AN: Oh my sour biscuits and gravy! I'm back! It's fantastic! I have missed you guys so much and now we can go through this wonderful experience all over again! First of all, let me say that it's not just me here – this story was a colab between WhispertheWolf and myself. Once I told her the initial idea, we've planned this non-stop. It's been a LOT a LOT a LOT of work, so recognize her for the awesome person and writer that she is! Go read one of her stories! Her profile is here:


Now, on to the story! Mind, this is just a prologue – the chapters will be much longer. And don't forget to review! I've missed hearing from you guys for so long, and I'm sure Wolf would appreciate it too!


Prologue – Treaty

Squadron Log:

We never thought it would come to this. Granted, we knew it would be difficult...yet difficult in ways which we would never have imagined. It already seems like much time has passed since Cyclonis came forth with the treaty. Of course, no one could have predicted the outcome that such an act would lead to.

I doubt we'll ever forget that moment. It was only last week, wasn't it? But so much has changed since then. Before Atmos turned their backs on us... and put their faith in Cyclonis.

It was the council that made the final decision. I can still hear the words of that broadcast; the one where the registrar and all those under him agreed to abide by the terms of Cyclonis' treaty... regardless of the cost. Of course, the terms are agreeable enough – the clauses sound. All except one. It is that one which makes all the difference.

Amid minor details and other notes, the treaty contains six clauses:
The terra clause: Any conquered terras will be returned to their rightful ruling.
The raid clause: No attacks on either sides' supplies will be made.
The prisoner clause: Any prisoners from the opposing side will be released and returned.
The no trespasser clause: Pilots from either side my not enter the other's airspace.
The weapons clause: Selling weapons to any third parties is illegal.

For both the Atmos Alliance and Cyclonia, this treaty promises to be beneficial, assuming both sides abide by the rules set down. However, those are only the first five. The sixth is a term for compliance. Without it, Cyclonis will not sign.

She wants the Storm Hawks.
She wants us.

We don't know why. Is it because we have the reputation of foiling the majority of her plans? However, that theory in itself makes no sense, for Cyclonis isn't aiming to conquer Atmos now. Now... of all things she is offering a peace treaty. There is talk that Cyclonis came forth with this treaty because of Terra Tundras. The Third Degree Burners had recently conquered it from Cyclonian rule, and Cyclonis is feeling the effects of the drain on her resources. However, these are merely theories... rumours spread about to give logic and reasoning to an otherwise impossible scenario. No... whatever the reason we aren't about to turn ourselves in.

It is Aerrow that stands firm on that point. Stubborn as always, he remains convinced that Cyclonis is up to something more sinister. He says it's not like her to suddenly give up on her desire to have all of Atmos at her disposal. However, there is no proof whatsoever to back this up. In fact, Cyclonis has shown that she is more than willing to abide by her own terms, for she has already acted on the prisoner clause, much to the happiness of many throughout Atmos. However, she has stressed that none of the other conditions will be met, until she has all of us inside Cyclonia Tower.

At first we hadn't been too worried. After all, we had faced numerous Talons before. Go ahead, send out soldiers and Nightcrawlers – we can fight against them all. But then... things took a much sinister turn.

Of course, we should have realized it earlier. After all, the promise of a long-desired peace is more than tempting for anyone. And with the support of the council... there is nothing to hold them back.

It's all talk for now. We haven't seen any of the other squadrons. But we can feel it. It's the tension in the air, and the looks from others that we pass on the street. They're turning on us. Slowly but surely, Atmos believes that handing us over is the right thing to do. And truthfully, I can't blame them.

But there's still a risk. If Cyclonis really is planning something... if the treaty has some kind of flaw... we are the only ones left. We are the only ones who can guarantee that Atmos will be safe. Everyone else is too eager to have the treaty signed. Too eager for a peace that they feel is one hundred percent guaranteed. They know... we'll soon be on the run. They know, because everyone can feel it. It is the tension before the storm, and the paranoia of being hunted. There are squads I would like to think of as friends, but we can no longer be sure.

We don't know who to trust.