"Two Different World's Make One"

The night had went by way to fast for me. And soon I was in my bedroom deciding what to wear for my second day of school. Before I know it I have put on my dresser a Pink dress with a blue sweater out, with flats to match. Picking out clothes for the next day is a bad sign to me. Thinking of the day ahead of me is something I don't often unless I'm dreading it. School is something I have never liked, even before I attended Elementary or Junior high. Watching a teen movie would freak me out, how the 'Popular' kids would make fun of the 'Loser' students. But some teen movies are okay. Like the ones that has the Popular guy fall for the Loser. Except that was in movies not reality.

So hear I am laying in my King bed; that feels to big for someone as small as me. A thousand of thoughts enter and exit my head. Some re-enter and some disappear from my mind. Sam's one of the things that keeps cycling back into my head, interrupting me from my other thoughts. And of course the kiss comes up in a couple thoughts, making me feel even my nervous than yesterday night. Having his lips placed upon my own-

"No Rachel!" I whisper to myself, hitting my head. "Just a Friend.. Just a friend- Like Noah."

Noah Puckerman. That man, no, Boy. He acts more of a mischievous young 9 yr old boy other than a seventeen yr old. Him and his stupid Mohawk. His ridiculous smirk, everything about screams ass. I can practically hear him say:

"BAD- Ass."

A chuckle comes out of my mouth. I would certainly hang out with Noah than Jesse St. James. But than again what has Jesse done to me? Nothing, except be nice to me. Or was he just trying to get into my pants? And I would choose Sam over Puck any day- But together they are pretty funny.

"Damn That School." I mumble. "Got me thinking over boy's instead of important things like: School work, Singing lessons, Dance Class and much much more."

But Sam is pretty nice, and it did feel nice when I- NO Just Friends... Just Friends- My eyes begin to feel heavier. Soon I fall in deep sleep.

"Miss. Berry." I hear to my right. The voice of Ms. Leah say from the door way. She has her usual preppy voice.

I Moan and roll to the other side of my bed. Some how my body has done a 180, making my head toward the bathroom and closet.

Leah practically skips to the french doors that lead out to my private deck. She unlocks the lock, and proceeds to wake me up; letting the sun and chilly air hit me with out warning.

I inhale, at the feeling of the cold front, making me shiver. Now I'm certain that I will never be able to get out of bed with me feeling so cold.

"It's your second day of school, don't want to be late now!" She scurry's out the door, letting the door close it's self. I soon feel my eyes close, letting my body know I'm relaxing into the bed.

"RISE AND SHINE SUNSHINE!" James yells into my room and skips out, snickering to himself. My eyes that have just fallen, are wide open.

"Sammy?" I hear Stacy say. I turn around from the door and see Stacy standing there with her blanket. The blanket that she got when she was born, back in Tennessee.

I take the bagel out of my mouth and place in on the table, before picking my sister up.

"Why so early?" I say, meaning 'Why you up so early?'

She shrugs her shoulder as answer. She brings her tiny hands up and rubs them, causing her to yawn.

"When are we going home?" she asks, laying her head on my shoulder. I stiffen at the question, knowing she's asking when are we going back to Tennessee.

"Home? We are home."

"No when are we going back to our old house. Where me and Stevie play on the big tree." She breathes into my neck, playing with my hair.

The big tree. The big tree that was in out backyard. Not in Tennessee but our old house, on the other side of Lima. I smile a little, feeling a bit of relief wash over me.

"I don't know." I finally say. I turn awkward to see Stacy has went back to sleep. I smirk and place her back on the pull out couch, where my mother and brother are asleep.

I walks back to the table and pick up my bagel and walk to the door of the motel room.

"Have a good day at School Sam." I hear another voice, a older voice. I turn slightly seeing my mother wide awake on the bed.

"I will." I know she was awake through the whole conversation with Stacy and myself. I wave at her, and proceed to get to school.

