Authors Note- I haven't written fanfiction in AGES but I decided to start up again. I mean, what better excuse than Becker and Jess?
I do not own Primeval etc…if I did I would be doing very, very bad things to Becker ;)
He had been a complete idiot. "Security Stuff"? What was he thinking? He should have listened to the part of his brain that shouted "the girl you love almost died and has now woken up- hug her, kiss her…just do something!"
But he didn't.
He listened to the soldier part which said "well done Hilary- saved another civilian, go back to your duties".
He hated himself for it. However, he didn't know if he hated the part that was controlled…or the part that was screaming out to lose control. Because he; SAS star, soldier, head of security, "badass", was in love with Jess.
Jess Parker. Miss Parker. Mrs Becker? Hmm it had a ring to it. How could this little, naïve, brightly coloured woman have captured his heart- without even trying. Yes there was casual flirting… but she hadn't even tried- he was captivated from the first time he saw her.
Yet now he was sitting on his own in his armoury (because it was HIS armoury…he just let people in occasionally) like a complete idiot because he didn't have the courage to go and see if Jess Parker was ok.
As if by magic, and cruel fate as he was defiantly not prepared, he heard the "click-click" of her ridiculously high hills making their way down the corridor to him. "Crap" he whispered under his breath.
She couldn't believe it. Hilary James Becker. Captain Becker….Becker had saved her. He had carried her around the ARC, risking everything to save her- to make her feel safe and warm and….loved. Abby had told her most of it, and despite her allergic shock she could still remember parts. Like when he held her in the car- when she said she hated him. Of course that was a lie. Quite the opposite really.
She was in love with this soldier boy.
She was impeccably, desperately, passionately in love with Hilary James Becker.
So, she decided, after getting the all clear from the Doctor- she went in search for him. Part of her couldn't help being disappointed that he didn't say anything to her when she woke up, and hadn't checked up on her since. Maybe that was a sign he didn't feel the way she did. Maybe she was just another person- a friend at the most. Either way she needed to say thank you.
So, what do you think? I'm going to update as soon as possible- please review with any suggestions :)