A Note of Humble Apology

Ah, hi.

This note is an apology to those of you who have read my story so far, and have been frustrated with the lack of updates.  Some of you have been good enough to send me emails enquiring as to the future of The Night Path.  I realized that I owe you some type of explanation.

After I put up the last chapter, I was set to get to work on Chapter 8.  Unfortunately, life threw a rock in the calm waters of my mind…I entered into a period of utter chaos in my life, emotionally and financially.  School took a turn for the worse, and once I finally got all of that sorted out, I no longer knew where Chapter 8 was going anymore.  Nothing I wrote was even remotely connected to what had gone before it – and I didn't want to have that kind of a disjointed story.

So I had to back away from the story for a while, and hope that inspiration would strike and my muse would return.  I read recently that an author shouldn't put up a story serially unless they have the whole thing written ahead of time…that an author has a responsibility to the reader.  I think that is true, and I wish that I had read that before I got us all embroiled in this.  But your words of encouragement have meant a lot to me, and they inspire me to try to do better.

Some of you might be saying, "But you wrote a story for a different fandom during your break!  Traitor!"  (Well, I hope not :-))  It's true, I did write a Star Trek story during my off-time, and it was a refreshing change.  It also practically wrote itself over the course of an afternoon, and I looked at it as a valuable writing exercise.

Basically, this is a note to say, "Hang on, I haven't forgotten this story.  I'm trying my best."  My housemate has been riding me about this lately, and she is quite capable of beating me up if I don't get going soon.  Really, she is.
