Disclaimer: I don't own anything but myself and hell I'd trade that for some god damn reviews.
A/N: I couldn't resist after playing a game were you go in order of the alphabet and name a thing in a specific category. The fanfic will just be random stories of Akatsuki and of course it being in theme with the letter of the chapter, sorta. Also, for the most part not many of the chapters will be in chronological order.

A is for Aphrodisiac

Deidara was having an extremely bad day. First he had been scolded by Pein for trying to kill Tobi, which wasn't even fair because it was Tobi he was allegedly trying to kill. Tobi was harder to kill than a roach.

"Then Itachi had to rain on my parade when I had finally gotten Tobi back for . . . wait what had Tobi done that pissed me off so bad again?" Deidara pondered.

"Oh well, he probably deserved it anyway," The blond artist thought to himself.

Itachi had ruined Deidara's fun before he could really kill Tobi by alerting Pein which has now brought us full circle. The bomber looked around his room for something that could possibly keep his attention for long.

Deidara started trying to think of something that could amuse him, "My bombs are out because I can't draw anymore attention to myself today, I can't hurt Tobi because of today's earlier incident, but I could go look through Sasori-Danna's old room just for the hell of it."

With this poorly made plan in his mind he started towards his old partners room. The door still had the almost childish "keep-out' sign on his door just like he left it. After a quick glance over his shoulders to make sure nobody saw him the blond bomber opened the door and shut it behind him not realising he had inadvertently locked himself inside the room.

"So this is what it looks like in here," he said to himself.

It was a bit surprising that it was so messy in the puppeteer's room. Deidara had always thought his partner would have been a clean freak. He wondered about the mess while walking towards a shelf with a crudely made label reading "air type" full of vials containing multiple funny colored liquids. Sadly for Deidara who hadn't been paying close attention, a vial was knocked off of the shelf and on to the floor were it shattered. The man turned to see this and ran to the door attempting to not knock over anything else only to find that he had looked himself in.

"Shit, if that was poisonous I am totally dead, there's no other way to get out of here!" he silently cursed to himself.

Deidara held his breath and picked up a piece of the glass with most of the label still on it. The vial read "Aphrodisiac, causes a-" the rest of the label was gone. Deidara knew he would have to breath sooner or later so he just got it over with. He stood in the same spot for a few seconds and let out a sigh of relief that he was still alive. The relief was short lived however when he started to feel rather uncomfortable. When he looked down to see his reason for discomfort he realized exactly what aphrodisiac was and what it caused.

"Oh fuck."