I searched and searched for you. I looked everywhere I could. Demo, I still can't find you. Igneel, where are you? Father, where did you go?

The little boy was running through the forest. "Igneel! Igneel!" Even though the rain began to fall, he did not stop running. He did not stop looking. "Where did you go! Igneel!"

From the guild, his fellow guild members stared down at him through the window. MiraJane smirked, "Now that's the kind of cute loyalty I like to see!"

"He should come inside, though, he might catch a cold," Cana said.

"It's no use," a boy replied bitterly.

"G-Gray," Cana said.

"I'm just saying the truth. You all know what day it is," he pointed out.

Lisanna and Happy exchanged worried glances.

"Father's Day, ka?" Erza stared out the window.

Igneel, I finally learned Dragon Slayer magic. I learned it real good; just like you taught me.

Natsu closed his eyes tightly to hold in the tears. He was soaked to the bones, but it didn't bother him.

"Oi, is that you, Natsu?" a familiar voice called out.

The pink-haired little boy turned to see a man in a cloak. "G-Gildarts," he stuttered.

"Oh!" the man laughed, "I was right! What are you doing out in the rain?"

Natsu wiped his nose with his sleeve and stood up. "It's none of your business! I was just training!" He marched past the S-Class mage trying to seem tough.

Gildarts smiled, "You know, Natsu, everyone's the same."

Natsu's eyes grew as he stopped to look back.

"No one really has any ideas about who their father was. Demo," he turned and looked Natsu in the eyes, "when you have a guild with you, does it really matter?"

Natsu stared at him with big eyes on the verge of tears.

He rubbed his head and laughed, "Come on, Natsu. I'll race you!"

"I-I. . ." Natsu began as he dashed off. "I'm not going to lose!"

"Yosh! That's what I like to hear!" Gildarts shouted.

Igneel, I will find you! I swear I will!

"Natsu!" Lisanna shouted as the boy ran through the doors.

"Huh, looks like the boy's back to normal," MiraJane smiled admirably.

"Aye!" the little neko cheered.

However, I'm not going to hurt my friends any longer.

"Happy! It's Gildarts!" Natsu grinned. "I beat him!"

"Humph, he was just going easy on you, Baka," Gray said.

"Huuh, what was that! Pervert!"

We're a guild!

Erza and Cana smiled.

We're Fairy Tail!

"Happy Father's Day, minna!" the boy grinned. (Gray sighed, "Baka. There's no 'fathers' here." Cana scolded, "Gray! Don't ruin the moment!" Erza hugged both the boys, "Yes. It really is.")