Written for Twin Exchange Summer Lovin Challenge

Pairing: Neville/Hermione

Prompt: Leaves

Quote: "Please don't"

Theme: Tending Hagrid's Garden

"Are you certain, Neville?" Hermione asked, rubbing the leaf between two fingers.

"Yeah. It's in my book," Neville said confidently. "Here, look." He opened the fat book on his lap, pointing to a picture.

She read the passage quickly, eyebrows up. "You're right! How did you know about that?"

"I've read the whole book; it's my favorite."

She grinned at him and tugged on the leaf.

"No! Not like that. You have to twist the leaf clockwise. It'll snap right off.'

"Oh! Sorry." She followed his instructions and the leaf came right off.

"Alright Hermione? Neville?" Hagrid asked.

"Fine Hagrid," Hermione answered.

"We're almost finished," Neville added.

"Good. I'm gonna head down to Rosemerta's. Professor Sprout is still out if you need help." He pointed to the nearby greenhouse.

"What else is here?" Hermione asked once Hagrid had taken off.

"Oh, um…let's see…" Neville squinted around Hagrid's garden, looking for anything interesting.

Hermione nibbled her lip, scooting closer.

"Er…oh! This is herbingulous Ferndale."

"Oooh, what's it for?"

"Um, well it-it has a few uses. Unicorns love the scent when it's burned, so lots of gamekeepers use it to call them. Uh, they grind it up into a paste to reduce wrinkles. OH! And Walter MacDougal is currently working on a potion for curing spatter grout. He theorized that-"

Hermione pressed her lips to his so forcefully, that Neville nearly toppled over backwards.

"Sorry," she gasped, backing away from the shocked boy.

"Er…I don't mind," he said, blushing furiously.

"I promise that won't happen again."

"Please don't."

"Excuse me?"

"Don't promsie that."

"But I- Really?"

Swallowing dryly, Neville leaned forward and kissed her softly. "Really."

The End.