A/N: Ehuuu! Sorry for taking so long to make an update. I kinda got back into Neopets x3 Sooo! This is the last chapter. I HOPEDED YEW LIKEDED ETT.

EDITOR'S NOTE: ROSEXWINRY … lulz :'D Eternaltsundere has nothing more to say here. Except Ouran High School Host Club is win, maybe. IDK. -dies-

WARNINGS: This contains Yuri, Straight, and Yaoiiiiiii! Please read with caution :D Oh. And OOCness. Like lots :D lots lots...?

Italics are Ling speaking/thinking to Greed (vise versa) and letters/tag/written things

Disclaimer: I don't own anything~ :3 Except for my writings. And Amber owns the editing ;D

"Um..," Ling muttered, glancing away. "Eheh..." The Xing prince was trying his hardest to draw this out for as long as he could, and Ed was getting a little impatient.

"Y-yes?" He felt as if he knew what Ling was going to say; but he had to make sure. It would do no good to make himself look like a fool, would it? After a few seconds, the other blushed.

"I love you, Ed! Pleasebemyboyfriend?" At the words, Ed's own face erupted in a blush, seemingly figuring out what the other said.

"Y-yes..," he breathed. He then proceeded to jump into Ling's arms and promptly have a cliche kissing session. None of them seemed to notice when Winry came back in to get something; Rose was waiting outside, waiting for her 'date'. Seeing the scene before her, Winry felt herself tear up a little, sniffing as she backed out of the room. Leaving the door open a crack, she ran back out to Rose.

"Rooose!" She was crying now, latching onto Rose like a lost child. She sobbed shamelessly onto the other girl's shoulder while Rose tried desperately to comfort her, patting her and cooing soothing words.

"Shhh... it'll be okay, Winry." Winry only sobbed louder in response. With a sigh, Rose leaned over and kissed Winry's hair.

"I love you, you know?" Winry's crying faltered as she looked tentatively up at Rose.

"Really...?" the blonde murmured, her eyes slightly red from tears. A luminescent blush had spread across her pale face.

"Yes, really." Rose kissed Winry again, this time on her lips.

–THE END..wait no...–

Envy cackled, back where all the homunculi hung out. Pride was glaring at him, whereas Wrath was just staring.

"And... why are you so happy?" Wrath blinked, Pride glaring harder at the homunculus in question.

"I just messed with their lives! It was awesome~." Envy's reply was filled with mirth, and he proceeded to tell Wrath exactly what he did that had made him so proud.

"I transformed into an really old lady – I was sure to make her kinda creepy. I grabbed a 'love' potion – it really would only work for a few minutes... – and gave it to the girl. After that, I went up to her bedroom window to watch, hoping she would use it on Chibi. She did, of course! Only... Greed was there... and he potion was wasted on him, not her," here he grinned evilly, "she seemed upset, and went away with some girl. Then Chibi 'n Greed got together."

Wrath sighed, facepalming. "Why did you do that?"

Envy started to cackle maniacally again. "I like to fuck shit up~!" His laughing was loud enough to startle all the birds within a mile's radius, sending them hurrying off into the air.

A/N: YAYY there is the ending. So, was it awesome or what? -shot'd- OH INCASE YOU WERE WONDERING, the straight pairing was MeixAlxLan Fan. X3