This is a story about Deidara and how he cuts himself. Sasori is there to help.

I don't own Naruto.


Brat, why do you do it?

Because it hurts.

It hurts to know you'll never, ever love me.

Just because I'm me.

That's not true.

Yes, it is.

You don't love me.

And you never will.

Stop saying that.


It's true.

My mother…told me never to lie.

Did she teach you how to cut.


What are you talking about?


Cutting is a sin.

So is loving another boy.

Is this why you don't love me back?

Because I'm a boy?


Then why?

Why wont you love me back?

I love you so much…

As do I.

How can you just say that?

Do you mean it?

I can't tell.

Yes I do mean it.


I love you to Danna.

Why didn't you tell me sooner.

Because I didn't think you would result to this.

Do you think I'm scum now Danna?

Do you think I'm worthless Danna?

What do you think of me now Danna?

I think you're perfect.

I'm scarred Danna.

I'm not perfect.

I'm tainted.

Only because you made yourself that way.

Only because you didn't tell me Danna.

Life has been hard.

I'm nothing near perfection.

Your perfect to me.

Danna, I'm explosive.

I blow things up.

I have mouths on my hands.

And I still love you.

Danna, you love me?

My Danna loves me back?

I love you too~

Will you stop?

But Danna-

It relieves my stress.

I feel better when I do it.

Am I not a stress reliever?

Oh Danna…

I can't think of you that way.

You were the one who caused me the stress.

Do I still?


You said you loved me.


Yes, Brat.


Then you do not cause me stress.

Not any more.

Will you stop?


I can.

I'll try.


Of course.

Of course I promise.

I don't lie.

Pinky promise?

Oh Danna,

You sound so childish.

Yes, pinky promise.

Cross your heart?

And hope to explode.

I love you Danna.

Do you love me?

Of course, Deidara.

These wounds will not open.

They will never return.

As long as I have Danna in my heart.


I'm sorry, I didn't mean for Deidara to sound so vulnerable, but that's how he turned out to be! Hoped you enjoyed! :3


These wounds will not open.

They will never return.

As long as I have Danna in my heart.

And everywhere else.


You ruined the moment.

Good job.

Thank you.