I was awoken abruptly from my sleep by a shrieking girl throwing herself on top of me.

"Harry! Harry! Harry! C'mon get up! Get up!" Hermione yelled as she jumped up and down on my bed. If I hadn't been half asleep I would have kicked her off the bed. But being disabled by dreams, I merely rolled over groaning. She continued jumping and yelling, 'Harry! It's your birthday! You're legal! Get up!"

I smiled a bit into my pillow, still reluctant to get out of bed. Unfortunately Hermione did not give up. She bent down so she was level with my ear and got increasingly louder.


There was a small knock from the door, and a quiet "Can I come in?" from Ron. I moaned and rolled back over to face them, sitting up. I suddenly very conscious of my night attire, and I pulled my comforter over my boy shorts and tank top, not wanting to make Ron feel uncomfortable.

"Yea…Come on in Ron." I said clearing my throat of sleep. I rubbed my eyes and smiled as Ron came in and flung himself down next to Hermione, giving her a small kiss. He took her hand and turned back to me.

"Happy birthday mate! Seventeen…watch out Wizarding world…" He said beaming at me. "How does it feel?"

"You guys are seventeen, you should know!" I laughed, avoiding the question. To be honest, I didn't know how I felt. On one hand, I didn't feel any different. But on the other, I did. It was weird, knowing that I could do magic, and apparate whenever, wherever. It was amazing, but scary.

It was amazing to think of how different that day would be if I hadn't killed him. Everyone was so happy. There was hardly a angry word spoken in Grimmauld Place. I felt light, carefree. Nothing was coming for me. Nothing was going to harm me. I was finally going to live a normal life.


I left my two best friends alone with a smile, and headed downstairs. As soon as I walked out of my door, the smell of bacon hit me. If it weren't for the hazardously long pajama pants I was wearing, I would've flown down the stairs. But I did go extremely fast towards the food. Seven years with the Weasley boys had taught me to get to food quickly, or not eat at all. I was booking it down the hallway to the kitchen when the twins appeared in front of me.

"Hiya Harry!" Fred chirped, holding his arm out to stop me, eyeing the kitchen.

"Mornin'!" George said cheerfully, casually making his way to my side ready to pounce if I tried to run.

"Good morning Fred, George," I said stiffly, sizing them up individually. They narrowed their eyes. "Had a good sleep I presume? Why else would you be up so early?"

"Oh…I don't know…" George said innocently. He betrayed himself by nervously shuffling his feet. Fred did a face palm.

"George! I said play it cool!" Fred stage whispered urgently. "We can't let her know about the


"I can spell you know."

George's face popped into a comical 'o' face as Fred winked at me.

I stood there, weighing my options. I could play the birthday card, which is why I figured they were doing that. Or, I could beat them to the bacon, making them feel bad because they were beaten by a girl. And I would get bacon.

I ran. I pushed past the boys and sprinted to the kitchen. I could hear them running right behind me. I skidded into the kitchen, knocking chairs into their paths. I came to a halt in front of a flabbergasted Mrs. Weasley who was carrying a large plate of bacon. I took the plate graciously from her, and with a "Thank you Mrs. Weasley" plopped myself down at the table next to a laughing Sirius.

The boys had picked themselves up and dusted off, setting the chairs and the rug right. They sidled over to the table and tried to pick a piece of bacon off of the plate. A wand came down on their fingers.

"Uh-uh!" The boys rubbed their hands sourly. "That is for our birthday girl!"

I gave Mrs. Weasley a huge smile as I dug into my huge plate of bacon. Sirius was still chuckling as he clapped me on the back with a big "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

I heard the boys whining in the background.

"But Muuumm! She's so small! She can't possibly eat that much!"

"Yea! She's only doing that 'cuz we want some!"

"How old are you two? Grow up, there is more in the skillet!" came the shrill, but loving, reply to their moans. I couldn't help smiling as I took in the room around me. Sirius sat beside me at the large wooden table, Mrs. Weasley was chopping happily away at the counter while Mr. Weasley was reading what looked like an old Muggle car magazine. I heard a creak come from the stairs, and looked up to see Ginny with Ron and Hermione close behind.

As soon as Hermione was in the kitchen she started screeching again. I honestly didn't know how Ron put up with her, and when I looked at him puzzled, he gave me a half hearted shrug as an explanation.

"What's wrong Hermione?" I asked, my mouth full of bacon. I watched as she pointed at four large envelopes at the edge of the table, one slightly larger.

"Oh…hadn't noticed those." I muttered as she ran to find hers. I really hadn't seen them in my mad rush for food. I chewed my bacon unconcerned, wondering if the bigger envelope was Hermione's announcing that she was Head Girl.

"Uh…Harry?" Hermione called from across the room. I looked up from my glass to see her face. It was excitement, with a twinge of sadness. She handed me an envelope. It fell heavy in my hands, and my heart sank. The big envelope was mine. I opened it carefully, fully aware that every eye in the room was on me. I put my hand in the envelope, fishing around for the heavy culprit.

My hand hit cool metal. My eyes widened. I pulled it out. It was a badge, like the one Hermione had been wishing for. It read,

Head Girl

"Hermione, I-" I started, feeling bad for my friend. She had wanted to be Head Girl ever since she saw her first badge.

