Post Resurrection Day 43
NormandyLoft, Citadel space

I went to see Anderson again and confronted him (gently) about Horizon. He told me that he sent you out there before he knew if the rumors were true about me being alive and being "with" Cerberus On my last visit Anderson said that he couldn't be sure that it was really me and that I had been unaltered in my resurrection by Cerberus. Since that time, I sent the Alliance intel, I've done missions for them with "Cerberus resources," I saved Horizon and you from being taken. Yet, he's as closed-lipped as ever. And there is no offer to return to the Alliance to take on the Collectors. Why?

Why are you, Anderson and the Alliance shunning me? What have I done to deserve it? What is my crime? Being returned to life wasn't my choice. Who resurrected me was not my choice. That being said, I can't complain that I was brought back. If I hadn't been, who would be taking on the Collectors? I don't like Cerberus or their methods. But they are the only resource I've been given-the only resource I have to shut down the Collectors. I may have had no choice about the who, but I do have the choice on the how it's done.

I can only hope that over time my walk, my talk, my behavior, my choices will be noted by the Alliance. And by you. All I can do now is to move forward regardless of your approval or disapproval, take down the Collectors and then the Reapers and be grateful for the fact that you all are still around to still be able to approve or disapprove of me.
