October 13, 1982-

-The foot of -

Hmph, I wouldn't be suprised if anyone decided to laugh at us. I'm not completely blind to the humor in this situation. The one and only leader of arguably the most powerful gang in Ellay, and he's on a magical adventure to save the world with a bunch of twelve year olds. Seriously, how can you not laugh at this? This is definetly not what I had in mind when I-when we created the gang. God, I need a drag. I take out a smoke and light it. It's dark; and we're chillin out by a campfire, at the foot of the mountain, just outside the cave. It's gotta be about midnight. The little ones should be asleep by now. I really should calling them by their real names though, the girl's name is Ana, and the guy's name is Ninten. I gotta make sure to remember that, otherwise angry ol' Ninten will try and knock my old ass out. I snicker and take a drag from my cigarette.

"Smoking is bad for you, you know." Crap, one of them is awake. I could've sworn Ana was out like a light too.

"Yes, I am aware of that, hippies like yourself really enjoy reminding me that." She giggled a bit. Well, it's true.

"Still, I don't think it's a good a idea to smoke, considering the situation we're in." I shrug. The weird part about Ana is that she has a very motherly vibe to her. She always looks at you like she cares. Which is something I'm not used to. When somebody 'cares' about you in Ellay. It means you're probably about to get stabbed in the back, literally and figuratively.

"As long as it doesn't become a liability, I don't see the problem with it. Plus, I was even considerate enough to wait for you and Ninten to sleep before I went out." I look at her. The little girl means well, always looking out for me, not like it's a bad thing. It's actually been a pretty long time since anybody has looked out for me, probably because I don't need anyone in most situations. On the other hand, Ana can creep me out sometimes, she sounds way too smart to be 12. Then again, I bet she was suprised when she found out that the sleazy gang leader can actually pronounce words with more than two sylables, life is full of suprises.

"So, what brings you walking around this late at night?" I ask her.

"I couldn't sleep." She sighed, exasperated. "You think WAY too loud." I scoff.

"Really now? Well, I'll make sure to think a little quieter just for you from now on, but I thought you had some personal policy about reading people's minds?" She looks at me.

"I do, It's just harder to control when I'm sleeping." I nod, it makes sense in a 'what in the goddamn is going on' kind of way

"But, why would you have the power to read minds, but not use it." I look at the ground. "You're supposed to use any and all advantages you have. That's how life works."

"People deserve to keep their thoughts to themselves. Remember how you felt when Ninten read your mind and exposed your secret about the two cops?" Ugh, I can't argue with that. He didn't even say anything bad either. Just knowing that he knows about... That, just makes me shudder.

"So. Do you know?" I ask, unwilling to hear the answer. "Do you know about it? What happened two years ago?" A sad expression filled Ana's face. So it seems she does.

"I don't know much. Just I only know about your friend. I searched your mind when we first met, when we thought you were just another one of those goons."

"I see. Well, I have to correct you. I really should still be just another one of those goons, I just got off better than them." Ana shook her head.

"No Teddy, you shouldn't. You're strong, intelligent, and friendly. You are nothing like those guys Ninten and I fought. How can you just say you should be just like them when your their leader?"

"Because I'm not their real leader. That title belongs to someone else, someone else who earned it. I'm the king because he's not around." The memories of what happened two years ago start flooding me.

"You are guilty about your friend, aren't you?" Ana asks me. "Let me ask you this. Do you think your friend would want you to live like this?" I can't answer. Would he want me to maintain the legacy the B.B? Or would he want me to be happy? I can't answer that question.

"I don't know. I honestly don't know. I can only do what I feel is right." Ana flashed a quick look of dissapointment.

"Living in regret like that isn't healthy, Teddy. You'll destroy yourself like that." She said while looking at the ground.

"I doubt it. At this rate, this little adventure is going to kill me off first. I still can't believe I helped you fight off a dragon. Although, it's not that bad. At least I got a sweet weapon." I laugh, thinking about my new sword.

"That's not funny." Ana says seriously. "I for one, don't want you to die." Ain't that just adorable.

"Hmph, and what would my death mean to you? You don't even know me, I should be nothing more than a simple minded gang leader to you." I take a drag and laugh. "Wow, listen to little old me. I'm sounding pretty messed up now huh? Jeez, don't worry Ana. I really just want to know why your so concerned about little old me."

"Because your our friend Teddy." She looks into my eyes. Friend, I haven't a lot of those since about two years ago, and those morons in the B.B don't count either. They only hang around me because I scare the shit out of them. Ana lets out a deep sigh. "We're friends Teddy. Friends help each other out, no matter what. I'm obviously not getting to you, but you'll understand one day. I'll leave you to mope about by yourself now. Goodnight, Teddy." I nod to her as I look around the mountain. I sigh as I put out my smoke. I start to walk back to the campfire with Ana, as I'm walking I hear a roar. Ana and I turn around in suprise to find a FUCKING BLACK BEAR CHARGING AS US!