This is a story inspired by I'm not falling for you by ronOReds. I reread it and decided to do trashy reality TV vampire academy style.


Dimitri: Rose I'm sorry, but I just don't love you anymore, I love Fai.


Dimitri:lol just kidding. Luckily, Fai doesn't own vampire academy so I'll always love you.

Me: luckily, my ass. *pouts*

Casting Director's POV

I stifled a groan as another pair of girls left the room. I'd interviewed over twenty girls so far, and was ready to give up. All the Sugar girls were whores, and all the Spice girls were under the impression that stealing a pack of gum was Spicy. They did not pay me enough for this crap. I looked down at my files for the names of the next two girls.

Rosemarie Hathaway-Spice, age 19

Vasilisa Dragomir- Sugar, age 19

After half a cup of coffee the girls entered. For once I could actually tell which girl was interviewing for which part. Vasilisa, donning a high ponytail, wore a pink ruffled scoop neck with blue jeans and flats. Rosemarie wore a dark red halter top, skinny jeans, and heels that looked so uncomfortable I was surprised she could walk. Her dark hair curled around her waist. Both girls were very pretty in opposite ways. Vasilisa had the dainty and regal look that made her look like a princess. Rosemarie had an obvious beauty with a dangerous glint in her eye.

I shook hands with the girls and began- or at least tried to; Rosemarie had interrupted me in the first ten seconds warning that if I called them anything but Rose and Lissa, I'd be leaving here with a black eye. Vasilisa had apologized and glared at Rose until she gave me something resembling an apology. They had a perfect balance to each other. Neither truly wore the pants in their friendship, I could tell already.

"How did you become friends," I asked first. Vasilisa and Rose smirked and recounted their first meeting.

"We were five, paired up as writing partners, and I thought that making little kids spell our ridiculously long names was beyond torture. So I threw our spelling book at the teacher and called him a fascist bastard," she shrugged. Vasilisa laughed.

"And thus a best friendship was born," Vasilisa smiled locking pinkies with Rose. I held my serious face for almost ten seconds before breaking down and laughing my ass off. They probably thought I was insane.

When I regained my composure I continued doing my job. "So why are you guys doing this. Money, Fame, Money?" I asked. Both girls shook their heads.

"I don't need money, I have no interest in paparazzi shoving their cameras in my face, and I simply thought this would be a great bonding experience for us," Vasilisa said crossing her ankles. I nodded. Rose opened her mouth, and I expected something ridiculous to come out, instead she surprised me.

"While I don't expect to find the love of my life I do expect to find a boyfriend who's genuinely a good guy, and not bullshitting me to be on TV. And believe me I can see through bullshit." I smiled, these girls were actually people, which is a nice change. I looked back down at the paper for my next question.

"How's your family life? Any reason they wouldn't approve of you being on TV?" From their reactions I could tell I had just asked a bad question. Vasilisa's eyes filled with tears, and Rose closed her eyes and trembled. I waited a full minute before Rose opened her eyes and spoke.

"My mother left me when I was four for her dream job in Switzerland. I have no idea who my dad is, so I stayed at my boarding school during the summer. Then I met Liss, and I just stayed with her family during the holidays. At least, until we were fifteen when…" she trailed off and looked at Vasilisa. The blonde took a deep breath before talking.

"I always had a good life, my family had a six generation knack for finding oil. Rose became the sister I'd always wanted, and I was eager to put her in the family. We were happy, young," she paused her eyes far away, "but then, all that shattered. My family was gone in a flash of twisted metal. We never found the drunken asshole that did it. Now Rose and I live in a little two bedroom apartment in New York. She is my family," Vasilisa finished.

I looked at these girls my mouth slightly open. Not only did they meet the requirements, but they were interesting, funny, and actual friends. I stood up signaling the end of the interview. I shook both their hands and watched them walk out, a small smile on my face.

1 week later


I heard Lissa's excited squeal from the living room. She ran in, her hair half-done, and her dress not zipped. I rolled my eyes at her. Jeremy had probably called back. I thought he was a loser, but Liss insisted on giving him a chance. She was smiling from ear to ear her phone in her hand. I watched her press the speaker button, and went back to my Chow Mein.

"Okay you can talk now, Rose is here," she said happily. Pretty soon she was gonna start bouncing off the walls.

"Rose, Vasilisa, you have been accepted to be Sugar and Spice. We are pleased to-" Whatever she was gonna say was drowned by both our screams of joy. The woman stopped talking and waited for us to finish. When we had calmed down she spoke again.

"We'd like you to meet us at our location. Get a pen and write this down." Lissa ran off to get a pen, and dutifully wrote the address down. The woman hung up.

"I have to change out of this dress if I'm gonna be Sugar. It's a bit to slutty for my tastes anyway," she said thoughtfully. I glared.

