Ch.1- The Calm Before the Storm

One Piece © Oda

Blizzard © Me

Summary- Five weeks after the events on Rivet Island, the Straw Hat Pirates and their newest member, Blizzard, have sailed into the Florian Triangle, where they encounter a ghost ship and a walking, talking, singing skeleton by the name of Brook! Luffy, thinking that he'd make a great musician for their crew, is quick to try and recruit him. However, before they can, the crew docks at a spooky island called Thriller Bark, a land haunted by ghosts, mythical beasts, and zombies, and it is ruled by one of the Seven Warlords, Gecko Moria, who possesses the powers of the Shadow-Shadow Fruit. With their shadows stolen, Luffy and the crew go off in search of a new adventure and to their save their skins! Can Luffy recover his stolen shadow, as well as his friends' before the sun takes his life? Who is Brook and what is the story behind this song he takes great pride in singing? Will the Straw Hats gain a crew member in all this? Find out in One Piece: The Thriller Bark Adventure!

It was a sunny day in the Grand Line. The breeze was calm and the waves were lapping the hull of the Thousand Sunny, the home of the notorious Straw Hat Pirates.

"Hey, guys! Check out how far I can go!"


"Go, Usopp, go!"

Currently, Monkey D. Luffy, Usopp, and Tony Tony Chopper were on the deck, playing on the swing. Luffy went first, so now it was Usopp's turn to go.

"1…2…3!" Luffy and Chopper counted before Usopp jumped off the swing and landed just beside Blizzard the wolf-dog, who was currently taking a nap on the grassy deck. However, he soon got a rude awakening when the sniper accidentally stepped on his tail.

YIPE! Blizzard yowled in pain, and then growled at Usopp, baring his teeth.

"Whoops!" Usopp squeaked. "Sorry, Blizzard."

Blizzard snorted at Usopp before he went to look for someplace else to finish his nap.

It has been currently been five weeks since he joined the Straw Hats, and Blizzard has since gotten used to the antics of the Idiot Trio.

"Me next! Me next!" Chopper exclaimed before he climbed onto the swing. Luffy decided to help by getting in back of him and pushing.

"Higher, Luffy! Higher!" Chopper demanded.

Luffy pushed the swing forward until it reached the desired height, and then he went beside Usopp.

"1…2…3!" Usopp and Luffy counted before Chopper jumped off…a little too far. He landed on the deck, right on his bottom.

"Ouch!" Usopp cried. "That's gotta hurt!"

"Tell me about it," Luffy added, agreeing.

"Ow…!" Chopper whined as he staggered back to his friends.

Meanwhile, below deck, Franky was busy on his latest project. A sign that read "No Entry Allowed" had been held up. For some reason, the cyborg had clumps of tissue stuck up his steel nostrils.

"Damn it…" Franky cursed under his breath. "How can that girl be so SUPER ungrateful?"


Nami had come down below deck in the middle of the night upon being awakened by the sound of someone hammering. As she suspected, it was Franky.

"Franky!" Nami called. "What are you doing? It's the middle of the night, you know."

"Not to be rude, but can't you read?" Franky asked, answering the navigator's question with another. He huffed out a sigh before he stood up. "Oh, well," he said, smiling. "I guess it's natural that you're curious, sis."

"What do you mean?" Nami asked.

"Look," Franky began, running a finger under his nose, "I was gonna keep this a secret until morning, but seeing as how you're here, I'll show you, but as long as you don't tell the others."

Nami raised an eyebrow in confusion before he stepped aside, his arms raised triumphantly.

"What do you think of my SUPER modifications, sis?" Franky said.

Nami looked at what Franky was showing, and then gasped. It looked like some sort of white rocking horse with paddles in the back!

What's worse? It was her old waver!

"The thing didn't really suit my tastes." Franky said. "So, I decided to spend yesterday mixing it up, a little."

Nami curled up two fists at her side.

"I gotta say, this thing's got a weird propulsion system," Franky said, not knowing of Nami's growing temper. "Where'd you find this thing, any-" by the time Franky turned around, it was too late. Nami threw a hard punch into his face that was so strong, it sent him crashing into the wall behind him.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Nami screamed in a volume so loud, it could've waked the entire Grand Line. Lucky for her that the rest of the crew are such heavy sleepers. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY WAVER, YOU BIKINI BOTTOM WEARING DUMB-ASS?"

"Well," Franky said, a huge bruise on his cheek, "it's supposed to be a white rocking horse."

"You are such an idiot!" Nami scolded. "The propulsion system was a Jet Dial, and this thing was meant to be a waver, not a stupid little kid's toy! How old do you think I am, Franky? 3?"

Franky was left dumbfounded. He didn't even notice that a small trickle of blood was now dripping from his nose.

