Disclaimer: I don't own Dragon Ball or My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. They belong to Akira Toriyama and Hasbro respectively.

Chapter 4:

Goku let out a groan as Nightmare moon laughed. He struggled to get off of her horn, but to no avail.

"You're still alive, huh? Well, you're hardier than I thought."

Twilight struggled to look away and get back to work when Nightmare Moon threw Goku off of her, causing him to land with a wet splat, making Twilight wince. Nightmare then teleported herself into the ring of stones just as Twilight managed to make a magical spark. The spart traveled along the ring, causing each stone to glow as Twilight was zapped back.

"What? No! Not again!" Nightmare cried as the glow started to intensify before dying out altogether.

"What? What happened? I made the spark so where's the sixth element?" Twilight asked wildly.

"You little fool." Nightmare said as she reared up and slammed her hooves down, the shockwaves shattering the stones.

"You're the fool, Nightmare!" A voice called from behind Twilight. Turning in confusion, she saw Goku standing, uninjured. The only sign he had been injured was the small hole in his gi.

"How in the? Goku! You were mortally injured! How are you better?" Twilight asked in disbelief.

"You remember that pouch? Well inside were senzu beans. Turns out they can heal as well as stave off hunger." Goku explained before looking at Nightmare. "As for you, Nightmare, this is the end of the line."

Nightmare was shocked for a bit but quickly got over it. "Well, now. You're full of surprises aren't you. Then I guess we can resume our fight, as little Twilight over there wouldn't give me one." She charged at Goku, who dashed out of the way. "How in the? He's faster now?"

Goku smiled as he cupped his hands and moved them both to his right side. "Ka me... Ha me..." A ball of light formed in his cupped hands, growing bigger the longer he focused. "HAAAAAA!" He thrust his hands forward as a beam of light shot out, flying at and enveloping Nightmare as she screamed in pain. The beam soon ended with smoke billowing from Nightmare. Nightmare's groans could be heard from the smoke, and as it cleared, it became apparent just how injured she was.

Almost her entire front left side was blown off, as was her horn and ears. Blood flowed freely from her injury and pooled on the ground.

"You... You've maimed me!" She growled. "I won't be defeated by some monkey child!" She groaned as she forced herself to reform, expending a lot of her magic to do so, but she was incensed. "You've forced my hand, little boy. It's time you felt my true power!" Nightmare dashes toward a shocked Goku and knocks him aside. "You said you have beans that can heal, right? Well, I won't let you use any more. These are mine, now." She uses her magic to grab the pouch and tucks the pouch away. "This time, when you're impaled, you'll die!"

Meanwhile, while Goku and Nightmare were fighting, AJ and the other ponies were making their way to Twilight's location and could hear Nightmare's speech. "Twilight, were coming for you!"

Twilight hears the voices and gasps in shock as she feels a spark erupt in her heart.

"Nightmare! You think you can destroy the elements just like that?"

The embodiment of darkness just stares at her.

"Well, you're wrong."

AJ and the other ponies approached Twilight as she spoke.

"Because the spirits of the Elements of Harmony are right here!" Twilight shouted proudly. The shards of stone shook and rose into the air.

"Huh? What?"

Goku was just bewildered.

"Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the Spirit of... Honesty!"

Shards swirled around Applejack, who glanced at them for a bit before glaring at Nightmare.

"Fluttershy, who tamed the manticore with compassion, represents the spirit of... Kindness!"

Shards swirled around Fluttershy, who watched them shyly.

"Pinkie Pie, who banished fear by giggling in the face of danger, represents the spirit of... Laughter!"

Shards swirled around the pink pony as she bounced.

Rarity, who calmed a sorrowful serpent with a meaningful gift, represents the spirit of... Generosity!"

Shards swirled around the white unicorn.

"And Rainbow Dash, who could not abandon her friends for her own heart's desire, represents the spirit of... Loyalty!"

Shards swirled around the blue pegasus as Goku started to smile.

"The spirits of these five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us!"

Nightmare was bewildered. "You still don't have the sixth element! The spark didn't work!"