"That used to be mine."

"My point exactly."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh nothing…Spice." I groaned; that nickname was gonna get old fast. She ran upstairs to get changed.

A half an hour later, Liss looking 'Sugar appropriate' ran to the cherry red motorcycle she'd gotten me for my sixteenth. I doubt she would've bought it for me if she'd have known she would be riding it as well. Liss put on her helmet, and I put on my jacket. I revved the engine and sped through the perpetual New York traffic, knowing I could flirt my way out a ticket.

The building had its own parking garage, saving me the hassle of getting my bike flipped off for taking a parking space. I did the ceremonious hiding of the helmet; Liss had been so afraid someone would steal the helmet that we each took turns hiding and finding it. I hid it deep in some bushes, and shook my windswept hair out. Liss made sure her bun was still perfectly in place, while I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

We walked, our matching black Christian Louboutin heels clacking against the pavement. The buildings interior, was mocha, with cream furniture, and brick walls.

Liss was gonna be an interior decorator, and spent so much time assessing buildings, that I couldn't help but categorize each item.

The woman who we talked on the phone with, who I now recognized as the casting director, led us to a small room painted black, with six of the squishiest chairs I'd ever seen, three of them already occupied. The casting director sat in her chair, and smiled at us. Following her example we sat in the remaining chairs.

"Congratulations, Rosemarie," I flinched involuntarily at my full name, "and Vasilisa. Sugar and Spice is the latest dating show, and you get to be on it. I'm Stan Alto, I'll be your manager," a dark haired man, who I could already tell I would hate, said. He introduced the others. Celeste, and Jean, our personal stylists, Emil, a redhead, with a great smile, was to be the director, last was Alberta, the reason we were here. If anything went wrong, we were to come to her. She winked at us, and turned back to Stan.

He cleared his throat before explaining the show to us. We'd each get seven guys fawning over us. Every Monday we'd have a challenge, winner gets a date on Tuesday, Wednesday everyone had a group date. Thursday we pick a guy to go on a date with. Friday we make our decisions on who goes home, Friday night at midnight, me or Liss would pick who went home. Saturday at midnight, whoever didn't go yesterday would pick who went home. Next week it'd switch. We only got away from the cameras until eight am, plus a few exceptions, like the bathroom.

I took a deep breath memorizing the information overload. Liss already had it memorized. They stood up, and me and Liss were only a couple seconds late. Alberta smiled at us and said we'd be hearing from them in a couple of months.

A couple of months later

Me and Liss were in the ridiculously large mansion in backwoods Montana. At my request there was a state of the art workout area. I needed to keep my figure if it killed me. Until the accident I'd been a typical teenage girl's weight and muscle. After, I felt the need to protect Lissa, so I packed on ten pounds of muscle, and took fighting lessons. Liss would never get hurt again.

We were in the basement turned movie theater, looking at the audition tapes. They were labeled with the recommendations on who'd they be best for. For the most part we agreed and narrowed it down to about thirty guys. We actually played rock, paper, scissors, to see who got a gorgeous brit by the name of Sirius. I won. I almost gave him up for the next guy, Dimitri. He was recommended for Liss, but after seeing the puppy dog eyes I was giving him, she handed him over. I hugged her and proclaimed her to be the best friend in the history of the universe.

When we were finished, Celeste and Jean called us to do our makeup, reminding us of our lines, and making us sexylicious. Halfway in, Alberta ran to us, a victorious smile on her face.

"I got the rights to "With a Little Help From my Friends" We can use it for our theme song." Lissa and I gaped at her; she'd been trying to get that song for the longest. Alberta had a habit of getting exactly what she wanted. She wore a satisfied smirk.

"Have you picked the guys yet? Good, I need to tell those at the hotel who's going home. I'll see you soon." She was on her Blackberry before she even left the room.

"I think Alberta's overworked. She doesn't deserve this much pressure," Lissa said as soon as her hair was done, stick straight, and skimming the middle of her back.

Celeste snorted. "Alberta loves her job, and would skin us alive if we told her she should take a break. And to be quite frank, I don't think I trust anyone else with this much pressure." I smiled and stood up looking at myself in the mirror.

I had big curls down my back, and was about to get dressed. Liss was right in front of me, slipping into a jade green strapless minidress and white leggings. I had a backless black dress that stopped mid-thigh, and purple leggings. My nazar (the one gift from my mother and father) hung around my neck. We waited at the top of the stairs our hands locked.

Do you need anybody? Fifteen seconds left. We started down the stairs.

I need somebody to love. Ten seconds left. Halfway there.

Could it be anybody? Five seconds left. We reached the bottom.

I want somebody to love. I could hear their voices as I walked out.

I smiled at the boys and we said one of our few lines. "Welcome to Sugar and Spice!"

A little bit of a cliffy! Review to find out what happens.