The peel of the apple taking the shape of the letter C in All Halliwells' eve all made sense when Pheobe married Coop the cupid in Forever Charmed. PhoebeCoop.

Peel of an apple- deserving the best

Slowly the peel of the apple twist and form the letter C, as if a peel of an apple could form any other shape unless some sort of magic was involved (which, of course, there was but that's not really important.)

"Cole…" Phoebe whispered. Could it be? The man she'd just recently met, her one true love?

Cole starred at the apple peel in disbelief; he couldn't be the one true love of the woman he was supposed to kill, his demon part, his Belthazor part, all but screamed that this was wrong. Yet his other half, his human half, the part of him which was Cole couldn't help wondering; maybe this was right.

But in the end the love between Phoebe Halliwell and Cole Turner didn't work out. No matter how hard he tried the demon in him always fought to get out. The Charmed Ones had to vanquish Cole and Phoebe; she lost her faith in love.

Yes, she tried, there was Jason Dean, her boss at the Bay Mirror, but that didn't work out; he was too busy with his career, flying all over the world and he didn't take too well to Phoebe being a witch either. Then there was Lesley St. Claire, the ghost writer hired to take over Phoebe's column, that didn't work out either. She still hadn't restored her faith in love.

In the meantime Cole, unable to watch his beloved Phoebe losing faith in love because of him, took matters in his own hand and hired Drake Démon; a Mercury demon who turned good after reading about human feelings. Cole told Drake how he could get a soul, unfortunately that meant he'd die in a year but he promised Cole he would find Phoebe a restore her faith in love. And he did. Then his life ended.

Phoebe went on dating people but it never felt right. Drake did give her the faith to date, not the faith that someday she would find the right man. And of course there was this little hitch with all of them; neither started with C.

It didn't make matters better that Phoebe was getting a little desperate; twice she'd had visions of the future when she had a child; first on her vision quest where she'd discovered who Chris, their neurotic whitelighter from the future really was, then in that pretty fantastic premonition where she'd actually spoken to her future self.

Then she met Coop, a cupid sent by the Elders to help her find her faith in love, (seemed as though everyone wanted that) the two of them had fallen in love but had tried to fight it; being as it was strictly forbidden for cupids to find love of their own.

It was only when her nephews Wyatt and Chris came on a visit from the future she realized the truth, the wonderful truth; the Elders had sent Coop down hoping the pair would fall in love, feeling that was the only way the could make up to Phoebe for what she'd been through.

And it made sense. Oh how it made sense; the peel of the apple had formed a C, not for Cole but for Coop.

Coop her one true love. Her soulmate. The father of not just one but three wonderful little girls.

"I still love you Phoebe." Cole whispered to himself, nobody else could hear him anyway stuck in limbo as he was. "I really do. But you deserve the best. A cupid certainly is the best."