Author's Note: This is it guys. The end of Roulette. I want to thank everyone, reviewers and non-reviewers, for reading this fic as this is the first story I've ever held on to from beginning to end. All the other times I grow bored of my ideas or get too busy with life. I'm happy it ended at 20 chapters; I was uncomfortable ending Roulette on an odd number (I may or may not have a mild case of OCD).

Enjoy and read the outrageously long Author's Note at the end of this chapter. I promise it's well worth the effort.

Chapter 20: One To Remember

I lost them. I got away from the Careers. I don't know how much time has passed. I don't know what level I'm on. Sixth, seventh, eighth? All that matters is that they're gone. They're gone. Cheek wound caked with dried blood, I blotted it out with my jacket best I can. Given the lack of gauze and medicine, there's not much more I can do for it now. Good thing it's not too serious. A minor cut. Infection may set in in a few days but I don't think the Games will last any longer. I'll probably win this thing or die before that happens.

The high from the Vroom! Vroom! Bar has yet to go away. The shakes have gotten me, jittering all about the level I'm on. Standing in this corner. Sitting down in this room. Bouncing around the hallways. Walking here, there, everywhere. Keeping still is impossible. It should have gone away by now, the high. Three hours should have come and gone. Even with all the roaming I'm doing, not one tribute has crossed my path, and there aren't that many left. Compared to the other buildings, everything here has been multiplied by ten. The rooms are bigger, wider. Paints and patterns decorate the walls in hideous neon designs only a Capitolite would find pretty. Each ceiling light is a different color as well, casting everything in shades of blues, purples, greens, and yellows. Instead of the drab steel, an elaborately designed type of rock makes up the floor. There are no windows in here, no way to look outside and see the destruction from the bombs and grinder. Yet somehow I can hear all of the other tributes, their movements. I can't locate exactly where they are, but I feel them all here and no doubt they feel me too. They feel so close, too close. The tower is both too big and too small, a warped place of misery.

This must represent the Capitol. If the other twelve depressing buildings are the Districts, what else could this glittery piece of shit be?

For how beautiful everything is, nothing lies in any of the rooms. No items whatsoever. How symbolic of the Capitol. You come to us, we offer you nothing. Hungry? Fight over stale bread. If you're lucky, you'll get a piece.


Now that the insanity from the Feast has died down, six families should be positioned in front of the Justice Building right now, ready for the family interviews. Or maybe that happened a few hours ago. I don't know. I can't think straight.


Make that five families. Must have been one of the boys.

The interview is the same every year: Capitol clowns barging their way into your homes, dragging you to the City Square, flashing their fangs and howling in laughter at every broadcasted word you speak. Nobody in my family has ever gone into the Games so I've never had to personally do it myself, but the miracle a District Ten tribute does make it to the Final 8, I've seen how nerve wracking it can be up close. Families try to think of the right words to say to convince the Capitolites and the Gamemakers to keep their child alive. Talk their kid up to the audience. Mention how strong he is, how she'll make the perfect Victor once she wins. All the while keeping their composure on national television. Who in my family is trying to boost me up to for the Capitol's favor? Probably Papi, or Baldomar. Both are the stronger ones of the family. Most likely Mami and Jacinta are too choked up to say anything and Ricardo is, well, Ricardo.

The death recap is on. Four tributes today. There hasn't been this much since the first bloodbath. Valor is first, Penelope second. So both girls are still alive. Then the District Five girl who exploded is up next. Morgana is Runaway Bride's real name.

Was it Eli's cannon that fired?

I let out a disappointed sigh when the smiling, peaceful face of Isaiah pops up in the sky. He died right before the recap. They must have had to cut his family's interview short. To be honest, his death was for the best. Isaiah made a nonviolence vow at the Interviews. That right there told us how weak he was. Mentally, the Nine boy looked too far gone to be a proper Victor anyway.

Sleeping's not an option tonight. To fight it off, I busy myself with mindless activities. First I inspect the colored lights in every room, notice how much they shine or how they're installed into the ceiling. When that gets boring I count out the number of flowers or shapes or stars on the patterned walls. My shoes serve as entertainment eventually, trying to find the best way to tie them. At one point I zip and unzip my jacket for a solid 23 minutes. I know the exact number. I counted.

