"AHHHH!" Lexi screamed and stepped around on the floor as a little brown mouse zoomed around her feet, carrying all the food from the fridge it could carry.

"Lexi, what is it? Is everything alright?" Ace came into the main room of their head quarters.

"There's a mouse!"

Ace raised an eyebrow. "A… mouse? You can fight so many things, but when ya find a mouse you freak?"

Lexi ignored the comment and leapt away, into Ace who smiled. "Come on, Lex. You have to be kidding me."

Suddenly, the mouse shouted, "You can't catch me! I'm the fastest mouse in all of Acmeopolis!"

Duck, Tech, Rev and Slam finally walked in to see Lexi hugging Ace like her life was over and the mouse zooming into a mouse hole.

"Wow! That mouse is fast!" Tech exclaimed. Rev looked at him. "Well, not THAT fast, just fast for a mouse."

"It's-ok-I-understand-buddy. I-know-you-didn't-mean-it-like-that."

Danger Duck peeked inside the mouse hole.

"I wouldn't do dat, Duck," Ace warned.

Duck laughed. "Come on, Ace. It's just a mouse. Look at it! I bet it stole the cheese, huh-" Duck screamed and pulled his face away from the hole, his eyes flaming red like they were irritated and burning.

Lexi shrugged. "Mouse stole the hot sauce from Taco Palace."

"Taco Palace? MY TACO SAUCE!" Duck sneered at the hole and they heard a small giggle escape from it, a girl giggle.

"Well-look-at-that.-It's-a-she-mouse!" Rev sped through.

Slam scratched his head and thought. "Puddycat?"

Ace snapped his fingers. "That's not a bad idea, Slam. What do you think, team? Do you think we could use an exterminator?"

Duck rubbed his radish red eyes. "That seems like a banner idea."

Lexi smiled. "I know a cat who works down at the perfume store; she may be up to it."

Duck looked at her with his red eyes. "You go to perfume stores?"

Lexi pulled her hands behind her back, guiltily. "On occasion, but that's not important."

Ace ignored Duck. "So what's this fancy feline's name?"

Lexi looked up. "Belle Pussycat."