Flashback end

With one last tap of the nail, Franky finished his modifications.

"There," Franky sighed. "Finished it. Those guys are gonna love this. I can't wait to see the look on their faces!"

Back up on deck…

"My turn! My turn!" Luffy cried as he got on the swing.

"Ready?" Usopp asked, receiving a nod from his captain.

"1…2…3!" Usopp and Chopper counted before Luffy jumped off the swing when it was at its highest.

BAM! Luffy collided right with the wall.

"How's that?" Luffy asked, dazed.

"WHOO-HOO!" Usopp and Chopper cheered. "New record!"

Inside the kitchen, Sanji was about to send down two sarsaparillas to the Aquarium Bar for the girls via the dumbwaiter.

"Miss Nami! Robin, dear!" Sanji called down. "Sorry to keep you waiting, my angels!"


Back outside, Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper were prepared to jump off the swing all at once.

"Okay, guys!" Luffy said. "Ready?"

"Ready!" Usopp and Chopper said.

Before they could begin the countdown, Sanji came outside.

"Hey!" the cook called. "Do you guys mind getting me some octopi from the tank?"

"Why?" Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper asked, simultaneously.

"I'm gonna use them to make an octopus buffet for dinner tonight!" Sanji explained. "We're having octopus pasta, salad, fried octopus tentacles, and to top it all off, an octopus pomodoro with a spicy Sicilian sauce!"

The boys drooled at the thought of the dishes being prepared with octopus in them. Blizzard, who couldn't fall back to sleep after all, could only lick his chops, hungrily. Maybe Sanji could chop up some octopus sushi and put it in his supper bowl. Even Sanji couldn't help but salivate a little at the thought of the food.

"Hey, Sanji!" Luffy called. "How about some octopus balls, too?"

"Oh, yeah~!" Usopp and Chopper agreed.

"Fine, fine," Sanji said.

GRUMBLE! GURGLE! ROAR! Luffy put his hands on his hungry stomach.

"Wow!" Luffy exclaimed. "All this talk about octopus is making me hungry!"

"Get as many octopi as you can," Sanji began, "and I'll let you eat three times your weight in octopus!"

"REALLY?" Luffy asked, a waterfall of saliva falling from his lips. "C'MON, YOU GUYS! WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR? TO THE FISH TANK!"

"YEAH!" Usopp and Chopper pumped their fists in the air before they ran to the tank with Blizzard following after them, barking all the way.


In the Aquarium Bar, Robin had just entered after she watered her flower garden. There, Nami was waiting for her with the sarsaparillas.

"Things are certainly lively, today," Robin said. "Aren't they, Miss Navigator?"

"Oh, Robin!" Nami greeted. "You're just in time! Our drinks are here, courtesy of Sanji!"

"Tell him I said thank you," Robin said, casually.


Back up on deck, Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, and Blizzard had opened the hatch to the tank. Chopper got down on his knees, preparing to grab one of the many octopi that happened to be inside. Alas, his tiny hooves and short arms weren't cut out for trying to catch them, and every time he managed to get near one, they all swam away.

"Aw…" Chopper complained. "They all keep getting away from me!"

Ruff! Bark! Bark! Blizzard barked at Chopper.

"Huh?" Chopper questioned. "You wanna try it, Blizzard?"

Ruff! Ruff! Blizzard barked, again.

"Okay, Blizzard, do your stuff!" encouraged Luffy.

The wolf-dog nodded his head before he turned around and dipped the tip of his tail in the water. After about thirty seconds, he felt something tug at it, and with a yank, he pulled it out. It was one of the octopi! Unfortunately, only one had attached itself to his tail.

"Only one," Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper said. Blizzard huffed a sigh.

"It's okay, boy," Luffy praised, petting the wolf-dog on the head before he took off the slimy octopus from his tail. "You tried your best." Just then, he stood up and rolled his arm. "Now it's my turn!" he said.

"Wait a minute, Luffy!" Usopp said. "One false move, and you might fall into the water and none of us might not be able to get you out!" Suddenly, a big toothy grin appeared on the long-nosed boy's face. "Leave this up to me."


A moment later, Usopp, donning a pair of flippers, goggles, a diving cap, and two large metal spatulas strapped to his back, plunged into the tank, attracting the girls' attention.

"Usopp?" Nami questioned. "What is he doing in there?"

Inside the tank, Usopp looked around, trying to find the octopi.

Okay… Usopp thought to himself. Where are those little suckers?

Just then, the sniper spotted them, all clumped together, their suction cups sticking to the glass wall.

It's gonna be a pain to pull all them off, Usopp thought before he smiled. But not for long. Prepare yourselves, my eight-armed friends!

SHING! Usopp pulled out his two large spatulas.

You are about to face the great Captain Usopp!

