Sorry, I know I promised Monday, but my computer crashed so I wasn't able to get it to the Mac store to fix it until today. And I couldn't submit it at school because they blocked the site :(. Anyways, I have two more chapters after this and then the conclusion, like 5 years later epilogue chapter thingy that I always write. Okay ignore my babbling.

Declaimer: I own PLL and the characters just about as much as Jason owns a decent shampoo bottle. (Have you seen his hair? EW. Well I think its gross. But I also hate him.)

"Isn't this so exciting girls? We're finally graduating high school! 13 years of school and we finally are done." the pretty blonde girl said to the other 4 surrounding her. "Let's see." she mused. "Hanna, wear this black one. It makes you look thinner and you need a lot of help in that department." she said to the chubby girl. "Aria defiantly wear the green one. It makes you look taller and brings out your eyes. Emily wear the white one shoulder with your hair up. It makes you skin look really pretty, and it's sexy cause you can see you neck." she continued in a teasing voice to the black haired girl. The blonde leaned over and kissed the girls neck once before continuing. "Spencer wear the red top with the black belted mini. It looks professional Ms. Valedictorian." she finished looking at the nerdy looking girl in a serious mature voice.

"What are you going to wear?" Emily asked sincerely.

"A yellow layered top with skinny jeans and a boys army jacket." the pretty blonde replied in a new voice. Instead of sounding sexy and mature, she sounded like a 14 year old girl.

"But, that's what you were kidnapped in." Spencer said, confused, referring back to the time where their friend went missing for a few months. She obviously came back fine.

"I wasn't just kidnapped in that outfit. I was murdered in it." she said. All of a sudden the girls' body fell to the floor, dead.

"ALI, ALI? Are you okay?" 4 voices began screaming at once to the fallen girl, desperately clinging to her as she faded into nothing.


I jerked awake in my own room, back at my parents house. I was wrapped in Ezra's arms and we were both entangled in my sheets on my queen bed. I remembers the dream-no, nightmare-I had just woken up from and I started to sob into Ezra's bare chest.

"What's wrong?" Ezra asked in a worried tone as he woke up and kissed my forehead. "Bad dream?"

"Ali." I managed to choke out between sobs. My dead best friend, who should be graduating along side me, Hanna, Spencer, and Emily, was still invading my dreams.


I just woke up crying from a horrible dream. I looked down at my perfectly flat stomach, just to reassure my self. I also felt my face to check for acne. In the dream, with Ali, I was still hefty Hanna, uncool and chubby hefty Hanna. I was still crying when my mom came in the room, probably to wake me up.

"Hanna, are you okay?" she asked when she saw me crying. "Upset about graduating?" I shook my head, still sobbing uncontrollably. "Than what's wrong?"

"Ali." I said in a choked voice as I remembered how she could make you so popular and cool, yet make you feel so bad about yourself at the same time.


I jumped up out of bed as soon as I woke up. If dug around in my closet until I found the boys army jacket Ali described in the dream I had just had. Toby gave it to me the other day when I was cold. I knew it looked familiar, but I didn't realize it until now. It was the same jacket Ali found in the woods the night she was killed. I found the jacket and sniffed it. It smelled like Toby, but when I sniffed it again, I caught a bit of Gilly Hicks perfume. The kind Ali always wore, before, of course, she was murdered.


As soon as I woke up, my hand flew to my neck which was still tingling from Ali's kiss in my dream. He had been the same as she was years ago. Adorable, experienced, kind, funny, helpful. All the things that made me fall in love with her again and again and again. But she was also the same bitchy, snarky, teasing, vengeful person I remember. I rolled over trying to get the thought of the few short kisses me and Ali shared out of my head, which was infinitely harder when I rolled into my long time girlfriend, Maya. I feel bad thinking about my feelings for Ali when I know I was in love with Maya. But, still, I feel like Ali will always have a place in my heart.


I walked into the gym where all the seniors were getting ready with all the caps and gowns and speeches and such. I found Spencer, Hanna, and Emily all together in one corner of the room. I walked over to them.

"Hey guys what's..."I began before Spencer cut me off.

"Did you have a dream last night?"

"About Ali?" Spencer nodded. "Yeah why?"

"We all did too." said Emily in an upset voice. Since she always loved Ali, any mention of her had always been hardest on Emily rather than any of the other girls.

"She was talking about graduation and dresses and such when she dropped dead." I said and all the other girls nodded confirming we had the same dream.

"It's so weird. Do you think it means anything?" Hanna asked.

"I'm not sure." Spencer said.

"Guys, look." Emily said slowly pointing to a spot several feet away from us in the gym. Amongst the group of seniors struggling to get into caps and gown, was a beautiful blonde girl with blue eyes. The girl from our dreams; an older version of Ali.

"Ali." We all said at the same time.

"Well I guess I know why we all had that dream now. " Spencer said.

"Its still weird," said Hanna.

"Ali?" Emily said again as the girl approached them.

"You guys must be Emily, Hanna, Spencer, and Aria, right?" Ali said. We all nodded. "Well, I'm not Ali." The girl continued. "I'm her twin sister, Courtney. We were somehow separated at birth and I was put up for adoption. But I did get a card with Ali's name on it. When I turned 18 a few months ago, and was legally able to search for my birth family, I looked up Ali's name. I was so upset when I heard about her murder. I'm sure you can tell, it was not hard to find out that she lived in Rosewood. I got here last night looking for my parents." (A/N: I changed it a lot from the book cause that would involve A LOT of explaining and plot holes ect. Yes, I'm lazy :P)

"Wow. We had no idea about you. Ali never said anything." I said to Courtney in shock.

"I can tell. I'm not even sure if Ali knew about me." She replied with an upset face.

"All graduating students please go backstage, the ceremony will begin shortly." A teacher said over a loudspeaker.

"Well, that's my cue to go." Said Courtney.

"Do you want to meet us at the Grille later. We can all talk and get to know each other and such." Emily said to a retreating Courtney.

"Sounds fun. I'll meet you guys there." She replied over her shoulder.

Then me and the three girls headed off to finally graduate.

****I'm not entirely sure why I wrote this in an Ezria story, but I kindda like it so just deal with it. Maybe it's cause the show is starting to focus more on Ali now. Anyways, Ezria next chapter. Promise. REVIEW
