Ages- and grades-
-Ikuto 17- 12Th
-Tadase 17- 12TH
-Amu 14- 9Th
- Saya 19-11Th
-Utau 16- 10Th
-Rima 15-9Th
-Yaya 15-9Th
-Kukai 16-10Th
- Nagihiko 17-12Th
-Kairi 14-11Th
Chapter 1 Faking it-
(Narrator pov)
Amu walked to school, she looked as normal as always. She had slightly started to grow away from all of her friends. Most of her friends just shrugged it off thinking she was just a bit distracted. She wasn't perfect, popular, super smart, or rich. She was clumsy, dense at times, she hung with every type of crowed, as for money she was average. She was however pretty, nice, encouraging, and a good friend. Her friendly nature and smile is what drew people in. However as of lately her smiles had grew to become fake. Why? why did she have to fake a smile when she had good friends and the guy she had a crush on for a year now? She had a loving family and her grades were average, so why must she fake a smile?
He was Mr Popular the "player." He was rich and had the looks of a god. So why is it that Ikuto felt so empty? He drove to school in his fancy car. He knew his new girlfriend would be waiting for him. He had only been dating her for two days well more like a day and a half. Yet he found himself bored already. However maybe it wasn't boredom at all. Not that he ever looked to closely into his actions. He pulled up getting out, and as predicted his girlfriend immediately latched on to him. He faked a smile, that came out more like a smirk. He hadn't really smiled in a long time, sure he smirked here and there but most of those were to convince others he was sure of himself. Immediately he sauntered over to his group.
(Amu pov)
I finally made it to school. Walking through the gates right past the "popular group" not even sparing them a glance. I immediately walked over to my friends, although I only said hi before my thoughts left them. That is until I felt arms pull me toward someone. When I turned I faked a smile immediately. "Hey Tadase!" I said giving him a peck. I heard my friends mumble how cute we were together. I hid my disgust toward their thoughts. They were all so impressed I was dating a senior well I was a freshmen. Tadase was perfect in almost every ones eyes. I had always dreamed of him and I ... That is until I had him. The first week few weeks we had started dating I was so happy and in love. That is until I saw the true him.. Yet I cant seem to bring myself to leave him. I know I don't love him in fact I'm scared of him and hate him. Yet I fake smiles and convince everyone I'm so in love with him. Love is never perfect there will always be some quirks. However when that love isn't love at all except loving the fact you can control them then what do you do? The bruises I work so hard to hide are proof. Proof that Tadase only loves the fact he can hurt and control me. Yet I stay and keep it a secret. I know he is lying when he says he wont do it again, after all he seems addicted to making me scream in pain and flinch when he reaches for me. However I still stay, I still pretend.
(Ikuto pov)
No one understands the real me. Then again that's what I want isn't it? I stood behind the school in a full blown make out with my girlfriend Saya. Yet my mind was no where on her. Instead my mind drifted to the question of why I date,when I know I will be done with them and on to the next. I pulled back and she whimpered in disappointment. I smirked "Don't worry babe just the bell is gonna ring. Will finish after school." I said with a wink. Now to just dump her at lunch then I wont have to worry about finishing anything except our relationship. If you could even call it that really. I walked her to her class, and walked off without even saying goodbye. Instead of going to class I made my way out the gates . Getting in my car I went to the park instead. When I had gotten there I noticed besides myself there were two other people here. A couple the boy looked like he tried to hard to be perfect. The girl however looked pretty. Shrugging it off I went and sat in the shade, the couple hadn't noticed me at all. I closed my eyes attempting to take a nap. But I was rudely interrupted by laughter. Opening my eyes I glared at the unaware couple. My eyes changed however upon glancing at the girl. Her laughter somehow sounded fake, as her smile also seemed fake. I shrugged it off, she probably didn't want her boyfriend to be hurt by the fact he can't make her laugh. However I couldn't take my eyes away from the scene. The guy pulled his girl on to his lap. Despite her fake smile she seemed uncomfortable." Tadase... Please let go" I heard her quiet voice. The guy didn't respond nor did he move to comply to her words. Her look of discomfort changed to one of pain. I could tell she was attempting to not cry out. "T-Tadase... please stop that hurts" She whimpered out. I got up and walked over. Neither one had noticed me yet, as I got closer I noticed something I hadn't before. Fist off his arms were tightly wrapped around her and his nails seemed to be digging in to her stomach. Second his mouth was biting her shoulder and hard. Once again she whimpered slightly in pain. "Yo aren't you a dick." I stated calmly this caused them both to look up. " Hurting a girl you should be ashamed." He glared when I said this. Yet I noticed instead of letting go of her his fingers dug in harder. She cried out this time in pain. "Ikuto you have no right to say how I treat my girl. Besides your one to talk you player!" He yelled. However my focus was on the girl. My anger grew as I saw tears leak from her eyes. I grabbed her arm and pulled her from him. He stood up abruptly glaring at me. The girl seemed frightened and shocked. "Amu I'm leaving ill see you later love." Despite his attempt to sound loving and sweet, I heard the threat behind his words. Once he was gone the girl turned to look at me. "Thank you... but please don't say nothing about this to anyone." I raised one eyebrow at the pinkette. "Like I even know who you are." With that I walked off however I couldn't help but wonder who she was.
(Amu pov)
As he walked away I realized who he was. Oh crap! That was Tsukiyomi Ikuto. The most popular guy at my school. Hopefully he forgets this all. When I got home I went upstairs and started my homework. As soon as I had finished my math work my phone rang. I answered the phone only to regret it. "Amu where the hell are you? I hope you weren't whoring around with that prick!" Came Tadase's voice I knew that he was mad. Which unfortunately meant bad for me. "T-Tadase- koi I'm home. I left after you did." I tried to stay calm. "I'm coming over OK Amu-koi?" He didn't give me a chance to answer he hung up before I could even breathe a word. I sat there shaking and scared. That is until I heard my door bell ring. Slowly I made my way to the door and opened it cautiously. Immediately he grabbed me and shook me. "Bitch how could you let that jerk touch you? you little slut!" MY eyes teared up as I tried not to cry. I knew if I cried he would make it worse. He threw me to the ground and smirked as I hit my head. "Amu-koi I'm gonna teach you a lesson. You are mine and mine alone!" I flinched at his words. He pulled of his belt and began to unbutton his pants. My eyes widened in fear as I tried to scoot away. Oh god he is gonna rape me ! My parents aren't even home. I'm all alone , I stood up as he removed his shirt. I ran for the stairs and made it up. When I was about to close my door i was tackled to the ground. He slapped me and began to hit me with his belt. When I ceased my attempts to escape he pulled at my shirt. When I didn't lift my arms for him he slapped me once again. I put my arms up hesitantly. I was shaking with fear as he unclasped my bra.
(Time skip)
He had left me naked and sore. I was bleeding bad and crying from the pain. He had forced his way in and made sure it hurt. I slowly got up only to wince in pain. Limping I made my way to my bathroom. I attempted to scrub away the dirty feeling I had. I scrubbed at my skin nearly taking layers of skin off. His touch made me want to throw up. I cried and attempted to forget. This was never how I imagined my first time to be.
(Ikuto pov)
I had been so distracted I had went home. Instead of going back to school. My phone kept ringing so I turned it off I already knew it was Saya. Wondering where I was god she is annoying! I layed on my bed staring up at the roof. Why would someone stay with someone who hurts them? I kept asking myself then it hit me. Why do girls say yes to me when I'm only gonna break their hearts? Maybe its kind of the same. We both get through the day by faking it.