Outside on deck…

PLOP! One little octopus came out from the water and onto the floor.

"Ooh!" Chopper exclaimed.

"There's one!" Luffy cheered.

Back in the tank, Usopp was scooping out octopi left and right…

"2…3…4…!" Usopp said as he scraped them off the wall.

Back outside, Luffy, Chopper, and Blizzard watched as the octopi came out by the tens.

"Oh, man!" Chopper said, drooling. "Octopus Buffet, here we come!"

Blizzard licked his lips, again, equally as excited for the feast that awaits them.

"My tummy can't wait!" Luffy claimed.

Suddenly, one octopus went flying out, right onto poor Chopper's face.

"MMPH!" Chopper muffled.


As Usopp scraped the octopi from the glass walls, a bunch of small tentacles suddenly grabbed onto his body. It was the octopi! Usopp struggled, trying free himself from their iron grip, but it appeared futile.

"Usopp!" Nami cried.

"Don't worry," Robin said. "I've got him." She crossed her arms. "Seis Fleur."

Unfortunately, nothing happened.

"What's going on?" Nami asked. "Where are the other arms?"

"I forgot," Robin began, "my powers don't work in water."

Damn it! Usopp cursed in his head as he managed to remove only one octopus from his face. Get off me, you stupid octopi!

Just then, SPURT! Usopp got a face full of ink, turning the water dark as it did.

"That's not good," Nami said.

Back at the tank hatch…

"Hey, what's going on?" Chopper asked, having finally gotten the octopus off his face, with a worried expression. "How come the water's all black?"

Whine…! Blizzard whined as he looked down, just as worried as Chopper and Luffy.

"Hey, Usopp!" Luffy called. "You okay down there?"

A pause came…

"Usopp's in big trouble!" Nami called from the bar. "The octopi are clinging to him like lint on clothes!"

"WHAT?" Luffy and Chopper screamed as the black water suddenly splashed.

"Usopp!" Luffy called. "Grab my hand!" He stretched his arm down into the inky water. Unfortunately, due to it being so black, he couldn't see.

In the kitchen, Sanji was busy washing the dishes so they'd be prepared for dinner tonight.

"Usopp!" Chopper called from the distance. "Can you hear me?"

"Usopp!" Luffy called.


Up in the crow's nest, Zoro lazily looked down to see what all the commotion was about.

"What are those idiots up to, now?" he asked to himself.


Back in the tank, Usopp was still struggling to get the octopi off of himself.

Let go of me, you damn suckers! Usopp cursed in thought.

Back at the hatch…

"Damn it!" Luffy cried, his arm stirring the black water. "It's too dark! I can't see him!"

Suddenly, Luffy slipped and nearly fell into the water if Blizzard and Chopper hadn't grabbed a hold of him in time. Inside the tank, it was revealed that the octopi were trying to pull him in, too. Luckily, Luffy managed to get pulled out, his upper body covered in black water and ink. He shook himself dry as an idea came to him.

"Maybe if I clear up the water, I can get him out!" he said before he stood up. "Gum-Gum GATLING!" he cried as he unleashed a flurry of punches. Unfortunately, he was unknowingly punching Usopp and the octopi as he did. However, the captain managed to pull the sniper out.

THUD! Usopp fell on the floor, face-first.

"Hey!" Luffy exclaimed. "He's okay!"

"Thank goodness!" Chopper added.

Usopp stood up, his head covered in bumps and a glare in his eyes.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?" Usopp asked, mainly to Luffy.

"Calm down," Luffy said, casually. "You're alive, right?"

Just then, Sanji approached them.

"Jeez," he said. "You're getting all worked up over a bunch of octopi."

Usopp jumped at the cook.


Back in the crow's nest, Zoro was about to sit back down.

"Jeez," he mumbled. "I got all worked up over nothing." Then, he spotted something down in the water.

"Hey!" Zoro called from the intercom. "There's something in the water!"

Upon hearing that, Luffy immediately went to investigate, followed by Blizzard, then Chopper, then Usopp, then Sanji.

"What is it?" Luffy asked.

"And where is it?" Usopp added.

"That it?" Sanji asked, pointing to something in the water.

Luffy, Usopp, Chopper, and Blizzard followed his gaze and saw that it was…

"A barrel?" Chopper questioned.

Yes. It was a barrel, floating in the water, and on top of it was some sort of message.

"Hey," Usopp said, "doesn't that message say 'treasure' on it?"

Luffy took a good long look and saw that Usopp was right. One of the words on the message said "treasure".

"You're right, Usopp!" Luffy said. "Maybe it fell off a treasure ship!"

"Treasure?" Chopper and Sanji asked.

"Luffy, don't just stand there!" Usopp yelled. "Pull it aboard!"

"Okay!" Luffy said.