Disclaimer: No. Doesn't own!

What To Do?

Ty Lee was torn. She couldn't decide. Azula's stillness didn't help.

What to do... What to do...

Biting her lip, Ty Lee raised a finger hesitantly. Azula exhaled. The finger quickly retreated.

What to do! What to do!

A bead of sweat ran down Ty Lee's forehead. This is so hard! How is she supposed to do this!


Azula nodded very slightly. The subtle gesture was not lost to Ty Lee, who's used to see how the Princess raises her head in an arrogant, proud angle.

Okay, this is it! Ty Lee thought, clenching her hands. She's gonna do it!

Ty Lee raised her finger again, this time with hard determination. Just a little more... Almost...


"Azula, wake up," Ty Lee said quietly.

Azula's eyes shot open. Was that a finger poking her cheek? She turned to the finger's owner slowly, too shocked to move any faster. Their eyes met. Ty Lee flashed her a wicked smile.

"I wasn't sleeping!" Azula said indignantly, sitting up straight and grabbing her brush. She hid her face as she pretended to write down something important. She looked up again. "I was not sleeping!"

"Okay. You were brooding. Better?"

"Yes," Azula answered curtly. Her lip twitched. She reached out with both hands and pinched Ty Lee's cheeks. "And stop grinning!"

"Owowowow, ohey, ohey!"

Azula let go. She scanned her desk, looking for the thing she was doing before she began to "brood". The document was laid at her right. She read it and glanced at Ty Lee.

Azula sighed.

"Ty Lee..."

Ty Lee stopped rubbing the offended spots on her cheeks and turned to Azula with a curious look.

"This is due later this afternoon," said Azula, nodding to the scroll in her hand, "I haven't worked on it yet."

"Yes, because you were brooding..."

"Father would've been mad..." Azula said, resisting a retort to Ty Lee's comment. She hid her face again. "Thank you," she mumbled.

Ty Lee smiled, "No prob'," she said, "even though I have no idea what you're talking about."

Azula stared at her.

"I just wanted to poke you."

Golden eyes narrowed.

"You know," Ty Lee jabbed the air with a finger, "poke."

"Sure you did."

"I did!"

Azula smiled. "Okay."

"Stop looking smug!"

"What are you talking about—I always look smug."

Ty Lee made growling noises. She pulled on her best angry face—slitting her eyes and thinning her lips—just like how Azula does it.

Azula gaped.

"That face doesn't suit you."

Ty Lee scrunched up her face further, determined to look upset, which only made the Princess laugh.

Azula reached out to hold the back of Ty Lee's head. She pulled her close and touched foreheads with her, smiling broadly.

"It's okay. You look cute anyway."