Twilight smiled. "But it did. A different kind of spark. I felt it the moment I realized how happy I was to hear you, to see you, how much I care about you. The spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all are my friends!"

There was a flash of light as another stone materialized and slowly fell to hover above Twilight.

"You see Nightmare Moon. When those elements are ignited by the... the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element. The element of... Magic!"

The shards around the other ponies combined to form necklaces representing their different elements and Twilight was adorned with a tiara. The elements glowed fiercely and unleashed a double rainbow that twisted in the air and shot at Nightmare Moon, who, in her shock, did nothing to stop it as it twisted around her, forming a rainbow tornado as she cried out.

There was an explosion of light as Luna was freed from her corruption, a pouch lying next to her. The six ponies who freed her were lying on the floor, unconscious. It was several minutes before they woke, and carefully got to their feet.

"Oh, my head." Rainbow groaned.

Rarity was fixated on her new tail, though Fluttershy was admiring her necklace. Goku was watching everyone with a smile and walked to Luna. there was no sign of the massive fight they had, as if the Elements had washed it all away. He picked up the pouch of Sensu Beans and strapped it to his side.

"Twilight, I thought you were spouting a lot of hooey, but I guess we really do represent the elements of friendship." Applejack stated.

"Indeed you do." A voice reverberated off the walls as the sun rose. A ball of light shot from the sun and coalessed into Celestia.

"Princess Celestia?" Five of the six ponies bowed while Twilight trotted up to give her mentor a hug.

"Twilight Sparkle, my favorite student. I knew you could do it."

Twilight looked happy.

"You were right. I just needed to make some friends. And I did. They're the best friends a mare could ask for." She exclaimed as the others smiled.

Celestia looked at Goku, specifically the hole in his gi. "Seems you got into some trouble, Goku. I hope the beans I sent you were of help."

"They were a big help, Princess. I wouldn't be here without them. but, how did my Nimbus get here?" Goku looked confused.

"That's a bit of a story. You see, yhesterday, I was contacted by someone by the name of King Kai, who told me how you got here. I was surprised to learn it was he who had opened the portal to save you. He knew it wasn't your time to die, but the only way to get you out of the explosion in time was to transport you to a different world. Unfortunately, after doing something like that, it takes time for the dimensional walls to heal enough to open a way back. He told me you'd be stuck here for three Earth years. That should be enouigh time for the dimensional wall to heal. If opened early, the dimensional wall threatens to collapse entirely. If that happens, disaster would plague both our worlds. Therefore, I have already set up a house for you to live in during your stay in Ponyville."

Only Twilight seems to have understood what Celestia said. The others were lost.

"I'm glad Twilight let true friendship into her heart, but I hope another will as well." Celestia approached Luna. "Princess Luna. It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this. We should put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister."

The ponies and human were shocked. "Sister? !"

"Will you accept my friendship?"

Luna got shakily to her feet and ran to Celestia, hugging her. "I'm so sorry! I missed you so much, big sister."

Pinkie broke down crying at the touching scene, but soon sprung back to her feet.

"Hey! You know what this calls for? A Party!" With that, the whole group was teleported back to Ponyville by Celestia, allowing Pinkie to set up the impromptu party. Everyone had fun, and there was plenty of food and drink for all. Luna was even given a flower necklace by two pegasus foals. twilight, however, looked glum as Celestia approached.

"Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?"

"That's just it. As soon as I find out how wonderful it is to have friends, I have to leave them. Can't I stay here?"

Princess Celestia looed thoughtful.

"I don't see why not. As long as you keep up your studies on magic. You must report to me periodically what you find on both magic, and friendship. I think once a week should be must send a report at any time between Sunday and Saturday every week. if you have nothing to report, send a letter explaining such."

Twilight smiled. "Thank you, Princess."

Celestia smiled. "It's time Luna and I returned to the castle. Luna needs to catch up on what has happened since she was away. This unfortunately means she will be holed up almost 24/7, studying. If anyone wants to send her any letters, I'll make sure she gets them."

With that, the two were off, back to Canterlot. Twilight and Goku settled into their new homes.

To be continued...

A/N: This is finally out. With this, the Nightmare Moon arc comes to a close. Please read and review.