shame your brothers have now lost: their father, their mother and soon their baby brother will be dead too." Voldemort raised his wand at Harry.
Harry fall over and screamed, as he felt like his very bones were on fire, thunder roared as Voldemort threw his head back and laughed. lighting once again lit up the room, as Harry laid on the floor, he saw his mothers wand, under the bed it had rolled with in reach. He needed to distract Voldemort, if he wanted to get the wand.
"Don't you think, you're over doing it with that cures?" Harry asked.
"You dare mouth me, boy." Voldemort demanded, as Harry reached and grabbed the wand. He slowly made it to his feet, but stumbled a little. He thought of all the people Voldemort had hurt: he killed his dad, who was trying to help him and his mum get away, he thought of his mother dying to keep him a live, his best friend Rigel was being raised by his uncle, because his parents were already dead because of this evil man standing in front of him. Harry let all his anger take over, pushing away any fear he had.
Harry slowly raised his mother's wand and pointed it at Voldemort, who stopped laughing.
"Oh, Harry, do you want to fight me? You a little eight year old."
"Crucio." Harry cried.
Voldemort didn't scream, like Harry and his mother did or did he drop to the floor, but he did yelp and stumble back, he straighten back up and stared at Harry in shock.
He then sneered "You will pay for that, half-blood!" Voldemort pointed his wand to the ceiling, said a spell Harry didn't know, then pointed the wand back at Harry.
"Avada Kedavra."
Voldemort yelled out the killing curse same time, Harry had cast a blasting curse at him. Voldemort's curse hit Harry first, but just bounced off his forehead back at him, and Harry was blasted out the window, cutting a big gash on his side, and he landed in the half dead rose bushes under the window. When both curses hit Voldemort, his body was blasted apart, body parts and blood went everywhere, barely alive Voldemort fled, and the last thing Harry saw, before unconsciousness took him, was a green skull with a snake coming from its mouth, hanging in the sky, as rain came down soaking him, and as he closed his eyes, he could swear he heard the sound of his godfather's flying motorcycle.