Hi Everyone I am really sorry it has taken so long to update. I am going through some personal stuff right now so writing has not been my main priority. I know this is short and I apologize I will try to update more often. Remember I loveee reviews:)

We all wake up extremely early the next morning. Uhh I hate mornings. They suck ass.

I take a quick shower and throw on a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt with a pair of black converse. I run my bags to the car and have Jacob load everyone else stuff into the 3 cars we will use.

I make sure everyone is up and within 30 minutes we are on the road. I take the Volvo with Puck, Mercedes, and Kurt. Jacob takes a few of the glee clubbers and Mr. Shue takes the rest. About 3 hours later we make it to our first rest stop. Everyone gets out and does their business and before we know it were on the road again.

The car ride gives me a lot of time to think. Uhh what if Edward is back. I mean I love him like there is no tomorrow but come on he freakin dropped me with the snap of a finger what happened to vampire love is forever and all that crap. I am kind of excited to see Alice though. Her and I get a long so well. She is like my best friend.

Anyway I guess it would be good to see my dad again. I really do miss him I didn't think it would be that bad to stay away from him since we were never that close but living with him for that while actually made us pretty close.

I look at the signs and notice we are only about a couple miles from Forks. Wow we made pretty good time. Only a 2 day drive. I notice Jacob pulling off what is he doing? Wait a minute I know what that slimy bastard is doing! He is leading my through the back way to the Cullens house! I almost didn't recognize it due to the shrubbery being grown in and blocking the road. I stop the car suddenly and wait for Jacob to notice I wasn't driving behind him. I see him stop shortly and get out of the car.

"Bella whats going on? Why did you stop?" He asks.

"You damn well know why I stopped! You think I wouldn't notice?" I yell. This got the attention of all the glee clubbers they all climbed out of the cars to get a better view.

"Bella come on its dark get back in the car."

"Fine but we are turning around and heading back to town and we can stay at my place!" I say.

"Nope not gonna happen we were offered a very nice place to stay and even I am ok with staying there in this situation so come on Bells do it for your friends I mean you wouldn't want them sleeping in a car all night?"

"Yes that is exactly what I want! Now everyone lets get back in the cars and turn around."

"NO! Bells come on they offered to let us stay there come on! Pixie said she was the only one going to be there!"

"Her name is Alice not pixie. Fine!" I say stomping my foot and finally giving in. Uhh this is going to be a long night.

We head up the dirt road towards the Cullens house. It hasn't changed a bit. I pull the car up to the front of the house and have everyone grab their bags. We all head up to the front door and I opened the front door. They always keep it unlocked. Alice walks down the stairs. "BELLA!" she yells throwing her arms around me. "I missed you so much Bella!"

"I missed you to Alice." I say honestly.

"Well all of you I am Alice. I set up the downstairs so you can all sleep on the couches or blow up mattresses." Alice directs them while I set my bag down on the stairs and let out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding. Man this was going to be one long week.