A Sonadow Poem


Red upon green

To the love they decree their way to see the logic in each other's eyes

A sparkle of life or some sort of unexplainable surprise

They continue to stare as the wind blew below

The moon shined bright, casting the shadow back home

Their eyes met under the hypnosis of the time

The moment they spend here will forever be in their mind

They draw closer, slowly do they step

Before being an inch closer, almost losing their grip

No words were exchanged between the two

What else could they have said

He could not say his feelings, to underestimate the other would be death

However the red eyed man had a separate thought in some degree

There is no way this youngster could ever fall for me

Despite the doubts and everlasting wait

They proceeded without question

No reason as to why the other stayed

Their actions were almost involuntary, as if controlled by a man

The master of puppets, playing with the strings in his hand

They did as they pleased and pursued with a kiss

They did not reject the other or ask, 'what is this?'

Black arms wrapped around the cerulean waist

He drew him in closer, he was drawn to the taste

With dignity, he went right along

He too did the same, but pushed him hard against the wall

They deepened their kiss as the sound came aloud

Like droplets hitting a pond that has always been around

The red eyed hedgehog caressed his arms against the back

Slowly driving them down, down and back

The young one widened his eyes at the feeling so pure

As if he wanted something, something he could not ignore

It was too late to reject, he wanted him now

But the question should be, did the dark one want now

To be the time of a virgin would be depleted from the world

A disgrace to people, the people of the world

Red eyes widened, there was no escape now

His expression read, 'please take me now'

To do as he pleased, I could not resist

To give in to the temptation of me having him

Hands caressed against each other over black and blue

Until it crept downward, beneath the legs so fine

The black body kneeled down and looked up whispering, "I will make you mine."

He dug for the groin and placed it in a slide

Green eyes rolled up at the sudden turn

A feeling of sucking was making the vision blur

He wanted him badly to quickly have a turn

But the cobalt didn't mind if there was no time for him

What mattered was that he was giving it all to him

The blue one moaned as the feeling progressed

The feeling of pleasure as he said, "Oh yes!"

The feeling was progressing; it could not be stopped now

The moaning and screaming was increasing now

"Yes! Yes!" he shouted in the alley down the street

The one in the corner where the poor man goes to sleep

He was not here, he did not hear

For he is deaf you see, he could not hear

The tongue felt numb at the constant movement

But Shadow did not care, he was enjoying the moment

He liked to hear the hero scream and beg for more

As if it was at his mercy, the blue one would score

His mouth felt warmer as the feeling went on

What's this? Did his penis get more long?

Shadow looked up but did not change his scene

He watched the hero close his eyes as the mouth released another scream

Then suddenly a hot white filling creamed as a sentimental treat to the awaiting mouth

'How glorious is this? I have cum in my mouth!'

The black hedgehog sucked harder to take it all in

It was then after that the black hedgehog let go

Wiped his mouth with his wrist and begged for more

The blue hedgehog shrugged and smiled with his face

"Geez Shadow, it was me who wanted to fuck you in the first place!"