Yes, I know! I shouldn't be making another Tratie story, while I only just updated my first one, and I have five other stories on hold. But I am obsessed with this pairing at the moment, so I've decided to make another Tratie story. YAY! Go Tratie (Aphrodite's gotten to me!). My summer's really boring, so that's probably another reason that I'm creating another Tratie story.

Disclaimer: Nope, but as soon as I have ownership over PJO, I'll let you know.

Katie's POV

Katie was sitting on her green comforter, listening to her green i-pod. She had left Camp Half-Blood, and had come home yesterday to spend sometime with her dad. The two hadn't met since Katie was seven, making it nine years of her dad begging to see her, till she decided that she should make the effort and visit. In those nine years her dad had remarried. The woman had three kids of her own. One son who was eighteen, two years older than Katie, and twin daughters who were sixteen, the same age as Katie.

Katie hadn't met her step family yet, as she hadn't been there for the wedding, she been to busy fighting monsters. She had watched the white camp van drive off after leaving her on her doorstep. She hadn't entered this house for nine years. And so much had changed in that time period. Sighing, she lifted her duffle bag, containing everything she would need; she had left everything else at camp, hopefully out of the Stoll's way. She walked up the porch stairs and rang the bell, in a hurry to get out of the cold.

She heard hurried footstep, and the click if the lock. The next thing she knew, she was facing her father. He had gotten older and had a few more wrinkles and grey hairs, but otherwise he looked he same. The same couldn't be said for her, she looked completely different from her seven-year-old self.

"Katie?" her father almost whispered, and he couldn't seem to take his eyes off of her. She had tears in her eyes, and she didn't trust her voice, so she just nodded and gave him a small smile. He laughed and flung the door open, and then he engulfed Katie in a huge hug and swung her round. Once he let her go, he took a long proper look at his daughter's face. Still smiling he turned to lead Katie into the house, who picked up her duffle bag and walked in, closing the door with her foot as she always used to do.

Upon walking in the house, Katie looked around, most things seemed the same, but some changed, probably because of her dad's new wife, Katie hadn't come around to think of her as her step-mother yet.

"I can't believe you're here, come on, their all waiting to meet you. I can't believe how much you've grown Kates." Her dad was telling her.

"Can't wait, dad. And it happens." came Katie's smart response, which made him chuckle and smile even wider, if that was possible.

Her dad led her to the lounge, where on various seats, her step-family was sitting. Her step-mum stepped forward, and after a second of hesitation gave Katie a hug.

"Katie, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Your dad talks about you all the time. I can see why. I'm Angela." Her step-mum smiled at her. She was tall, and had blonde hair that fell just below her shoulders. She had smile lines on her face, and seemed really pleasant.

"These are my kids, Sam, and the twins, Victoria and Veronica." Angela was saying. Sam got up and shook hands with her. He was really tall and had inherited his mums blonde hair and blue eyes. He looked kind of like Alex Pettyfer. The twins however didn't move. The both had black hair and dark blue eyes. Katie could feel them inspecting her, but she had expected this so she had made sure she looked nice.

She was wearing dark denim skinny jeans and a white t-shirt on top of which she was wearing a denim waistcoat. On her feet were her gray converse. She had brushed her long brown hair, and made two small braids in the front and tied them together at the back. She wasn't wearing any making except for a little eyeliner, which made her grass green eyes pop. Around her neck was her camp clay bead necklace, which now had 9 beads on it. Overall, she looked good, and wasn't really worried about the inspection, by the twins. If she managed to get past the Aphrodite cabin's inspection, sitting next to Silena in the van, then surely she'd pass theirs.

Angela seemed to notice the cold behavior of the twins towards Katie, and she sent Sam to show Katie her room. Katie noticed that she stayed behind to scold the twins. Grinning to her self, Katie followed her "brother" to her room. It was exactly the same as she had left it, except for a few changes. The pink fairy bed sheets had been to plain green ones. She had a proper desk now, and the room had recently been painted a bright, cheerful green.

Looking around, Katie smiled. Sam coughed,

"So, my sister's seem to umm…not like you very much."

Katie turned to face him and gave him a small smile. "Hmm…well I guess I'll deal with it, don't worry about it too much."

When Sam had left Katie began to unpack. She hung her clothes in the large closet and stored all her celestial bronze weapons in a drawer. She had a feeling she would be needing them soon. After she put all her things in their right places, she sat on her comforter and pulled out the collection of photos she had of camp and began looking at them. Just then her dad knocked on her open door to get her attention.

"We've got a surprise for you downstairs Katie. And I hope you've brought us pictures." He said glancing at the ones in her hands.

Gathering her pictures, Katie headed downstairs to find everyone standing around two wrapped boxes sitting on the table. The twins looked really sulky. Her father gestured for her to open them, and the first one turned out to be a white i-phone, while the second one was a silver Mac Book laptop. Katie stared at he father for a second then ran and gave him a huge hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much." Katie said to him. After a few moments, with everyone gathered around her on the couch Katie proceeded to show her photos to her family, introducing everyone.

"That's Annabeth, there's Thalia, Connor Stoll…"

"Katie," Angela asked, "who's this?" pointing to a picture where Katie was piggy backing on Travis Stoll, and he was bent over and laughing at the camera, as was she. The other picture she held up was of the two of them making silly faces at the camera, with Conner giving both bunny ears in the background.

"Umm…that's Travis Stoll. He's just a friend, I guess." She flushed, and couldn't make eye contact with her dad. She had to admit, he did look pretty good, especially in that picture (did she just say that?), but they were not together. Just friends. Angela just smiled and shook her head knowingly at Katie. But when the twins started cooing over how cute he was, Kati just wanted to smack them, but she didn't know why. Shaking her head, Katie pointed to the picture in her dad's hand and said,

"That was a group photo of all of us before the war and attacks started last summer." Mr. Gardner noticed the sadness in his daughter's voice and skimmed over the subject of the Titan war, as she called it, saving it for another day.

"That's my cabin, and all my brothers and sisters. I'm head councilor, so all these kids must be your step-kids, right?" Katie grinned at her dad, with a twinkle in her eyes, as her dad hugged her with one arm smiling as he said,

"I sure missed you, Kates, and I'm glad you're back."


Later that night, Katie was sitting at the desk in her bedroom, with her new laptop sitting in front of her. She had finally got her own computer, even though Demi-gods weren't supposed to use them for too long. Katie had gotten tired of asking Annabeth or her sister, Miranda, if she could use their laptops, which were skillfully hidden away from Chiron.

Katie logged onto her Facebook account and changed her status to: Came home after 9 years, and met the steps.

Then she set about fixing her farm in Farmville and Frontierville. She got two notifications, which she opened,

Annabeth Chase and Piper McLean like your status and Annabeth Chase commented on your status.

Annabeth :- I hope their not as bad as mine were at the beginning.

Katie:- Nah, their alright actually, well most of them anyways

After replying to Annabeth, Katie quickly checked her e-mail and turned of the laptop. Didn't want to attract any monsters on her first back. She went to her closet and changed into her pajamas, which was a pair of short green shorts with pink clovers on them, with a matching v-neck shirt on top. She went, brushed her hair and teeth.

She slipped under the covers, after setting her alarm for six fifteen in the morning, on her new i-phone. And with that she slipped into a, for once, dreamless sleep.

So, please tell me what you think of this, I will update as soon as I can, but only if I get at least 3 reviews. So remember to review and the other chapter will be up sooner.
