Hey people!

Chapter 4 is up! :D

AND please check out my new story on KLAUS. It's called 'Eternally Bound' and it's going to beautifully epic :') Read and review :)

Enjoy this chapter, reviews would be coolz (:

Chapter 4

Bonnie Bennett is now in a relationship with Jeremy Gilbert.

(Elena Gilbert and Stefan Salvatore like this)

Elena Gilbert: awww congrats :*

Bonnie Bennett: thank u sweetyy :)

Damon Salvatore: U picked a witch?

(Klaus Smith and Tyler Lockwood like this)

Jeremy Gilbert: u shouldnt rly care, since u were the one who turned my 1st gf into a vamp

(Elena Gilbert, Stefan Salvatore and Bonnie Bennett like this)

Damon Salvatore: touché.

Jeremy Gilbert: exactly.

(Wall to Wall)

Klaus Smith to Elijah Smith: sup bro? XD

Elijah Smith to Klaus Smith: Any particular reason you've decided to socially annoy me?

Klaus Smith to Elijah Smith: ….

Elijah Smith to Klaus Smith: ?

Klaus Smith to Elijah Smith: I miss you.

Klaus Smith to Elijah Smith: :(

Elijah Smith to Klaus Smith: And I'm enjoying my life…Klaus-free :)

Klaus Smith to Elijah Smith: rmr wen we used to go to the butcherz shop and eat his meat?

Elijah Smith to Klaus Smith: lol, that was funny :P

Klaus Smith to Elijah Smith: Itook his chickens :P

Damon Salvatore: that sounds so WRONG :s

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Elijah Smith to Klaus Smith: yeah, u ran with them and he chased u like hell :P

Klaus Smith to Elijah Smith: I got saved cuz of u

Elijah Smith to Klaus Smith: Well DUH

(Elena Gilbert likes this)

Klaus Smith to Elijah Smith: brother, I wanna start ovr ..plz?

Elijah Smith to Klaus Smith:

Klaus Smith to Elijah Smith: I rlly miss u..nd I'll help u.. with anything :')

Elijah Smith to Klaus Smith: ….really?

Klaus Smith to Elijah Smith: Yeah

Klaus Smith to Elijah Smith: starting with ur relationship w stefaniee :D ;D

(Damon Salvatore loves this)

Elijah Smith: Theres a love button too now? -_-

Damon Salvatore: just installed it ;D


Elena Gilbert: Excuse me?

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Stefan Salvatore: I mean im not in a relationship wit Elijah…! ILU ELENA!

Tyler Lockwood: Awww, wen did ya break up wit him?

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Tyler Lockwood: P

Damon Salvatore: Elijah Smith: wtf :( I started this rumor nd Klaus gets the credit?

Elijah Smith: ALSO DAMON.

Damon Salvatore: all tht hard work n I just get side mentioned :(

Klaus Smith: Im awesome right? :D

Damon Salvatore: Fuck, I need a drink.

Damon Salvatore: Klaus Smith: no, u still suck

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Elijah Smith to Klaus Smith: ! ! ! WTF!

Klaus Smith to Elijah Smith: heheehe, got u, u idiot XD

Klaus Smith to Elijah Smith: do u seriously think im gona miss u?

Klaus Smith to Elijah Smith: Its payback time, bitch

Matt Donovan: mom just came home, again.

Caroline Forbes: aww hey is she ok?

Matt Donovan: more like am I ok?

(14 friends like this)

Caroline Forbes: wht happened? :(

Matt Donovan: um..u know her. She jumps every guy she sees

Tyler Lockwood: tries*

(6 friends like this)

Matt Donovan: stfu lockwood, last time I checked u were getting it too

(8 friends like this)

Tyler Lockwood: was going to*

Matt Donovan: Dirtbag.

(10 friends like this)

Tyler Lockwood: :P

Stefanie Salivatore has just joined Facebook.

Elijah Smith: WTF? Who is this? :s

Jeremy Gilbert: Stefan's twin sister :P

(44 friends like this)

Jeremy Gilbert: comes with extra saliva 2 :P

(94 friends like this)

Stefan Salvatore: :'/

Stefan Salvatore: I HATE U DAMON.

(29 friends like this)

Elijah -TheOriginalDouchebag- Smith has joined Facebook.

