A Heroes of Olympus story
Written/edited by: Max/musiclover99
©-Rick Riordan
Format styling ©-Max/musiclover99 and Lex/xXxDaughteroftheKingxXx

Yup, the format styling copyright is now part of my legendary beginning. Because I just wanna get the dang message across. ANYWHO, this is a Leo-centered fic, because he is fuh-reaking awesome, deserves more attention, and is my fave character from the LH that was NOT in the original PJO series. This is probably similar to my other HTTYD one-shot, Alone, I can just tell. Yupperdoodle. Except it has a happier ending. GO LEO! This is the LONGEST o/n/e/-/s/h/o/t I've done to date, so I hope you like it! Sorry if something's smushed together or any other problems, my computer/FF is retarded sometimes/most of the time. Thanks, now ON WITH THE LONG ONE-SHOT!

His life was awful

His c/h/i/l/d/h/o/o/d was especially so

[it didn't help with someone as awful as Tía being his b.a.b.y.s.i.t.t.e.r]

Now, he found out that was Hera

How messed up is his life?

His—what, godly grandmother?—had tried to kill him multiple times

His mom was wonderful, though

The only r+a+y o+f s+u+n+s+h+i+n+e in a forever bleak and gray sky that was his life

Loving, caring, and just plain freaking awesome

She'd work in the machine shop, and sometimes he'd help

{and it'd be fun, and for once in his life, he was happy, and almost forgot about Tía Callida}

He dreamed about that flying boat that Tía t/o/r/e u/p, and everything else that happened seemed just like a dream

(the snake, the fireplace, everything, just poof)

Then came that one fateful day, when he was only eight years old . . .

His mom was about to get a job

She'd get a break

Their lives would get instantly better, if she sold just this one prototype of a drill she designed

He was telling jokes, handing tools, helping out

They finished, and she "forgot" her keys, and went back inside

She gave him a smile, the one that he loves just so, so much

[the last time he'll see it]

The door c|l|o|s|e|d and wouldn't open

It was locked shut

He panicked

Then this, this stupid, irritating woman, who looked so much like Tía

{that fact didn't really help}

She c.a.m.e i.n f.r.o.n.t of him, tried to r/e/a/c/h t/h/e d/o/o/r

He was standing between that, that awful woman and his mom

He saw r::e::d

His hands were on fire

He went unconscious

Then later, he woke up in an a#m#b#u#l#a#n#c#e

The w_a_r_e_h_o_u_s_e had burned down, and his mother didn't make it out

His one, last, happy r+a+y o+f s+u+n+s+h+i+n+e got burned out

No one would take him

Foster home, to foster home, no one would ever just let him be

And for the short time they do, he does plan A

He's always been an o-u-t-c-a-s-t

Always getting picked on or t*e*a*s*e*d

And he'll always have to just laugh it off

Just crack jokes and pretend that their hurtful words just don't hurt him

(but that's a total l-i-e, cause it's one of the worst pains he can get)

"You wanna cry to your mommy, Valdez?"

"Where are your friends?"

"Oh, that's right; you don't have either of them!"

It just hurts so, so much to hear that

[especially that first one, because he likes to think it wasn't him, it was that lady . . . but was it really?]

He just desperately wants to flare up a bit, let his temper go wild

{but that's not safe, that's too d/a/n/g/e/r/o/u/s, and whenever he thinks about it, he remembers his mom and stops}

And then there's plan B

To just run away

He's run away from so many places, and got kicked out of more

And that's not it

He had never met his dad

"Someday, mijo, you will meet him," his mom said. "He will explain everything."

And he b-e-l-i-e-v-e-d her, and now, all these years later, it was true

His dad was a g.o.d

Had a bunch of other c~h~i~l~d~r~e~n, too

(not going to think about that, not going to think about that)

And, for once in his life, he felt like he belonged

But it was too good to be true

Soon, he found out he was an o-u-t-c-a-s-t here, at Camp, too

That, the

he has is very rare, and always dangerous

Well that's just great!

Another place where he's a freak

[even in a place where everyone kind of is a freak . . . to mortals, at least]

Piper and Jason are cool

But what if they found out?

Leo was always a little j|e|a|l|o|u|s of Jason

He was always the more

But losing his memory? Mean as it was, Leo was kind of happy

A fresh start

A clean slate

Finally, no more third wheel

Then Piper and Jason are looking like a couple all over again

And while he would feel happy for them if they g[o]t [t]o[g]e[t]h[e]r . . .

They could always ditch him

Finding the dragon—Festus—was probably the best thing that's happened

Someone who can't t*e*a*s*e, and he can't l-o-s-e

It was awesome

He fixed something

Being a s.o.n o.f H.e.p.h.a.e.s.t.u.s was pretty handy

~he was able to get a ride for their q/u/e/s/t

He was useful

And then everything came crashing down {literally} when they went near M=i=d=a=s

Festuscovered them . . . by getting s::h::o::t

It hurt, so much, to see something . . . someone he fixed just b~r~e~a~k again

It sucked majorly

Festus was the best friend he's ever had

[but then Jason and Piper helped fill that job, mostly]

And Festus tapped out one final message

(to be reused)

And Leo listened

H.e.p.h.a.e.s.t.u.s is saving Festus, so Leo will use him again

But in the meantime . . .

He does have some pretty cool f/r/i/e/n/d/s

—not to mention half-siblings, too—

And he actually does belong somewhere

So for now, Leo's okay

Sure, there's that [P]e[r]c[y] [J]a[c]k[s]o[n] dude they've gotta find

But right now, it's alright

Because when he meets that lady

The one that made him l/o/s/e his mom

He's gonna faceplant her, hard, Leo-style

And everything is going to be fixed

And Leo's gonna make sure of it