[Revised and Beta-ed by ElricSisters7 5/7/12]

Hello people of fanfiction! :) This is my first story ever on here so I hope you enjoy it…I know what you are thinking too "Uhggg another Mermaid/Merman Laven fanfiction." Well one I like those other two stories but I am not stealing their ideas, two this one is a little different, three how many vampire themed stories (not that I am complaining) for couples or even no couples are out there for any fandom? ): So be nice please

Rating- T (for bad language later)

Pairing- Lavi/!Mer!Allen (not immediately)

Where the Land Meets Water

Chapter 1


New Jersey -1992- November- Sandy Hook Beach-6:05am

A short, old man with black makeup around his eyes and a small amount of hair up in a small, vertical, swirly ponytail walked down the shore with a young boy, both dressed for the chilly weather. The boy seemed to be about three years old with bright red hair and one green eye; the other was covered by an eye patch. The old man looked out at the ocean as if he was searching for something, while the boy, half asleep, only tried to keep up with the old man. Said old man stopped suddenly, and the young boy knocked into him and fell backwards to the cold, damp, sandy ground.

"Ouch, why did you stop you old panda?" the young boy asked the older man, sounding more tired than angry.

"Be quiet Deak. They are coming," the old man addressed the young boy.

"And who are "they" again?" Deak asked wiping the sand off his pants. He was cold and tired, and the only thing he wanted to do was to go back home to sleep in his warm bed, not stand with his grandfather, who wanted to meet someone on the beach in November! Who the heck goes the beach in November?

The old man looked as if he was going to answer Deak, but didn't since he suddenly turned around to face the ocean, where a forming wave was coming towards them. Deak backed up, not wanting to get wet with seawater at the moment, but looked curiously at the old man, who had not moved an inch. He then looked at the forming wave, which only seemed to get larger as it approached the shore line instead of breaking like other waves. Then the mass of water stopped maybe three feet in front of the old man and time seemed to freeze around the water because it did not do anything after it stopped. There was silence for a few moments, in which Deak though that he must be still dreaming in bed because this couldn't be happening; even a three year old knew that. Then, like something out of one of those weird SiFi movies the old man said were rubbish and poisonous to the mind, the water slowly eased down, revealing a figure holding something in a nasty green coloredblanket-like thing. The figure was a thirty or something old man with black, saltwater logged hair, wearing an old, ragged grey shirt, which looked like it had seen better times. But that wasn't what attracted the attention the most of the three year old; no, it was the fact that the man had a shark-looking tail from the waist down. Clearly, the boy must be dreaming, so he pinched himself on the arm and winced at the small amount of pain, but the man was still there holding the blanket like thing in front of his grandfather.

*"Placet te videre Mana. Utinam quaerendum quae fuit quia subito?" Deak's grandfather seemed to ask the strange man-fish-thing. Deak had no idea what the heck his grandfather had just said. It seemed to be another language. He was already being trained to become the next bookman, but Deak's grandfather had only taught him English and a little Spanish and Italian so far. So he had no way of knowing what he said since it did not belong to any of those three languages. But hey, he was three, what did you want from him? Although what surprised Deak more was that the man-fish spoke back.

* " Doleo dicam breves primo intendere Linotype quidem fuit res urgeat. Populus hic usque expand satus ut longius industrias in oceans igitur ante. Questus est difficilius et magis ad loca inveniet bonum vitae. Non est admittendum eos considerare plures generis pro circum. Clan mihi plurimus iam in locis hideing sed altior et frigidior gnata superstes. Linotype paenitet me autem rogavi te adiuvet." The fish man seemed to speak with urgency, but Deak had no clue what he said. But apparently it wasn't good, because his grandfather sighed and placed a hand to his forehead, which he usually only did when Deak did a stupid thing, like spilling milk on one of his grandfathers "important" old yellow-y papers or something like that.

*" Quid cogitatis Mana possum non potero immutare aliqualiter history scis et ego ubique est iter memoriae traderetur. Etsi possum habeo nepotem FATUUS exercere Linotype esse iam," his grandfather spoke and pointed at him for a brief moment.

The fish-man looked down and then back up muttering, *" Scio multum postulat a vobis sed volo Linotype perditorum. Lorem manere linea til ora Filius meus aetatis sine duce. Novit a se defendere ab Oceano qui minantur, quippe instinctu quis sed neque a me neque clan eo manere potest. Tantum rogo te dare cibum quotidie. Rogat ut actu paulo ... Nonne," he finished, chuckling at the end… Or at least what Deak assumed to be chuckling because it sounded like a cross between a seal dying and a bird chirping… If that even made any more since then the strange thing he was experiencing, while his grandfather acted if this was something that happened daily! Like talking to the mailman briefly or something!

*" Manebo solus maritimam vsque Parturiunt nepos vertit ergo per octo curam possit ... nata sunt superflua de Linotype in regionibus circa orbem ora America deest, et ego maneat nisi ex ideo. Sed moneo si quid modo Mana alibi subit relinquemus nata ire soli recitare," his grandfather said looking at the fish-man.

Fishy-man sighed and nodded, then placed the small greenish bundle in the small pool of water near his shark tail and took the blanket thing away. Deak then saw what was wrapped so tightly within it. It was a small baby, maybe a month old, with a patch of white on its almost equally pale skinned head and a light silver tail coming from the waist down instead of legs. The baby-fish-thing had very large blue-grey eyes, which peered around its surroundings before looking up at the much larger fish-man making a mouse-like sound. Deak unconsciously took a step towards the fish-baby to observe it more. The action made it squeak and lean back, but then it started to wiggle towards him. The fish-man looked at him seriously, but, curious of what Deak and his offspring would do. Bookman, on the other hand,was observing what would happen, ready to pull Deak back if he did anything stupid or offensive like he usually did.

Instead, Deak kneeled down and reached for the baby creature, holding his little hand out for him. The little being wiggled forwards more and rested its head on Deak's palm, looking directly at him with grey-blue eyes. Bookman sighed at the sight, knowing he would have to keep them separated, or Deak may start to develop useless feelings. But that would also mean Bookman himself would have to take care of the little fish creature on his own while teaching Deak how to learn new languages and record history. No rest for the elderly is there?

*- spoken in Latin; explanation in later chapters


Ok so review if you like or hate I don't care. Constructive criticism is nice though ;)