(Klaus Smith and Damon Salvatore like this)

Stefan Salvatore: Elijah got a new account?

Elijah Smith: NO! this isn't me! :S:S:S

(Damon Salvatore likes this)

Elena Gilbert: um, y does it say douchebag?

(54 friends like this)

Elijah Smith has logged off.

(Wall to Wall)

Klaus Smith to Damon Salvatore: ILU :D

Damon Salvatore to Klaus Smith: NOPEZ ILY MORE :D

Klaus Smith to Damon Salvatore: dis is gona be EPIC :D *rubs hands wickedly*

Damon Salvatore to Klaus Smith: IKR? :D let the show begin ;D

(Klaus Smith loves this)

Caroline Forbes: HEY! Iwant the lovebutton too!

Klaus Smith: I'll send u the link

Caroline Forbes: :)

Damon Salvatore: who're u gona use it on?

(Klaus Smith and 37 other friends like this)

Caroline Forbes: DONT WORRY ABT IT. -.-

(81 friends like this)

Damon Salvatore is now friends with Stefanie Salivatore and Elijah -TheOriginalDouchebag- Smith.

Elena Gilbert: wth is going on :\

Damon Salvatore: ;)

Elijah -TheOriginalDouchebag- Smith: OMG, THANK U FR ADDING ME DAMON! (L)

Damon Salvatore: np Elijah

Elijah Smith: WTF?

(12 friends like this)

Elijah -TheOriginalDouchebag- Smith: CAN WE BE FRENDS FR REALZ?

Elijah Smith: W.T.F!

(33 friends like this)

Damon Salvatore: umm sure?

Elijah -TheOriginalDouchebag- Smith: OMG, I have to tell this 2 my gf, shes gona be sooo jealous!

Elijah Smith: But I donn't have a GF! :'|

(54 friends like this)

(Wall to Wall)

Stefanie Salivatore to Klaus Smith: hey bro

Klaus Smith to Stefanie Salivatore: sup bro

Jeremy Gilbert: but isn't she a girl?

(74 friends like this)


Tyler Lockwood: chill, dude. Lotta girls r fake, doesn't mean we hate em fr it ;)

(Elena Gilbert, Caroline Forbes, Bonnie Bennett and 43 other friends (who are all females) dislike this)

Stefanie Salivatore to Klaus Smith: I miss u, shall we hangz

Klaus Smith to Stefanie Salivatore: just hangz? -.-

Stefanie Salivatore to Klaus Smith: bunnies n squirrels for lunch?

Jeremy Gilbert: oh wow, so this IS Stefan :S

(77 friends like this)


Stefan Salvatore: PLZPLZPLZ! :/

Jeremy Gilbert: This is so sad...lol jk its hilarious :P

(85 friends like this)

Tyler Lockwood: Gilbert, I agree with u fr once

(44 friends like this)

Klaus Smith to Stefanie Salivatore: uhh, I prefer redheads…

Stefanie Salivatore to Klaus Smith: squirrels are red….ish

(Damon Salvatore loves this)

Klaus Smith to Stefanie Salivatore: I meant humans.

Stefanie Salivatore to Klaus Smith: oh. Thts an insult to my strict pansy diet :/

Stefan Salvatore: DAMON! I KNOW THIS IS U!

Damon Salvatore: nice try, im right here

(21 friends like this)

Stefan Salvatore: who else uses pansy!

Damon Salvatore: 6 billion ppl (minus Stefan)

(66 friends like this)

Klaus Smith to Stefanie Salivatore: we'll work it out stefanieez ;)

(Stefan Salvatore dislikes this)

Stefanie Salivatore to Klaus Smith: wht if they attack me? :S

Klaus Smith to Stefan Salvatore: thts y we eat humans, they can be compelled nd they have no rabies

Stefanie Salivatore to Klaus Smith: :(

Stefan Salvatore: :(

Elijah Smith: REPORT ACCOUNT: Elijah -TheOriginalDouchebag- Smith

(104 friends like this)

Damon Salvatore: whyd u make it then?

(89 friends like this)

Elijah Smith: I DIDN'T DAMON. And im sure I know who did /

Damon Salvatore: really? Who?

Elijah Smith: Klaus |

Klaus Smith: liar.

