Finally, Harry's destiny was revealed. Severus strode quickly down the empty, dark corridors of Hogwarts; he'd stayed late in Dumbledore's office. Finally, Dumbledore had confided in him. Now, though, Severus was deeply chocked which was indeed unusual for him, he felt betrayed almost, used. All this time he'd believed he was doing it for Lily. Lily Evans, who he'd loved and lost.
The enormity of his sacrifices for Lily scared him. He had devoted his whole, miserable life to Dumbledore's cause in order to atone for his mistakes, for it was him, Severus Snape, who'd reported the prophecy to Voldemort. It was him, Severus Snape, who could not protect Lily from the Dark Lord. And what had his sacrifices been for? Nothing. Her son was destined to die in the hands of the Dark Lord no matter what he'd done or would do.
Dumbledore's words seemed to echo in the corridors, "Have you grown to care for the boy, after all?"
"For him?" he'd shouted back and casted the silver doe.
No, Severus would always love Lily, but the boy.. the boy was his father all over again. Arrogant, ignorant to authority and attention-seeking.
But the eyes… bright green and so familiar. Although Severus tried to convince himself that Lily's son was like his father, even he couldn't deny that when he looked into the boy's eyes, he could see the familiar kindness, determination and compassion shining through.
Severus stopped abruptly and hid in an empty classroom. The darkness and the silence seemed to become, suddenly, much deeper. And suddenly, he could feel a heavy weight in his stomach and his heart pounding much faster. His hands began shaking.
He had loathed the boy, and quite rightly and deserved, the boy detested him. Severus could not bear the thought that Potter's son… that he had been protecting Potter's son so fiercely, so fiercely that now that it was over, he found himself in an empty room, his hand shaking at the loss. The loss of the last remaining living part of Lily, but also, he realised, the boy himself.
He'd been seeing what he'd expected to see, all along. What he had seen as arrogance, he realised, was indeed intelligence inherited from Lily. The same intelligence he'd adored. What he had seen as rule-breaking and a lack of respect was, in fact, braveness and determination in the dawn of his horrible, unstoppable destiny.
Severus placed his hands against the cold window to stop them from shaking and weighted his options. Was Harry really the chosen one? Was he the only one who could defeat Voldemort? Was it necessary for Harry to die in order to beat Voldemort? Could Dumbledore, even this once, be mistaken?
Severus made up his mind. He realised he could not tell apart Lily and Harry, for to him they both presented the same, now. Severus could not tell whether his heart was pounding for Harry only because of his love for Lily. And perhaps the boy was indeed their only hope against Voldemort, but Harry Potter would not die if Severus could help it.