Chapter One

Words- 1,478

Rating- M (Rating may change.)

I do not own Inuyasha.



The fine fragrance of my perfume happily danced across my sun kissed skin as I sprayed it on my bare body. With my makeup done perfectly and my brand new expensive perfume, I felt as if nothing could screw up my day. After taking a long and deep breath while glancing at the mirror to make sure everything was in order, I went to my closet.

I pulled out the outfit that I have been waiting all my life to wear; an A-line skirt and a red blouse- the ideal interview outfit. I dressed it off with a red head band and tossing my hair softly. My hair reached my hips, so it was too much to put up in a nice bun.

After I buttoned every last button on my blouse, I made my way into the kitchen. Before I walked threw the threshold I could smell bacon and eggs. A smile crossed my face. The sight that greeted me warmed my heart. Momma was cooking a huge breakfast with her apron on. She turned around and looked at me with a smile on her face.

"Kagome! You are up. That's good. I didn't want to yell for you because my throat is sore. Also I just couldn't leave the food. I didn't want your special breakfast to burn." Momma turned back to the strove to stir the rice. I walked over to see what she was cooking just for me. The menu included bacon, eggs, rice, miso, and toast.

"Oh momma…you didn't have to!" I threw my hands around her and nuzzled my nose in her neck. "You are the best." I let go of her and went to the refrigerator. "Feeling better? You said your throat is still sore…"

"Yes it is still sore, but I feel great. You know my throat is always the last thing to hurt whenever I get a cold." She gave me a huge smile and turned back to the food. So far this morning is going great.

I brewed tea and set the table. After I finished I set about getting my grandfather and brother. I shuddered at the thought of waking up Souta. He was worse than me when it came to waking someone up early in the morning. I slightly cursed his teenage hormones.

Breakfast was a delightful affair. Momma did not talk much because of her throat though. Souta's head almost fell in his plate many times. Grandpa could not be quiet about demons, which is normal. I had to hurry and eat though because I did not want to be late. I gave momma one last hug before I left.

"Sis!" Souta ran out the door and caught my arm.

"Yes?" I couldn't believe Souta ran outside


The train ride to Tashio Corporation was entertaining. An old woman sat next to me. Her short grey hair bobbed whenever she told her stories. She kept repeating to me how giant snakes were going to eat the train. I tried to make conversation with the woman.

Not many people must talk to her is what I kept thinking. I tried hard to hold my laughter in. I did pity the woman, but she was just too funny. After I exited the train I clutched my stomach as laughter wracked through my body. Breakfast then a show.

I walked two blocks and then I was standing in front of Tashio Corporation Headquarters. The building was black and a huge silver crescent mood adored the huge double doors. I crossed my fingers before going inside.

When I walked into the large sixty-four story building, I noticed that many of the women and men walking around in the lobby were wearing designer clothes. I cursed my wallet. I do hope that my lack of wardrobe would not hinder my chances on getting a great job. The world is a sad place for it to rely on outer appearance rather than what is on the inside, but that is just how it is in the real world.

I kept my head held high and walked to the end of the lobby where three receptionist were seated. One of the receptionist was too busy with a phone call. The one in the middle was typing a little to fast on a computer. The third just looked at me as if she had not a care in the world.

"May I help you?" The third receptionist asked. She flipped her long jet black hair behind her right shoulder and cocked an eyebrow. Why did people have to act all high-and-mighty?

"I am here for an interview," I said softy. I twisted the ring on my right hand, a nervous habit of mine.

"Yes. Ms. Higerrashi?" I nodded my head in response. " Sixty-third story. When you exit the elevator go all of the way down the hallway. Mr. Tashio's office door is quite noticeable so you should not miss it. Mr. Tashio rarely gets new employees." The receptionist looked at me with a smug look. "Good luck."

I did not say a word to the lady. Why should I when she was being such a crude? Silently I entered one of the five elevators and pressed the button leading to the sixty-third story. Luckily no one else entered the elevator. Soon the machine was off to the top of the building. I prayed that all would go well. Maybe Mr. Tashio was a very nice man.

"I'm sure he is…."

A man with that much money and such rude employees….

More than likely not a nice person.

I closed my eyes and listened to the dings the elevator made whenever it would past up a floor. The music playing in the background only made me feel more nervous. It was just too unoriginal. It reminded me that I am going to a very important interview. If only I had my iPod.

Before I realized it the door was opening. I took one big breath in and out. I sighed to myself when I looked out into the hallway. Black marble flooring and white curtains were the only things in the hallway. I walked down the corridor until I came onto a very large silver door. On the silver door was a crescent moon. I closed my eyes once more.

"Here goes nothing," I whispered to myself. Encouragement goes a long way. I delicately knocked on the large door. From what I heard Mr. Tashio is a great businessman with many talents. Thank God for the internet. The only thing that I could not find was a picture of him. There was one thing the internet did rave about. The women that did happen to glance at him wrote…

That he was the most attractive man in the entire world.

No matter, I thought, I do not find men appealing anymore. I am not a lesbian, just nothing could compare to the Feudal Era's men, or rather demons. The demanding battles and the tradition had me drawn in. A man or demon in those days knew how to treat a woman like a princess. The demons in those days were so alluring because of their fighting styles and family history. Nothing in this time period could compare.

I haven't been on one date since the well closed up and left me here. I don't even know what happened. Did Inuyasha and Kikiyo live happily ever after? I wish I knew the answer. They both deserved contentment in life after what they both went through.

"Enter." The command from the other side of the door made me jump. I knocked about a minute ago. Mr. Tashio must be really busy.

The voice sounded oddly familiar, but I did not pay it any mind. I opened the large door and closed it behind me. Suddenly a powerful aura hit me. The force was so strong., almost as strong as a hurricane. I tried to get my miko powers in control, but after years of not using them I failed. Pink power rushed out of my person.

I knew that demons lived in this era. Some of their aura's were just to big to hid. Apparently, Mr. Tashio was one of those demons with a huge aura. His aura screamed of raw power…it was extremely familiar. After a few seconds I clamed down. Quickly I turn around to apologize.

The sight that greeted me was just too much. The man sitting at a large wooden desk was all to familiar indeed. Panic began to rush through my veins and into my head. My heart was rapidly pumping. My eyes could not possibly get any wider.

Sitting in the desk before me was, and probably still is, the most dangerous and deadly demon in the country. Possibly the world.

Not to mention one of the most gorgeous.