
The party had made me sick. No, literally nauseous. I wanted to blow chunks on everyone, but I knew this was for Bella.



Fuckin' Bella.

That's all this family was about now. Esme made cake for the human, Carlisle got extra medical supplies for the human, Rosalie thought on how to make excuses to hate the human, Emmett practiced his strength to not hurt the human, Alice hardly had sex with me anymore, creating excuses for visions about the human getting hurt, and Edward, God, Edward was just the same fuckin' brooding idiot, always thinking about the human and if she got hurt.

Honestly, I thought about her too. The way her skin would feel under mine, the way I could sink my teeth into that graceful neck and drink, the way she would scream out of fear and beg me to stop. I had never hurt a woman, at least, not for awhile, but I wondered what her virgin heat felt like wrapped around me, how her breasts and lips tasted before I drained the life out of her.

Her heartbeat stuttered as she crept down the stairs, my wife pulling her along. Edward followed with that infatuated smile on his lips. Emmett positioned himself next to Rosalie, pulling her along though she was radiating jealously and fury. Not a good combination.

A blush flooded into Bella's cheeks and I cut off my breathing for awhile, sighing in exasperation. Edward threw me a sharp look and I reluctantly took a step back. He was keeping an eye on me. A small smirk quirked my lips as Bella opened her first present and peeked inside, only to find empty cardboard. Emmett was already outside, installing it into her truck.

I quickly explained it to her and she nodded, her dark pools of eyes holding mine for a second and her teeth worried her bottom lip slightly before she turned to the next present. God, that fuckin' bottom lip. Edward snarled softly and Alice glared at me.

"Here, this is for you." Esme handed her an small box wrapped in golden paper, "Something to brighten your day."

"Yes,"Carlisle smiled, eyes twinkling with love, "You've been looking a little pale lately." Bella gave a tiny grin and started to unwrap it. Then it filled the air.

The scent. The heavenly ambrosia.

She gasped when she realized the pain and small cut on her finger. It oozed blood and a drop fell to the perfect carpet. I stopped breathing all together, when Edward suddenly growled, his eyes landing on me. A giant wave of bloodlust hit me that I almost staggered. It was everyone in the room, including Edward's. He was desperately trying to control himself.

The lust rang into my body and I lunged forward, the taste, smell, and texture of blood taking over my senses. Edward threw out a hand to throw back my meal then turned to me with another snarl and shoved me back. I was in the air, a roar slipping past my lips until I slammed into his grand piano.

Good, I hated that thing.

I was back up in less than a second, my body immediately responding to the flowing of blood. My black eyes landed on Bella, she was hunched over, her eyes dark with pain and another unnamable emotion. She grasped her bloody arm as I lurched forward, but a meaty arm stopped me. My teeth prepared to rip into it and another wrapped around my waist. I snarled, wrestling with the bodies.

Alice's worried, dark wide gold eyes were suddenly in front of me and hands grasped my cheeks, the nails digging into my steely skin, "It's okay, Jazzy. It's just a little…," She trailed off, her tiny fingers leaving my face and falling to the bleeding human, "Blood." She finished feebly. Everyone hissed, their bloodlust taking the toll on me.

Carlislestayed calm, hurrying over to the bleeding human and grasped her in his grip, "Take Jasper outside. Now." Emmett wrapped both arms around me, locking my kicking limbs down and headed towards the door.

Rosalie followed with a satisfied smirk. She placed both hands on her hips as Emmett threw me to the dirt, a infuriated look on his features. He crossed his large arms and huffed, looking his nose down at me. I sat up, fresh air running down my raw throat.

"You okay, Jasper?" Rosalie was sympathetic with a tiny smile. She placed a manicured on my arm and squeezed.

I shook her off, "No."

"You're gonna feel worst when I'm done with your ass." Emmett snarled, his fists cracking under his strength.

There was a loud, earsplitting scream and a sharp slap to my cheek, turning my head to the left. I growled in response, glaring at whoever thought they could do 's eyes were the darkest I had ever seen them. She started to rip at my shirt, her voice ringing off the trees. She was screaming in every language she could, calling me this and that.

"You tried to kill her! You've ruined everything!" She screeched. Rosalie grabbed her around the waist. Edward was the next to come out and landed a hard blow to my chest, kicking me into the woods.

"Stop it! Stop it!" I heard Esme cry. Her arms wrapped around me when she reached me, pulling me from the debris of wood and dirt, "Jasper, are you okay?"

"I'm fucking fine." I pushed her out of the way and she fell next to me with a squeak and a small protest. I marched forward, tearing my ruined shirt off of me andAliceshouted at me. Edward was there and I could feel his fury, sadness, and fear. Good, I was about to fuck his ass up.

Esme was back in between us before I could throw a punch, "Stop it, both of you! We are family! This changes nothing! Edward, go check on Bella." She yelled at him, jabbing a finger at the slide in doors.

He scowled at me, but turned and went back inside, slamming the glass behind him. It broke into pieces. It was quiet, just heavy breathing andAlicewhimpering.

Emmett broke the silence, "Now what?"

"Jasper's going toAlaska."Alicesaid loudly and clearly.

Yeah…wait. What the fuck?

"No, I'm not." I told the impudent sprite. She yanked herself out of Rosalie's grip and snarled at me.

"I'm not going to let you hurt Bella again. I'm so fucking tired of it. You either leave by yourself or we take you by force." She poked a finger into my chest and I grabbed it, yanking it a odd angle. She hissed in pain and screamed at me. Emmett growled and snatched her away from my grip.

"I'm not going anywhere." I hissed.

"Jasper," Esme started. I whirled around to face her and she faltered, "M-Maybe it would be best."

I could hear a loud crash in the house, Edward was packing. Why?

"I'm going to go pack." Rosalie said softly to Emmett, pressing a kiss to his cheek. His face saddened.

"We just can't leave Bells." He objected brokenly.

"We are. Now, go."Alice shooed him away. Esme followed with a miserable grimace.

Aliceturned back to me, her small, adorable upset and cheerless, "We can't stay, Jazzy. Edward has made up his mind."

MY face showed anger, "We just can't leave her."

"We have to." Then she grabbed my hand in her's. Goodbye Isabella Swan.