What happens when Rachel Berry decides she needs to show everyone who exactly she was, add a new attitude and Kurt & Mercedes makeover and your presented with a new girl with one thing on her mind "Time to Defy Gravity and get what's mine."

*I do not own Glee or any of the characters within the show.*

If we were meant to be, why does it seem to always come to end.

Rachel Berry was never one to second guess herself. She was talented and all set to take Broadway by storm. She never relied on anyone for anything until she met Finn. Sure she was the classified 'Loser' of McKinley, but it never really hurt her. Finn was a jock who was Quarterback , that was simple enough to comprehend even for Brittany to understand. So why did Rachel let him into her heart just for him to shatter it.

Her, a 'Needy drunk' , Rachel may be a lot of things, but she was never 'needy'. How dare he, he had no right to say that to her. She told him the truth about the whole baby-gate debacle last year. She let him back into her heart after his little stunt to find his inner rockstar. Just look where that led to, her alone with everyone still hating her, Santana mocking her, and so-called teachers yelling at her. Don't get her wrong was a great teacher, but even the great ones have flaws, she should know.

She may have done wrong by kissing Noah, but Rachel knew in her heart Finn did wrong by sleeping with the school's mattress and lying to her about his Virginity. For him to dismiss her the way he did with no explanation, well it proved every insecurity she ever had about their relationship true, he would eventually leave her for a 'hot cheerio' which he did, he left her to be with Quinn.

Finn may have hurt her before, but what hurt her the most was when he and Quinn cheated behind Sam's back. Well karma sucks for them, because they both got caught when the resident mattress decided to finally do some good in the world and expose them for their infidelities. Finn may as well as been the world's biggest hypocrite for that stunt alone. Even when Rachel decided to make peace with him in the nurses office, he ended up hurting her maybe not intentionally, but he still hurt her.

Fireworks, he felt fireworks with Quinn, the true sign of true love. When she asked him he didn't say anything. Well maybe he felt fireworks with Quinn, but she herself was a Firework and it was time to explode and let her colors shine.

But, how? Rachel Berry needed a way to leave Finn Hudson behind and show the world who she was and she knew just the people that could help her.


"Rachel, honey your Father and I are going to be leaving this weekend for a business trip to Chicago." Leroy said as he was approaching her on the couch.

"It's not that we don't trust you or anything, but please no more parties." Hiram said from behind her which nearly scared Rachel.

" So in other words, Puckerman is not allowed over." Leroy said with the most serious look possible, that kind of reminded Rachel of how her Dads felt after discovering she had a party.

" Don't worry Daddy, I fully intend to take advantage of this weekend and have some girl time with Kurt and Mercedes, and I believe Blaine is coming also so we decided on girls vs guys diva-off's."

" Well just make sure to tell Blaine and Kurt, no fooling around." Hiram had made a point that Rachel had to remind Kurt and Blaine of.


"Hiram we have to leave or we are going to be late, Rachel darling be safe."

"Always am Dad, have a safe trip. Love you"

After a minute of goodbyes Rachel returned to the couch where she continued to think about how she was going to show McKinley, who exactly Rachel Barbra Berry was.

Before falling asleep she had one final thought, "Hell Have No Fury Like A Woman Scorned" .

Well this was my first Fanfic, I hope you guys like it, feel free to review or not, leave me suggestions and I would greatly appreciate them.

Hearts and Kisses,

Starr 3