Title: Used to be Fun
Author: VampyrBarbie
Summary: While looking for ways to find Stefan, Caroline comes across a spell that she thinks will help Elena find 'Fun Elena' again.
Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Diaries; I'm just borrowing it for a little while.
A/N: Okay, I should be working on my other story, but this little bunny wouldn't leave me alone until I indulged it, so here we are.
The living room of the Boarding House was strewn with books, Elena lay back on the couch, her feet propped up just inches from Damon, but not touching; both with books in their hands, looking for anything on the Originals or anyway to locate Stefan.
Caroline lay sprawled out by the fireplace reading though Bonnie's Grimoire, which had been ruled out as being not helpful, but she was bored and tired of reading about vampires. Tyler lay next to her, a book over his face, snoring softly. Caroline flipped pages waiting for something to catch her attention, or for Damon to get anxious and go get some blood, when a spell caught her eye. "Hey, Ty," she nudged the werewolf, who groaned and let the book slide from his face. "You remember sophomore year, before all of this doom and gloom?"
"You mean back when you were vapid and shallow and I was an asshole jock with a drug problem?" Tyler asked. "Yeah, I remember, good times." He picked up with book he had been sleeping under and started reading.
"I mean, back when Elena was fun and enjoyed a good time," Caroline told him, exasperated. She pushed the Grimoire over to him and pointed to the page.
"Wouldn't this be like slipping her a ruffie?" Tyler asked, pushing the book back towards the vampire.
"Not at all, it would just help lift the darkness she's been living under. She needs some not life or death time, a break." Caroline motioned Bonnie over, prepared to convince the witch to do the spell.
"What's your other angle?" Tyler asked, not convinced that her intentions were entirely honorable. Although, he did miss Elena, the girl who could drink ay of the football players under the table, was a bit of a pool shark and could occasionally be found dancing on said pool table with the Blonde lying next to him. He couldn't believe that only six months before he had been trying to talk Matt out of a relationship with her, and now she was his closest friend, but more than that, all he wanted was for her to let him kiss her again.
Bonnie read over the spell a few times before taking a look at Elena, who was frowning deeply into the book that she was reading. The witch tried to remember the last time that she had seen her friend smile or laugh, but she couldn't remember. "Okay, but I need something of hers, and we'll need to go upstairs, if she knows about the spell it won't work."
Elena watched as her friends wandered out of the living room, leaving her alone with Damon. "Where are they going?" She asked the vampire, knowing full well that he had been able to listen in on whatever they had been talking about.
"Judgey and Barbie are cooking up a birthday present," Damon told her, not looking up from his book. Truth be told, he hadn't been listening to the Super Teens, he had been concentrating too hard on remembering the kiss Elena had given him, how she had stayed with him all night while he recovered, how even two days later he could still smell her scent on his sheets and how he wished he could convince her to stay with him every night. He had heard something about before doom and gloom, and then Judgey asked for something of Elena's. He wasn't going to worry about it, instead he was going to read the page he had been staring at for ten minutes, trying not to think about how close Elena's feet were to him, if she would only let them lay naturally and rest against him instead of keeping them at this unnatural angle, he might feel a little less like she hated him.
Ten minutes later, still stuck on the same page, Damon heard the front door open and close, then after a few minutes the Super Teens reentered with a box of donuts and coffee. Caroline carefully handed a cup to Elena and then a donut wrapped in a napkin; Elena eyed her friend suspiciously before taking a bite of the pastry.
"Mm, maple, my favorite." Elena took a sip of the coffee and seemed to melt into the couch, her feet sliding into Damon's lap, her toes flexing slowly like a cat kneading. "Have I told you recently how much I love you, Care?" Elena smiled into her cup of coffee. "This whole super speed thing totally made my day." Elena took another bite of the donut and sat up, scooting herself closer to Damon who was watching her with a mix of intrigue and concern. "Damon you have got to try this," she pushed the maple confection to his lips.
"No," Bonnie and Caroline went for the donut, but Damon was already chewing the bite he had been nearly force fed.
"What, I don't get a donut because I don't have to eat," Damon licked the frosting off of his lips and had to admit that it was a very good maple donut, though it wouldn't have been his normal choice.
"Maybe it won't work on him," Caroline said, selecting her own donut and coffee before returning to her spot on the rug.
"What won't work?" Damon asked through he couldn't work up the need to really be concerned with Elena reading his discarded book, her knees hooked over his lap like it was the most natural thing in the world.
"Nothing, don't worry about it," Caroline dismissed, taking a healthy sip of her coffee. "Elena, how are you feeling?"
"Great," she flopped back on the couch ad rested her cup on the floor. "But this book is super boring, I can see why you were stuck on the same page for so long, it's next to impossible to read." She tossed the book at the coffee table and starched her back. "I say we take a break, two full days of research deserves an afternoon of unwinding."
"What about finding Stefan?" Damon asked, testing the waters, he knew it would be months before Klaus and Stefan resurfaced enough so that they could track them, but the process of looking had kept Elena from breaking down and had given them all something to do in the meantime.
"Stefan will still be missing tomorrow," Elena said, sitting back up. "It's not like he was kidnapped, he went on his own." She batted her lashes at Damon and clasped her hands together under her chin, doing her best to look angelic. "Please Damon, let the kids play?"
"Okay, but tomorrow you let me call my contacts," Damon said, knowing it would probably be a deal breaker. "No worrying about my blood sucking friends coming to help."
"Deal," Elena swung her legs off the couch and hopped up, pulling the shocked vampire with her. "Come on, old man, I've got a serious need to kick your ass at pool."