AN: This was inspired by the song Jueves by La Oreja de Van Gogh. I totally ship them together but que sera sera. As usual I am just borrowing these two guys to play with them and they do not belong to me.
Read, Enjoy and Review
There was him again. Blond, silver eyed, pink poking out tongue, book on his lap and probably no idea that I was taking this bus just to see him. He was clueless about how much his presence affected me. The splitting image of Al, if Al had his body back anyways…
He always sat across the aisle from me, more like I sat across the aisle from him since he probably didn't even know I existed. I wanted to talk to him, hear his voice -"Brother"- and his laugh. He was my little brother and at the same time he was not, a complete stranger, just like I hadn't been the other Ed.
But I was still drawn to him, I didn't dare. What if he was Al's opposite, hated cats or something like it? I wouldn't risk it, that's why I had been taking this bus for a month now, even if it was a detour from my route. Looking at the not-Al was my addiction. Maybe if I was whole, better, people smart and like Al, I would be brave enough to cross the aisle and talk to him. Mustang would probably be laughing right now, the Fullmetal alchemist who faces chimeras and crazy serial killers can't cross an aisle and talk to a guy.
"Alphonse," I said, my voice cracking from the pain and love that single word made me feel.
The not-Al must have heard me, because he snapped his head up. Great, now he will think I'm a weirdo, not the greatest way of meeting people.
"Entschuldigen sie bitte, haben sie meinen namen?"
"Nein" he looked crestfallen, and I felt like I had to add something so he wouldn't feel bad, I had called his name after all. "Ich bin Edward"
"Alfons," I replied grinning in the most Al-like way. "Alfons Heidrich."
And then he did the most weird, also Al-like, thing he could do, he stood up, crossed the aisle to my seat and hugged me. I was being hugged by a guy who looked like my brother, on a bus on a Thursday, Thursday just became my favorite day of the week.