(12 friends like this)

Elijah Smith: Douche, ur going down.

Klaus Smith: But it wasn't' me! :'(

Elijah Smith: liar!


Elijah Smith: y wud I bother blaming u, wen it IS YOU!

(Bonnie Bennett, Elena Gilbert, Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, Stefanie Salivatore, Tyler Lockwood and Jeremy Gilbert like this)

Klaus Smith: I cant help it if im awesome

Jeremy Gilbert: dude, no one likes u :S

(18 friends like this)

Klaus Smith: gtfo gilbert

(Tyler Lockwood likes this)

Elijah Smith: GAME ON BROTHER lol jk, DOUCHEBAG.

(99 friends like this)

Damon Salvatore: :o this is gonna be EPIC :O

(101 friends like this)

(Wall to Wall)

Elijah Smith to Klaus Smith: Asshole.

(Elena Gilbert, Damon Salvatore and 6 other friends like this)

Klaus Smith: out 2 do awesome stuff with my best pal Stefanie Salivatore XD.

(3 friends like this)

Tyler Lockwood: best and ONLY*

(45 friends like this)

Elena Gilbert: ur friends now?

Klaus Smith: yes my lovely (:

Elena Gilbert: I hope the squirrels attack u :|

Stefanie Salivatore: OMG! SEE SEE Klaus theyr gonna eat me :'(:'(

Klaus Smith: humans then?

(Elena Gilbert, Bonnie Bennett, Caroline Forbes and Stefan Salvatore dislike this)

Stefanie Salivatore: but I love draining cute innocent animals :(

Damon Salvatore: *pukes*

(23 friends like this)

Stefan Salvatore: yeah, ur hella innocent damon -_-

(14 friends like this)

Damon Salvatore: atleast I don't do cute innocent animals :(

Stefan Salvatore: :S::SS::S:S:S:S:'S

Stefan Salvatore: Stefanie Salivatore IS A FAKE! PLZ REPORT!

(41 friends like this)

Jeremy Gilbert: but but , I like her ;(

(21 friends like this)

Tyler Lockwood: Agree.

Stefan Salvatore: SHE DOESN'T EVEN EXIST!

(88 friends like this)

Tyler Lockwood: What dream girl does? :(

(223 friends like this)

Klaus Smith: U want ur dream girl to eat squirrels?

Damon Salvatore: who are cute n innocent? :(

Klaus Smith: and disgusting?

Damon Salvatore: and cute n innocent? :'(

Klaus Smith: and TOTAL yuck?

Damon Salvatore: nd then u want her to get attacked by them?

Jeremy Gilbert: actually, tht part is cool

(Bonnie Bennett dislikes this)

(67 friends like this)

Jeremy Gilbert: Sorry babe, ILU!

(99 friends like this)

Klaus Smith: didnt think so.

Damon Salvatore: Yupz.

Stefan Salvatore: OKAY, alternate way. EVERYONE REPORT THE EFFING ACCOUNT Stefanie Salivatore , IF U WANNA LIVE!

(Elena Gilbert dislikes this)

Stefanie Salivatore has been removed from Facebook due to being reported by 988 people.

Damon Salvatore: Fuck.

(13 friends like this)

(Wall to Wall)

Klaus Smith to Damon Salvatore: On to plan B? :(

Damon Salvatore to Klaus Smith: yeah, as soon as we MAKE plan b -_-

Katherine Pierce: Need help newbies?

(13 friends like this)

Damon Salvatore: from the expert manipulating whore? NAAH

Jeremy Gilbert: *bitchslap* Katherine Pierce

(45 friends like this)

Damon Salvatore: Jeremy, I suddenly have respect for u now

(14 friends like this)

(Elena Gilbert dislikes this)

Elena Gilbert: Damon.

Damon Salvatore: :*

(43 friends like this)

Klaus Smith to Damon Salvatore: right, so we gotta hurry

Damon Salvatore to Klaus Smith: No shit. Doyyyy

(Wall to Wall)

Stefan Salvatore to Damon Salvatore: In UR FACE DAMON!

Damon Salvatore to Stefan Salvatore: Buzzkill.

(32 friends like this)


I'm really enjoying writing this story lol

(L) for Klaus and Damon :*