Well hello there peoples of fanfiction who I have not talked to in months! It's been a crazy freshie year so far, and I'm just happy to be writing this! I know it's been forever, but I hope you will still read this despite. It is the long awaited epilogue, and the seconded season of house of Anubis has come to an end? What did you think? I'm going to give you some of my random opinions from this season, you can agree, disagree, whatever you want:


Eddie was soooo hot.

Nina was more annoying this season.

Joy was irritating, but I liked her by the end.

Eddie and Patricia are now my new favorite couple.

Brad Kavanagh's Fabian portrayal after Nina fell in the hole was really good and believable.

I found myself to like Jerome a whole lot more than last season.

Where's Jerome's mom?

Vera made for a creepy zombie.

I wanted Piper to stay.

I loved when Fabian would make random comments about how he's NOT a nerd.

I couldn't understand how Fabian couldn't be fed up with Nina at some parts of this season.

Amber was adorable as always.

I felt bad for Mara, the only one in the end who knew nothing about the Anubis house mystery.

I wanted Trudy to be with Jasper.

Speaking of him, what happened to Jasper?

I wanted to try Trudy and Vera's cakes…

Would never have guessed that Jerome's dad would be nice once introduced.

I thought Alfie was saner this season.

I was glad Mick left… Even though in my story he isn't gone…


Yupp, those are my thoughts this season(: So yeah. And since Eddie and Patricia are the BOMB, I have decided to delete Robbie as a character and insert Eddie. But I'm not going to change the whole story because of that fact, so just pretend that Eddie was there and him and Patricia were a couple through Graduation. Thanks!

So after my rant, I will now begin. Hope you all like! (:

Nina and Fabian Rutter.

Nina and Fabian both went to Oxford College. They stayed a couple through their whole time there, helping one another out, as things got tough and got married right after college graduation. There was no more mystery, and surprisingly, Nina found that to be weird. So she and Fabian decided to create the mystery for themselves. Nina became a Special Agent working as a profiler and Fabian became a detective. They made an amazing team, so they solved many cases. They also saved many people's lives. After they were older and started to work on less demanding cases from home, they decided to have their first child.

Jack Lewis Rutter was born on April 21st.

Their seconded child was Amber Sarah Rutter and she was two years younger than the first and named after Amber and Sarah of course!

Their final child, Leila Ann Rutter was born in the summer.

They made for an amazing family.

Amber and Alfie Lewis.

Amber went to an art school to major in fashion and design, and Alfie went to a college nearby. They also stayed a couple throughout their college years, and spent many fun times together. They also got married right after college, with Alfie proposing right at Amber's graduation, much to her delight. They had their first child pretty quickly.

Shelby Nina Lewis, whom they lovingly called their seashell, leading her to go by Shelly, was born on New Year's Eve.

After Shelly was born, Amber had to work from home trying to become big in the fashion biz. And she did. Designing a whole clothing line based on her daughter and their Anubis adventures, she craftily called it SIBUNA by Amber Millington Lewis. Its catchphrase was "A whole new level of mystery." It sold everywhere and caused Amber to open up her own company, sending her stores everywhere. With a famous wife, Alfie became a talk-show host for his own show "Prank that Dude!"

After the family settled down and were happy, the couple had their final child, Evelyn Rose Lewis.

They had made history.

Mara and Jerome Clarke.

Mara and Jerome both went to the same college. Mara got her medical degree and continued through med school to become a doctor. Jerome surprisingly decided to continue through law school to become a lawyer. After his dad's trial, he wanted to help others who would be in the same situation and just wanted a family member back, so he dealt with family affairs. After they got their bachelor's degree, they moved in together while Jerome went to law school and Mara went to med school.

After they settled into their work, they were married and had their first child rather quickly, Emily Lynn Clarke.

After a year they decided to adopt another baby girl from China, who they named, Crista Marie Clarke.

They were your typical, wealthy, but all around genuine family.

Patricia and Eddie Sweet.

Patricia and Eddie both went to the same college, and loved it there. They, of course, went to many parties but also studied as needed. They were your typical perfect couple, and everyone was jealous of how perfect they were. Somewhere through college Eddie and Patricia had both decided to get their degree in education, much to everyone's surprise. Eddie became a principal like his father, but he was that fun principal that made everyone want to go to his school. Patricia worked as a teacher there in Egyptian History and surprised many of her students with her knowledge that it seemed she had almost lived it. (Wink Wink) They were that cute teacher couple that all the students talked about.

They were married after college as Eddie proposed to her on a trip to New York City and he had the question up on the jumbo tron. She had slapped him for going to so much work, but she said yes.

They had triplets, Collin Michael Sweet, Phoebe Noelle Sweet, and Trusten Michael Sweet, them only being two minutes apart each. Let's just say Patricia was not the loveliest wife while pregnant with three kids.

They made a huge impact on their kids, as well as their students.

Joy and Mick Campbell.

Being a country away from one another with Joy at Julliard and Mick at Notre Dame, The two sadly parted ways after graduation to follow their dreams. After Joy graduated she made her début on Broadway playing Glinda in the musical Wicked. She was happy, but she was missing something. She found faith and went to look for her love, Mick. Mick had graduated and become a famous football star in America. She bought a one way ticket and flew down to the states. She showed up at one of his big games, and posting "will you marry me" on the screen. She shown on the screen and Mick was so happy. He said yes and they fell in love once again. They were happy.

They had their one and only child, Melanie Renee Campbell, and they were delighted.

They were that perfect, little, entertainment famous family.

Every year the Anubis kids got together and had an annual barbeque. They would party it up and all of their kids called one another cousins. It was one, big, happy, family.


Thanks so much everyone!

To the reviewers, and to people who just read my story.

I love you all!

Ps… Please let me know if I should write more!