Hey! I got bored of my other story so I decided to write this after I found no Teddy stories. Well, first time for everything right? Please read and review and all that crap. Tell me if you want more. Oh and one more thing. I like Mother 1 more than Mother 3 and Earthbound. I have to be like, the only fan like that right?

I wake up in the same shabby apartment I have lived in for the past 9 years. The floor creaks and the ceiling leaks. I share the place with my mom and alchoholic dad. This, this is home huh? I always thought a home should be like those houses on T.V, you know what I'm talking about. A nice, well lit place with a hard working father and a trophy mother whose smile could always cheer you up, you should always have nice food at home. Well, home is where the heart is.

I finally wake up. I was never a morning person. I was greeted with a drip of water splashing on my forehead. Right, It was raining yesterday. It always rains in Ellay. It rained yesterday and it will probally rain again later.

I get out of bed and get dressed. The same red shirt with a black windbreaker and black jeans. My black jeans are ripped in a few places. I can just lie and say it's in style or something. Lucky me, I have an excuse to look poor. I get my toothbrush and make my way to the water fountain to brush my teeth. On my way to the door, I pass my hungover father.

"Oh god." He moans with his hand on his face. "I have a headache, and my arm hurts for some reason." Oh really? I wonder why? Maybe it's because you punched me in the ribs too many fucking times! I wish I could just yell that at him right now. Damn it, I wish I was a little braver to stand up to the bastard. Why am I such a coward? My side starts to ache from remembering what happened yesterday. He yelled that I was evil and I had black blood or something, he then punched me in my side at hard as he could. He kept yelling that I had black blood and kept hitting me, and I just stood there and took it like the coward I am. I hate myself sometimes.

I walk outside to the water fountain. I put a bit a vinagar on my toothbrush, toothpaste is really expensive. I brush my teeth with the stuff. It still tastes like shit. After brushing I reach in my pocket for the small package of breath mints I stole from the market. I pop one in my mouth to keep the bad breath away. I look back at 'home' . There is a hole in the ceiling. The windows are boarded up. What a shithole.

I go inside to my room and look at my mirror. Look at me! Hair's messed up, I'm wearing dirty hand-me-down clothes. 9 years old and I already know how to cuss, and I'm probally the most mature 9 year old ever. Mom says I'm unique and I'll be something one day, well I'm still waiting. I pull up my shirt to see I'm all bruised up on my body from my dad's drunken fury. My daily self hatred was then interupted by the loud honking of the school bus. I pass my mom tending to my hungover father.

"Bye mom and dad! Wish me luck at school!" I call out to humor myself. I know the answer. Mom nods to me. "Shut up for christ sake! You're so fucking loud!" My dad yells out. I sigh and leave the house. I make my way towards the school bus. I look back at my house one last time before getting on the bus. I pass by the students glaring at me before finding one unfilled seat. The other kids are still glaring at me but I pay them no attention. The bus starts to move and I go to school.

My name is Teddy, I'm 9 years old. This is my life, and it's ending one pathetic minute at a time.