Well, what can I say?

When it comes to fanfictions, I am not one known to update – let alone continue the story. But this story, I think, I definitely want to/will try to, and I know you've heard this more than ever but it is possible.

This is hugely inspired by Zille's story entitled Harry of Hog and the Saga of Hogswarth. This story is not a replica of hers but besides the fact that there is magic included, the time period and the idea of having the HP characters in medieval times – that's all credited to her.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything – HP is written by and will always belong to JK Rowling. But I could own Ron.

Here comes the story. Please R&R – I'm really trying here guys!

In a world of magic and fairies, goblins and gargoyles, giants and centaurs – humans existed to keep the kingdom in order. This is not a tale of a how one hero came to save the kingdom from tyrannous rule, but rather a story about three heroes.

The kingdom of Hogwarts was rather protected, as you may say. The castle of royals had moats of all sorts, the gate was sealed with a magical charm that only the gatekeeper Hagrid could let people through. The only threat, however, was the kingdom's own king, which the story will shift to now.

During his youth, young Tom Riddle would be left at the gates of Hogwarts by unknown parents. The gentle giant Hagrid could not bare to leave the child, and so he took him to good King Albus, who ruled the kingdom of Hogwarts. And so it was; Albus raised Tom as his son, trained him in the magnificent art of magic and swordsmanship, with archery and potions to go with it. And so young Tom grew up to be a smart boy, high above his standards. Little did Albus know that Tom would soon use this to turn against his foster father.

By the time of Albus's early 100s, he realized that he would soon leave the earth; and Hogwarts as well. And so, on his deathbed, he called around his most trusted advisors, those including the gallant Marauders James, Remus, Sirius and the somewhat outcast Peter. Not much is known of what Albus said, for it was not written: but he would go on to say that because he has no biological heir, someone would have to take his place. Yet it was a surprise to the Marauders that he did not once mention Tom. When the four Marauders announced Albus's death to the kingdom, no one could bare it, let alone think of somebody to replace Albus's position as king.

And so began the kingdom election. This shocked poor Tom Riddle, who thought that after all he and Albus had gone together he would be the only heir. Tom ran away from the castle and wouldn't be seen for the election. On an almost unanimous vote, it was soon James who would be King of Hogwarts. And so James rejoiced, and returned home to his beautiful wife, Lady Lily, and their year old son Harry, happily announcing that they would soon move in to the beautiful Hogwarts castle.

But Tom would not be crushed. Something snapped inside of him that day – something that, as you will soon realize, could not be put back together. If he wasn't the heir to the throne, no one would be. He wanted revenge on the late Albus – and what better way than to take it out on the kingdom?

Tom would soon put his magic skills, as well as his sword skills, to ultimate use. Though there were no witnesses to this very night (none who lived, anyway), he would go on to the Potter estate, and with a terrifying pound – wake up James and Lily.

"What – Tom?" said James disbelievingly, propping his spectacles on. His dear wife, Lily was still asleep next to him, so he said it carefully as to not awake her. "What are you doing here?"

"Taking back what is rightfully mine," said Tom. "I think you and I both know, James, that it was me who resided with Albus in the castle, and therefore it is I who should be known as King of Hogwarts."

James looked taken aback. "Tom, listen to me, please. Albus –"

"Was an old, delirious fool, filled with useless tales of magic, nonsensical proverbs and a mind filled with hopes that didn't and will never exist," finished Tom.

James drew his sword. "Do not speak of Albus that way in front of me!" he roared, and he awoke his beautiful sleeping wife.

And so the fight began – the fight that would soon be known as the fight for the throne. And there was only one thing James could let leave his lips as he dueled magically with the man he never thought would be his enemy – "Lily! Take Harry! And run!" it was this, fortunately, that Tom would not hear.

James screamed in pain and gripped his stomach as he was blasted off to the edge of his room.

"Albus taught you magic, as I see," said Tom mercilessly, and he joined both his hands to perform the final blow – what was known as the Salazar touch – the touch said to be unbeatable, and when used, kill the victim instantly – with a light shade of green. And as he prepared to let go, he whispered, "but he didn't teach you everything."

A blood curdling scream told Lily that her husband had, in fact, perished. Harry in her arms, and tears in her eyes, she ran down the hallway, into the drawing room and locked the door behind her. She gripped Harry close to her chest and cried silently as she realized that James was gone. Her eyes scanned the room – and she saw it. "Harry, be safe – be strong," she whispered to him, and she carefully hid him inside a trunk. Just as if on cue, the door behind her blasted open, and Tom walked towards her; wearing the same expression he wore when he killed James.

"Please," Lily whispered.

But Tom said nothing – he brought his hands together again – and took away her life.

Tom would go on to be known as the Dark Lord. He would also go on rule the kingdom of Hogwarts. It was only the Marauders who knew that he wasn't the rightful king to the throne; that it was the only son of James and Lily; but it was their word against the kingdom's. Everybody, though confused, knew not that the mastermind behind the deaths of James and Lily was, in fact, the person they respected ever so dearly.

What became of Harry, you may ask? Well, dear Harry was found in the trunk, luckily, by the two remaining Marauders, Sirius and Remus (Peter, the cowardly old wart who crossed over to Tom's side), but Remus couldn't raise him; he had his own son to raise, Teddy, with his wife Nymphadora. And so it was confirmed, though secretly; Harry was to be taken into care by Sirius, the Marauder who was beforehand named Harry's godfather.

But there was something, besides little Harry that Tom did not kill that night – hope. Hope that one day, little Harry would manage to overcome the Dark Lord and his powerful Salazar touch – and take the rightful place as king of Hogwarts.

So there you go for chapter 1 – I am already on the 2nd and intend to post it tomorrow, but we'll see how it goes – I'm just bursting with ideas!