The look of pure horror on Nowaki's face was hilarious as he fixed his eyes on the glossy purple manga dangling from my fingers. He opened his mouth, then shut it, then opened it, then shut it again.

"I can explain!" he blurted.

"There's nothing to explain."

"It's not what it looks like!" he said desperately.

"What does it look like, Nowaki?"

"It was a gift from a patient and I just-"

"Are you lying to me, Nowaki?" I hissed.

"Ah, well, alright, I bought it," he said heavily. "It's the only series I read though, I swear!"

"Why did you have it stashed under the mattress like porn?"

"I didn't know what you would thin since Hiro-san is a literature professor and manga is-"

"Hatori-sensei has a very good sense of humor," I interjected calmly. Nowaki blinked at me warily as realization dawned. I broke down and laughed like a madman.

"Hiro-san . . . that wasn't very nice," Nowaki whined after I calmed down.

"You should have seen your face, coward."

"Please give it back," he mumbled.

"I'm not done yet." I snatched the book light lying forgotten in one of his big hands. "Akihiko called when I was in the middle." I clipped the light to the manga cover and scooted over so that I sat hip-to-hip with my idiot lover. "Don't hide things from me," I muttered with my eyes on the page as his arm came around me automatically, "or I'll be forced to punish you," I added for good measure. Nowaki chuckled.

"Promise, Hiro-san?"

The End!

AN: Thank you for reading and for the generous reviews! I'm going to start putting up a fic for the Finder series soon, in case you're interested.