"Harry. It's fine really!"She smiled, I was surprised to find it genuine, filling her eyes. "I have enough to do with N.E.W.T.s and this one" she nudged Ron, he grunted a bit but smiled sheepishly at her. "I'm glad that I'm not Head Girl. Just one more thing I don't have to worry about. Plus, you are the obvious choice, you will be wonderful! I'm so happy for you!"

She came around the table and hugged me. I had stood up at some point in her little speech without realizing, so she really took me by surprise.

"Now open the letter and read it!"She squealed. I smiled at her as I opened the thick parchment to reveal the familiar green handwriting.

Dear Ms. Harriet Isabel Potter,

I am pleased to inform you that you have been chosen as Head Girl for this upcoming school year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This is an immense honour, as well as a responsibility. If you feel that you cannot adequately fill this role, please notify me immediately.

I, as well as many other faculty members, feel that you will adapt to your new responsibilities and partner, Mr. Malfoy, with ease and dedication. I understand the strained relationship you two hold, but I believe that Hogwarts could not have a better team. However, you may choose to not rise to the challenge. This I leave entirely up to you. I expect a reply within two days with a confirmation or decline of your position.

I look forward to your reply,

Professor Minerva McGonagall

Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

I stared open mouthed at the letter I was holding.

I was suddenly aware of a presence hovering over my shoulder. Hermione had been reading along with me.

"And now I'm really glad I didn't get that letter!" she said, patting me on the shoulder. I sighed and passed the letter to Sirius who had been trying to crane his neck subtly from his seat to see the words.

"What? What's wrong?" Ron asked in his panicky voice. I gave him a small reassuring smile.

"It's just…" I sighed again, mostly internal, while forcing my brain to accept the situation.

"Draco Malfoy is Head Boy." Sirius said quietly, finishing my broken sentence. I sat down slowly, still processing. Sirius turned to me. "You know Harry, it'll be okay. You only have to do certain things with him. And other times you can ignore him…or hex him" he winked at me.

"Thanks." I said. Something was boiling up in me, and I didn't know what. Then it all came spewing out. The thoughts rushed into my head a million per second, and I struggled to get a sentence out. "It's just..what the hell is she doing? Happy fucking birthday Harry! You get to spend most of your last school year with your school enemy! Draco fucking Malfoy. I swear, anyone. Anyone could be Head Boy better than Malfoy could! What the hell does she mean 'you may not rise to the challenge…' Who does she think she's talking to? I'm Harriet Fucking Potter! Of course I'm going to meet the fucking challenge! Why else would she have said that? If anyone backs out, it'll be that fucking coward Malfoy! " I spat.

I knew my sentences didn't make sense, but that was exactly how I was feeling at that moment.

My chest was rising and falling fast, and I could feel everyone staring at me. It had been awhile since my temper had flared in the slightest, and they weren't used to it. At this point, George was the closet to me, and he wrapped me up in a hug as hot angry tears rolled down my face. I just wanted to scream. What the hell was McGonagall playing at?

"Well! We need to start getting ready for the party, eh?" Mr. Weasley clapped his hands, breaking the silence, getting up from his chair in the corner. I pulled out of George's embrace to look at Mrs. Weasley.

"Oh! No…Mrs. Weasley, you don't need to do that! It's not a big deal, don't worry!" I sniffed, smiling a bit. She looked at me warmly shaking her head.

"Harry dear, we go through this every year. Do you ever win?" I shook my head. She smiled and hugged me before starting on a list of preparations.


The night after my party I went straight upstairs to write to Professor McGonagall. I accepted the position of Head Girl with gratitude and eagerness.

The following weeks went by quickly and thankfully uneventfully, except for a few excursions to the village and some random apparation, much to Mrs. Weasley's disapproval. George and I became closer than ever before, and I wasn't sure why. He had always been the quieter twin, but now, with the war gone, he was as energetic and loud as his twin brother. I enjoyed his company, and we became fast friends.

Two weeks before we were due at platform nine and three quarters, and right before we left for Diagon Alley Professor McGonagall's reply came at last.

Dear Harriet Isabel Potter,

I am glad to find you well, and pleased at your enthusiastic approach. Mr. Malfoy has responded in a likewise manner.

I had not mentioned this is the previous letter, but there is one thing I must ask of you and Mr. Malfoy. It has been a tradition, and a helpful one I may add, for the Heads to come at least three days earlier than the other students and Prefects. We ask this in order to give you time to get semi-acquainted with your partner, and settle into your new dormitory. This is so you can be well prepared to handle the rush of 'moving day' without having to worry about unpacking yourself. I hope this is not an inconvenience.

I have arranged for the apparation charm to be lifted from 4:10 to 4:15 on August 28th. This will give you a full three days, and most of the first, to become settled. Please owl if this is an inconvenient arrangement.


Professor Minerva McGonagall

Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

P.S. I am dreadfully sorry about the delay of my reply. It has been so busy here lately; I hadn't the time to run to the owlery! I hope this finds you well and ready for the new school year!

I don't know how long I sat and stared at that sheet of parchment. I could not believe what McGonagall was suggesting. It was hard enough to digest the fact that Malfoy and I would be living together, but the fact that I had to spend three whole days with him, without the moral support of Ron and Hermione, was not sitting well.

I felt Ron come up behind me and read over my shoulder. I waited for him to reach the pivotal moment of the letter, bracing myself for the impact of his voice.

Instead, I felt a pair of warm arms pull me into a hug. I heard Ron whisper, "It'll be alright Harry, it's only three days. We'll be there before you know it."