School. Rachel. I smirk and walk across the lot to the lobby.

"Come on young one." I hurry Sarah to the truck, pushing her out the garage door . She almost stumbles down the steps, but I catch her by the collar.

"Let go of me!" she says, getting angry.

"SOR-RY!" I say sarcastic, walking over to my side of the truck. And Sarah walks to the other side, slipping into the truck she dumps her bag on the floor.

"Pick that up!" I say, pushing her buttons. She just ignores me and looks out the windows.

"Let's have a Cow!" her voice is high and annoying much like Rachel's. "Let's just get my ass to school." she says kicking her legs up on the dash board. I scoff and smack her legs off the dash board, making a thump sound in return.

"Sometimes I wonder where you get those inappropriate words."

She scoffs, and soon turns into a chuckle. "Probably from you. As you can tell you're not a positive role model to me."

"Yeah yeah, I'm not a good brother but oh well 'Let's have a cow" I use her own words, she rolls her eyes, and continues to look out the window.

"Put you're seat belt on." I say after we have come to a good mile into the ride. "See I'm a good brother." I nod, smirking a little. "I have to stop by Sam's" I take a sharp left. Sarah sheiks a little, as she hits her head against the window. "Shit! I'm just joking!" I yell and throw her a water that has frozen over night. "Put it on your head."

"Just joking?" she asks, with a calm voice.

"You know I'm not good with the S word." I say, I come to a stop sign, looking both ways before moving on my way. S- Sorry.

"Or the L word."

"I'm all for Lesbians." I chuckle at myself, earning another roll eye from Sarah.

"I meant Love. You don't do Love!" she says throwing her arms in the air.

"Mmmhhh..." I say, st oping in front of the motel, honking my horn.

Sam runs out, the wind makes it harder for him to keep the door open. Today's windy and cold, or windy and rainy.

"Hey." Sam reaches over and fist bumps with my own. "Hey Sarah." Sam smiles to Sarah who's sitting in the middle of me and Samuel. Sarah blushes and looks out the window. Sam smiles, while I laugh. I pull out into the traffic and continue to school.

"So the same spot Miss. Berry?" Phillips asks, coming to a stop, a block away from the school. I nod, giving him a smile, I reach over and grab my school bag that's full of books and what not.

"Thank you!" I say giving him a high-five and another genuine smile. I walk a little ahead, and Phillips speeds away from me.

I sigh loud expecting someone will ask me if I'm all right or if I would like to go home. But on ones around and one one cares. I walk slowly to the school, knowing I have another 20 minutes tell class actually starts.

"So what's up with you and Berry?" Puck asks, looking at me, between driving.

"Nothing? Why?" I say calm or I try to be calm. I look out the window. We're almost to the school, just another couple blocks ahead. My eyes wonder, looking at the students who are scattered around the street, some smoking. Than I see a girl walking towards the school in a pink dress and blue sweater. Right there I know it's Rachel.

"Stop." I say. Puck does so, coming to a fast stop, I fly forward. I get out and slam the door behind me.

"What are you-" I hear Puck say, but he stops and presses on the gas. He drives to the school, alone. I look back at the side walks where Rachel's standing, lightly smiling at me.

"Hello, Samuel." She says, kicking a tiny rock my way.

"Hey." I kick the rock back and Rachel smiles again, but not from the greeting but at the playfulness.

"What was all that about?" Rachel asks, nods to the school, meaning about Puckerman.

"Nothing I just thought I could use some fresh air, and I saw you so... Yeah." I finally say, falling into beat with her own steps. We keep kicking the rock back and forth, until it fly's onto the road. I try to go get it up Rachel protests.

"Just leave it." she pulls my hand along. Her hand feels cold, I keep my hand connected to her own. She pulls away, and stepping away from me. I frown, looking at my empty hand.

"Friends don't hold hands." she says looking the other way.

"Sorry," I mumble.

Much appreciate for some reviews!