Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you

Because I knew you

I have been changed for good

For Good – Wicked

Chapter One – And So Begins Summer

Eli was only seventeen. But he had a car that he paid for himself and a license so to him that meant that he could do whatever the hell he wanted for the summer and what he wanted to do was go away. He left Bullfrog and Cece a note saying that he was going to stay at this beach inn he found online in Wasaga Beach and that he loves and will miss them. He also promised to come back to lessen Cece's concern. Not that she wasn't already concerned, Eli had given her so much to worry about the past year.

In Morty, his beloved hearse, Eli had the windows down, his arm laying on the window and his heavy metal music blasting. He was driving on a back road and he hadn't passed anyone in the last thirty minutes. His suitcase and backpack were filled with clothes and the things he needed to maintain his hygiene and he had to admit, he was happy to be getting out of Toronto and the Degrassi area. His life was a downhill ever since the previous summer and to be leaving that behind made him happy. Even for just a summer, it was okay. He needed to take a breather and get away from the judgment, the looks, the pity, and most of all, the regret and sadness.

He had a reservation made at the inn called "The Moonlight" in Wasaga. He couldn't help but laugh at the name. Who the hell would call an inn "The Moonlight"? But it was cheap and open and the only one he could afford near a beach so that was that.

Eli arrived at the inn and saw that there was only one other car there; a dark blue pick-up truck. He found it curious because he had never seen a truck that color before. When he took a good look at it he realized that it wasn't a professional paint job but it was damn good for someone who did it themselves. Grabbing his suitcases he went into the old looking inn. It was definitely old fashioned looking in there and he kind of liked the authentic and homey feeling he got when he walked in. He walked up to the reception desk and rang the bell.

When no one came within a minute, Eli rang the bell again. "Hello? Hello?"

Footsteps neared and Eli breathed a sigh of relief. He was expecting an adult to check him in but instead a teenaged looking girl, probably around his own age, came walking in. She gave him a weak smile and opened what looked like a log book.

"Are you Elijah Goldsworthy?" she asked him without looking up.

"Yes, but I prefer Eli."

"Eli it is then. And…you're staying the entire summer…wow."


She finally looked up at him and Eli was immediately captured by her sea blue eyes. They were piercing and captivating and lovely. Eli had to discreetly pinch himself to gain his composure. "I've never heard of someone staying at inn for an entire summer. And you seem kind of young."

"Well you seem pretty young too," Eli retorted. "I needed to get away."

"Well so did I," she sighed. "You're in Room 3. By the way, you're lucky that I'm not allowed to take that room because if I was, I'd be the one in it, not you. It has the best bathroom."

Eli smirked and took the key the girl held out. "Lucky me."

The girl went around the desk and went to grab Eli's suitcase but he picked it up before she could get it. "I was going to—" the girl began but Eli cut her off. "It's only two bags, I think I can handle it," he told her.

The girl nodded and stepped aside. "Your room is up the stairs, second door to your right."

"Thank you." Eli went upstairs and found his room. It smelled clean and crisp and the walls were a dark green color. It was a little more dreary that he was expecting from the classic looking inn and even more modern that he thought. There was a stereo system and a desktop computer. Sweet. He could keep in contact with Adam since Eli vowed to keep his phone off all summer. Eli walked into the bathroom that the girl mentioned was the best and he was pretty blown away. It was bigger than his own bathroom and had a gigantic Jacuzzi style bath as well as a roomy shower. There were two sinks as well and Eli found that a waste of money. Who needs two sinks?

Once he put his things into the dresser and put his things into the bathroom, Eli logged onto the computer and checked Facebook. While everyone was talking about being bored, going to the pool or The Dot, Eli was in Wasaga and no one knew. He saw that some people were actually wondering where he was. By some people he meant Adam. He didn't tell anyone but his parents where he was going but Eli started to type a message to Adam.

Don't worry about me. I'm safe. I just needed to get away. Message me whenever you want. Try not to miss me.

Once he was done he logged off and decided to take a nap. Although the drive wasn't that long he was still exhausted. So with drifting eyes he laid down on the comfortable large bed and went to sleep.

Yes, it's a new story. No, I will not be neglecting my others. I wanted to write a summer love story and here it is. I wrote this in an hour so I apologize for mistakes but I don't always go back to read over my chapters.

This is inspired by Nights in Rodanthe but I won't be following the plot exactly, I'm making this my own.

If you like it please review because I'm not sure if I'll keep this going if no one likes it. So yeah, please please please review! Thanks for reading!