So, here we are, the final chapter *epic music plays*

I would just like to thank each and every one of you who watched me lose my mind. Thank you.

On with the story!

I love you Tara

AN: well I hav noffing 2 say but evrt1 stup glamming I hate when people glam. I'm just like: OMG,stop glamming you prep, ugh. ok!111 if any gofik ppl r reading dis den u rok!11 omg I stil kant wait 4 da movie!1 tom fleton who? is so hot lol i hop harry wil bekum Lol, gettit be-cum? No? Okay then. gofik koz mi frend told me he iz rlly emo in dis book!1111 omfg im leeving dubya pretty soon kant wait! Diz wil prolly be da last chaptah until I kum bak.


"Dat's mi car!" shooted Draco angrily. But suddenly it was revealied who was in da car. It wuz….Snape!

Well, yeah, remember, that's how the previous chapter ended.

"I shall free you Loopin but first you must help me kill these idiotic donderheads." *Wipes tear* Sniff, that was so beautiful. he said cruelly from the car as it flew circumamcizing …he circumcised you? But you're a girl? Told you she had a penis! above us. "Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way must be killed. Den the Dork Lord shall never die!"

Wait, what?

"You fucking prep!" yelled Draco. Then he loked at me sadly. "I forgot to tell u, Ebony. Snape made me do it with him. I didn't really have sexx him but he's a ropeist!" He has a fetish for ropes?

We all put our clothes on quickly except Satan. Man, Satan's such a whore. We were so scarred!1 But Satan didn't change. Instead he changed into a man with gren eyes, no nose, a gray robe and white skin. He had changed into… Voldemont!111

Holy shit. A plot twist! Just let me grab my popcorn.

"I knew who thou were all along." he cackled evilly and sarcastically at me. "Now I shall kill thee all!" In classic Shakespearian style Thunder came in da room.

"No plz don't kill us!" pleaded Vampire. Suddenly Willow, B'loody Mary, Diabolo, Ginny, Drocula, Fred and Gorge, He ate too much. Hargrid, McGonagall, Woah, is that spelt right? Well hot damn! Dumblydore, Never mind. Serious and Lucian all ran in.

"What is da meaning of dis?" Dumblydore asked all angrily and Voldimort lookd away (bcos dumblydore is da only whizard he is scared of.) He did a spell and suddenly his broomstick came to him sexily. Haha I actually laughed out loud for that. Volxemort flew above the roof evilly on his broomstik. Cus he's so evil.

"Oh my goth!" Slugborn gosped. (geddit kos im goffik)

No, Tara, no

"The Dark Lord shall kill all of you. Then you must submit to him!" Snape ejaculated menacingly. Submit and ejaculated in the same sentence.

Why do you do this to me Tara? Why?

"You fucking preppy fags!" Serious shouted angrily. Burn!

"I know a four-letter word 4 dirt, CRUCIATUS!" Bitch, that's nine words. screamed Harry but da sparks from his wand only hit Draco's car. It fell down Snap quickly crowled out of it and picked up the cideo camera.

"Oh my fucking god!1" I cried becoze the video of me in da bathrum, the video of me dong it wif Drako and the video of Satan doing it with With who? For the love of God, with who?

"If you kill me then deze cideos will be shown to everyone in the skull. Then u can be just like that goffik girl Paris Hillton." Wait, Paris Hilton is goffic? I would have thought that she would be the stereotypical preppy blond chick that bangs everyone. Oh well. He laughed meanly.

"No!" I scremed. "FYI I hav da picter of u doing it with Loopin!11" Can I borrow it? It's for research. I swear.

"Whats she talking abott?" Lupin slurped as he sat in chains. Stop slurping damnit!

"I saw 2 she's gunna show evry1 da picter!111" Harry shouted angrily.

"Shut up!111'" Lumpkin roared. You tell 'em.

"Foolish ignoramuses!" He he he he. Brilliance. For Christmas, someone get me a book of all of these insults. I will love you forever. yielded Voldemort from his broomstick. "Thou shall all dye soon."

"Think again you fucking muggle poser!1" Harry yelled and then he and Diablo and Navel both took out blak guns! You have wands, why would you need guns? But Voldimort took out his own one.

"U guyz are in a Latin stand-of A Latin standoff.

Are they gonna yell out Latin words or? !111" I shouted despariedrly.

"Acco Nevel's wand!11" cried Voldrimort nd suddenly Nevil's wind Ah, no, not Neville, I love him. was in his hands. "Now I shall kill thee all and Evony u will die!11111"

He maid Give that maid a raise! lighting come all over da place.

"Save us Ebony!" Dumbledark cried.

I cried sexily I just wanted 2 go 2 the commen room and slit my wrists That always makes me feel better. Not really, cus suicide is bad kids! with mi friends while we watched Shark Attak 3 and Saw 2 and do it with Draco but I knew I had 2 do somefing more impotent.

"ABRA KEDABRA!11111" I shooted.

*Scrolls down*
Is this it? Is it the end?

Are you fucking kidding me?

I waisted 43 chapters for a cliffending.

Screw you Tara.

Well, I'm finally done. I can finally do normal things, like go outside. And not have My Immortal haunt my very soul.

I'm just kidding, I'll never be normal.

Well, it's finally finished, I can't believe I spent over a year with this thing, and yet I've come to cherish it.

Hah, I actually became best friends with Isabelle because of this. I made her read this story, I don't know why she would agree, but oh well, I'm just that awesome.

I don't have a purpose in life anymore. So Imma just go cry and eat some pizza.

Merry Christmas everybody!