Chapter 9

Lily could hardly wait for the first hogsmead visit, it would be the first time she would go with using secret passage ways and the cloak. The first hogsmead visit was on Halloween morning to afternoon, that was in about a week.

"Hey Lily." Lysander said as she walked into the Slytherin common room.

"Hey Xander," she said sitting down in the chair next to him.

"So since next week is your fist hogsmead trip, I was thinking maybe you needed someone to show you around." Lysander said. Lily felt her cheeks heat up, when embarrassed make joke.

"Hm, yeah I guess I could ask James to show me around." She said trying not to laugh at Lysander's face. "I'm kidding Xander, you can show me around if you want, but I have to warn you I have already been there and know the roads like the back of my hand."

"Sounds good, but you sure you don't want to go with Lucy and Hugo?" he asked.

"nah, Lucy's been acting all weird and hanging out with the less tolerable Slytherins," lily said making a face, Lucy had been so sweet, lily had thought she had only been in Slytherin because she was and they were best friends, but lately Lucy had been hanging out with the darker crowd of Slytherins. And it worried lily.

"What about Hugo?" he asked.

"He's going with all his Hufflepuff friends." She said. At least Hugo's friends were nice, she was good friends with most of the Hufflepuffs, especially the ones in their year.

So when Halloween rolled around lily walked out to meet Lysander.

"Ooh going on a date?" James teased.

"Of course not," lily said her cheeks going fully red to match her long red mane. James smirked, and then he noticed Lysander's cheeks also tinting a very clear pink.

"Sure," he smirked. "Whatever you say." Both of them were still blushing furiously.

"Come on; let's go check out some shops." Lysander said not looking directly at lily. Lily nodded and the two of them walked towards Honeydukes.

"I really need to visit my uncles joke shop, I'm running kind of low on prank supplies." Lily said as they exited the candy shop.

"Sure," Lysander said. "Here let's have some chocolate frogs on the way there." He passed her one. Lily smiled and opened her favorite candy.

"Wow." Lily said looking at the card. "It's my dad, and aunt, and uncle." She said holding up the golden trio card.

"I've got about six of that one." Lysander said.

"I've never even seen this card," lily said. "But I've seen each of their individual cards."

"I've only seen Harry's individual card." Lysander said.

"Which one did you get?" she asked taking the subject off her family,

"Dumbledore." He said.

"That's a good one." Lily said.

"Your family is so cool," Lysander muttered, so low lily wondered if she was supposed to hear.

"You family is cool too Xander. My dad tells stories about how great a friend and how brave a fighter your mum was, she fought in the battle of the department of mysteries, the battle of the tower, and the battle of Hogwarts, she was one of the few people my dad could truly trust during that time. I know she doesn't get as much publicity, but really it's not all its cracked up to be." Lily said taking his hand. Lysander looked a little more cheerful after that.

"I guess your right," he said cracking a smile. "Plus I'm sure your right about the publicity,"

"Yeah I got more of it than my brothers because I'm in Slytherin but still our family doesn't go in wizarding public a lot." Lily said. The two of them had now arrived at WWW. "Uncle George!" lily called.

"Hey Lil." George said walking into the front area of the store. "I see you brought a friend." He smirked.

"Yes, just friends." She clarified.

"If you say so." George said smirking again. Lily rolled her eyes. "So what may I interest you two in today?"

"Actually I was wondering if you finished the product we were working on over the summer." Lily said looking at some of the newest trick wands.

"Yes I have it right in the back," he said walking away. He came back a moment later with a metal box. "Careful with this, don't want to set it loose in your own territory."

"Perfect." Lily said slipping the box into her bag.

"What does it do?" Lysander asked.

"Well you just slip it into enemy territory and set the timer, when the timer goes off the box will open a haze will go through the territory. Using this." He held a small silver remote like thing in his hand. "You can control anyone affected by the mist."

"Sweet." Lysander said. "But it sounds like the imperious curse."

"Well it's not exactly that, the mist won't allow the person being controlled to preform anything to hurt another person, its just to make them do embarrassing things." George said. He had had to get special permission with the ministry and prove that the mist would not cause people harm like the imperious curse had.

"I know just how to get it into the Gryffindor common room." Lily smirked.

"How?" Lysander asked.
"James said he's throwing a Christmas party and people from different houses can come, we just need to get the password from him on Christmas Eve." Lily said. "Then we plant the box in a corner or under a chair."

"Or we could turn it invisible," Lysander suggested.

"I like your thinking." George said.

"Anyway we turn it invisible and hide it somewhere where no one would trip on it, set the timer for sometime the next morning. And bada-bing we are in the zone." Lily continued.

"Hide it somewhere that no one can reach, so no one will go finding it on accident." George said.

"How exactly are we supposed to do that unsuspicously?" Lily asked.

"Fine but just hide it somewhere out of the way." George muttered annoyed that his niece had outwitted him in a prank.

"also before we go we need to get some skiving snack boxes, extendable ears, canary creams, trick wands, wiz-fire-wiz-bangs, portable swamps, and headless hats." Lily said checking the list she had made.

"Got all that right here. And I thought I just gave you tons of extendable ears, those aren't one time use things like some of the others." George said handing her the prank supplies.

"Teachers, they don't seam to like the extendable ears for some reason." Lily said putting the prank supplies in her bag.

"yeah well they don't chang much." George muttered.

"How does that all fit?" Lysander asked questioing about her bag.

"Undetectable extension charm." Lily said. "Aunt Hermione put it on some of my bags." They both walked back towards Hogwarts castle soon after enjoying butter beer at the three broomsticks.

"So did you have a fun time?" Lysander asked as the walked down towards the Slytherin common room.

"One of my favorite trips." She said blushing slightly.

A/N so please tell me what you think,
