I woke up this morning to the sound of that dam alarm clock. My Uncle Hiram called from downstairs saying that my breakfeast was ready. Its really different living here with my uncles instead of my dad Charlie.

Wait a minute I am getting ahead of myself. My name is Bella Swan. I use to live with my dad in Forks Washington until my "loving" boyfriend left me. I fell into a state of depression and the only way my dad knew how to get me out of it was to ship me off to live with my uncles. My best friend Jacob Black didn't want me to go and I didn't either but I figured if I wanted to start over fresh and get out of this funk I needed to have a clean slate. I decided to change my name, my attitude, and my fahsion sense.

My uncles helped me out. They brought joy to my life in the form of music. I have always appreciated music but I never sang it. I finally sang and boy oh boy do I have a voice. It shocked everyone especially me.

Bing Bing. Oh crap that was a fact half hour of running on my eliptical. I tend to get lost in thought a lot.

I get ready for school kiss my uncles goodbye and head to McKinley in my black volvo. Yea I know it brings back bad memories but I couldn't find another car I love more.

I got to school and was immediatley met with a slushie. Yup my life couldn't get worse. So no I didn't have the perfect life and all of this teasing, taunting, and slushing has not helped my depression but as my uncles like to say I: "put on my show face and let everything roll right off me."

I was currently dating Finn. I thought dating the quarterback would help me with the slushie facials it didn't.
Finn was kind of a douche. I mean everyone jeered at me and he did nothing sometimes he even laughed. If these losers knew anything they wouldn't be laughing oh no they would be hididng in terror. Oh well Life is hard and than you die.

"Hey babe." Finn says walking over a kissing my cheek.

"Hey Finn, so I was thinking about the set list for regionals and I just have the best ideas I can't wait for glee today!" I notice his eyes glaze over. All I have to do is start talking and I don't have to listen to all of the unintelligable crap that comes out of his mouth. Ok so I really like glee, singing, and broadway but I am not the obsessed loser I lead everyone to believe.

I walk into first period biology and immediatley am bored. I learned all of this stuff last year in Forks. I was held back a year due to the fact I didn't go to any of my classes after um HE left me alone in the woods.


Finally its glee time. I walk in and everyone immediatley stops talking and looks at me. I roll my eyes smile and wave. "Hello guys!" say overly happy. I ignore all of the whispers.

walks in wearing one of his stupid sweater vests. Sometimes I really wonder about that guy and his hair! Oh my god how much hair gel do you think he uses?

"I have a new assignment for you guys. You have to sing a song that relates to your life. I want it to be deep and meaningful."

"Oh snap! I have a song already!" Santana yells. Hmm this is gonna be good.

I sit there trying not to fall on the ground laughing as she sings Can't Be Tamed by Miley Cyrus. Holy Crap thats comical. Hmm I guess thats her version of deep and meaningful.

Every one claps for her like she just made some emotional and empowering speech.

"Oh hello." says to the guy standing at the door.

I sit unmoving in my seat holy crap. What the hell was he doing here?

"Hey Bells." Jacob says walking over to me. I jump out of my seat and run over and hug him. Jacob lifts me up and swings me around.

"Jacob I missed you."

"I missed you to Bella but I do have on question. What the hell are you wearing."

I start laughing. "Its all part of Charlie's enjoy life and get out of depression plan."

"Hot Dam you will never be living this down. Wait till the guys see this they will die laughing! You gotta love Charlie."

"Hold up what the hell is a hunk like you doing talking to man hands?" Santana asks in her usual bitchy manner.

"Um whos manhands? I'm talking to my best friend Bella here."

"Bella? Who is Bella? And get your hands off my girlfriend!" Finn says angrily.

"Gi-ha-rl-haha-fr-hahhaha-iend-hahahah" Jacob says attempting to say girlfriend but instead fails due to his insesent laughing.

"Whats so funny about that?"

"First of all Bella doesn't date well as she puts it 'stupid meatheads that take joy in getting pushed around by other boys'"

"You still havn't answered why do you keep calling Rachel Bella?"

"Cause thats her name isn't it Bells."

"Uh yea guys Bella is my real name."

"Wait what else have you not told us?"

"My two "dads" are actually my uncles my dad lives in Washington and my mom and her new husband live in Forida. Wait I do have on question why are you here Jacob?"

"Umm well Victoria was wondering where you went off to and she was coming down for a visit so I decided to come down first and bring you back so you can stay with the whole family."

Oh crap Victoria is back.

"Oh that sounds like a good plan."

"Two problems which one do you want to hear first the worst one or the slight bump in the rode problem?"

"Um lets hear the slight bump in the rode."

"Well Victoria is very ademant about seeing you so she wants to see your friends to and by friends I mean the glee club."

"Wait if thats the slight bump in the rode maybe I don't want to hear the big problem."

"Uhh well 3 of the Cullens are back."

I take in a sharp breath shit.

"Ok, so the Cullens being back aren't that big of a problem that should have been the bump in the road!"

"I don't want to see you hurt again Bella!"

"Yea well to freakin late! Which 3 are back?"

"Uhh the blonde and her boyfriend and the short one that looks like a pixie."

"Ok, ok that I can deal with whats the plan?"

"Well guess what New Directions? You guys have won an all expense paid trip to Forks Washington!" Jacob said with fake enthusiasm.

"Wait hold up whats going on?" Mr. Shue said finally speaking up.

"Well I am having a family reunion in Forks. Forks has a really good glee club and you know we can compete against them." I say trying to get them to come with us.

They all seemed to agree which made my job easier.

I had to get the entire club to come. If Victoria was after me should would be after everyone I knew. Even if I didn't give a rats ass about any of them I would feel bad if they died because of me so the only logical thing to do is to bring them with me to forks and the wolves can help me take watch them until Victoria was killed.

Knowing some of the Cullens were in Forks made me nervous. I don't know what would happen if I were to see Edward again.

All I really knew is I am going to be excited to see the wolves again!

and I am going to stop here:)

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