Disclaimer: I do not own Primeval, which belongs to Adrian Hodges and Tim Haines. I also don't own Torchwood which belongs to Russell T Davis. I am reposting this series with some serious edits so please bear with me as I do so and I will complete all five seasons.

Edited: 24.01.2014.

Prologue: Fifteen Years Ago.

Bursting out of the dark trees that made up the edge of the Forest of Dean, the panicked woman looked back over her shoulder to see if the beast was following her as she attempted to find a place to hide.

The brunette quickly scrambled into a nearby bin and listened carefully for the sounds of the beast that had been chasing her; she frowned however when she heard the sound of a mother and child talking to each other knowing that they had chosen a horrible time to appear.

The woman hoped for a moment that the creature that was chasing her hadn't spotted the pair and they in turn wouldn't notice the monster.

The brunette knew how difficult it would be to explain what the monster was and where it came from to anyone, the last thing she wanted to do was attracted too much attention to herself. Across the car park Annabelle Colbrook walked with her six year old daughter, she smiled as she listened to her daughter talk about her day at school; her mind ignored what was happening around them as she thought about what she was going to do that night.

"Mummy what is that?" her daughter asked making Annabelle quickly turn round to see what she was talking about; she froze at the sight of the humongous creature that stood yards away from the searching for its next victim. The brunette quickly picked up her daughter and started to back slowly towards the now closed supermarket; she needed to protect her daughter no matter what the cost.

However it was that moment that the beast, choose to look in their direction; it snarled furiously making the brunette hold her daughter closer and run for her life knowing that this wasn't going to end well.

Annabelle quickly turned and ran back to the supermarket and started to beg someone to open the doors as the beast snarled and launched itself at them; the brunette looked around panicked as she realised that there was only one way to escape the beast.

She quickly led her daughter down to the loading bay and pushed her towards the empty boxes that littered the ground; while there wasn't much of a chance for her to survive there was a chance that her daughter could survive.

"Rachel, I want you to know that I love you more than anything, no matter what happens; when the time comes you will make the right choice," the brunette said while Rachel looked at her mother confused; she didn't understand what was going on but she could see that her mother was scared and it frightened her.

Annabelle smile sadly at her before she quickly kissed her daughter on her forehead and raced back towards the creature; Rachel watched as her mother disappeared before there was silence, the monster didn't make any noise nor did her mother making Rachel feel scared.

"Mummy?" she called out as she wandered forward and looked around to find no one there, she frowned wondering what to do now that her mother had left her alone; she had never been on her own before and she was afraid.

Suddenly out of the shadows a woman approached the little girl making Rachel step back in fright; her mother had always told her not to speak to strangers and now her mother wasn't there anymore and she didn't know what to do.

"Hello," the woman said kneeling down to Rachel's leave and smiling, knowing that this was all too easy; the past-her had already left the area and the little girl's mother had gone now.

"I'm Helen is your name Rachel?" the woman asked making Rachel nod unsurely at what the stranger wanted, she backed away as Helen smiled at herself as she looked over the child that her husband had unknowingly fathered; she knew what Annabelle had planned to do this night and now she would take that secret to her grave with her.

"Would you like to see something magical Rachel?" Helen asked knowing that this was her only shot at taking the child for her own; she knew that she could never have children something that had only helped to destroy her marriage that was already fragile.

Rachel nodded excitedly and took Helen's hand, allowing Helen to lead the six year old into the woods and out of sight of any passers-by; it wasn't long until the two reached the rip in time, which was situated in the middle of the forest.

"Here we are," Helen said with a smile, Rachel looked at her confused then at the rip in wonder, she was definitely Nick's child there was no doubt; she didn't look anything like her biological father and it only served to hide her better.

"What is it?" she asked in awe as Helen kneeled down in front of her, she didn't know what was so special about this child but she knew that in the future everything changed and it was all down to this little girl.

"This is an anomaly," Helen said proudly, she had been changed so much since she had been here last and she knew that it was only the beginning if she got what she wanted; she needed to gain the trust of the child if she wanted to mould the future to her will.

Rachel nodded tilting her head to the side, the two stood in silence until they heard two male voices calling out Rachel's name; Helen frowned as she looked down at the little girl wondering if she could escape with her now without Nick or Jonathon following after her.

"I have to go home now," Rachel said making Helen smile at the young girl's innocence, wishing that she had a child of her own; she knew that this child was unique.

"We will meet again Rachel and then you can come with me," Helen promised her as she stood up and backed towards the anomaly before she disappeared along with it; she knew that her time would come and then she would have what she wanted.

Rachel stood quietly for a couple of minutes until her father and another man came bursting through the trees; Jonathon Colbrook sighed in relief before wrapping his only daughter in a hug while the other man looked around for Rachel's mother.

After checking his daughter over Jonathon looked at the other man with a glare, he couldn't believe that his wife had contacted the man that she had cheated on him with; he wasn't going to lose Rachel like he had lost his wife to Nick Cutter.

"You don't know what Annabelle wanted to speak to me about?" the other man prompted curiously, Jonathon shook his head quickly and clung to Rachel knowing that he couldn't tell him what she had planned to tell him; it would destroy his family and he couldn't allow that to happen.

"I'm sorry Nick I don't," Jonathon said as he quickly backed away from the blonde man and smiled down at Rachel before he walked away leaving Nick behind in the forest; he was going to do whatever it took to make sure that his family stayed together.

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