As long as I'm not babbling to myself or laughing at nothing, I know I'm still Giovanni. They can take my safety away but I'll be damn if my sanity goes along with it.

I gotta stay awake. I can't go to sleep.

I still have five bars left, plenty to last me for days. I'm torn on what to do. The rational part of me knows that I've already consumed a dangerous amount of energy bars. Taking another risk might cost me my life when I've made it so far. The other part of me, the reckless side, thinks what harm could be done if I eat a few more? I could go to sleep and never wake up again. Only five of us are left now, inside this one building. It'd be easy for the others to find me. Besides, the Gamemakers will construct something to drive us together eventually.

Mouth watering before I can fully open it (or as best it can with the lack of moisture), I take quick little nibbles of a bar. It doesn't matter how hungry or thirsty I am. The same rules still apply: Pace myself.

I fell asleep. Sometime during the night I dosed off and was left wide open for anyone or anything to attack. Angry with myself, I hurriedly rub and stretch the sleepiness away, annoyed every time I let out a yawn or a blink lasts longer than a second. How thirsty I was yesterday doesn't compare to how I am today. My tongue is drier than the desert dirt, not to mention the dizziness from before is starting again. If these Games don't end soon…

From the little food that's managed to survive this long, I make breakfast. Nuts and an apple, no doubt altered by the Capitol to live longer than it's supposed to. Fine dining to me. Slurping up all the juice I can possibly get from the apple, I hear footsteps pounding outside the room. They're uncoordinated. From someone trying to survive rather than hunt. But what's got them so scared? A tribute? A trap?

I suddenly realize that whether they know it or not, they're coming towards my room. Why send them to me? What have I done? Then it dawns on me that what I've done isn't the problem, it's what I haven't done that's gotten me in this situation.

Thirteen days in the Hunger Games and I haven't killed a single tribute. Directly that is.

Every death I've been involved in, someone else have done it. Koring pushed me down, Radiance speared him. Creek tried to strangle me, the derma diggers torn him alive. The only two kills that could somewhat be contributed to me were Orazio's and Virgo's and both times I just set them up. Trapped Orazio outside, struck Virgo with the whip. Chiffon was the one who dealt the final blow. There isn't anyone to do the dirty work now and the Gamemakers won't intervene. It's time to prove myself, show them why I should, no, will win. It was the spirit I had going into this thing.

So who's the next victim?

Our eyes meet the moment he steps through the doorway. Mine with glee. His with dread.


He goes for the door. Locked shut. Just one of us will get out alive.

Turning around, Eli stutters, at a loss for what to say. His winning smile turns on, back still glued to the door. The Six boy's a dirty mess, dried oil and specks of blood on his shirt, jacket gone, shoelaces barely tied. "Hey Giovanni. N-nice to see you again."

He lets out a small whimper when he sees my whip uncoil to the ground. I smile back, greeting him as friendly as can be. "Very nice to see you again too, amigo. How've you been?"


Chuckling, I lay done the sarcasm. "Well I'm so happy to see you kiddo. Haven't spoke since you left me to die. Funny how things work out, huh?"

A nervous laugh escapes his lips. "Yeah, I agree." A look of doubt forms on his face. Then, hope. "Say, how about me and you ally together? We can be a team! Buddies! Brains and brawn. Six and-"

"An alliance? Even if I was stupid enough to seal my own coffin, it's too late in the Games for that. You see the Career Alliance is gone." Most of it anyway. Lifting up my arm, the whip slithers through the air. Eli dodges it in time for it to crack the fluorescent blue wallpaper instead of his face, crouching to the ground golden dagger he got from Chiffon in hand. Hm, he's faster than I thought. Some fight in him too.

There's no time to waste so I get right to it. "Why did you do it?"

He doesn't need me to say anymore. The innocent, airheaded smile he's constructed since Training has transformed into a look so fierce, so unlike the Eli I've come to know I curse the small shiver my body gives out. "Get off your fucking high horse and smell the roses, Ten. This is the Hunger Games. You either get with the program or die. Your holier-than-thou attitude makes me sick." He laughs, snarling at me with the look of pure rage in his eyes.

Giving me a quizzical stare, he immediately shakes his head in disgust. "You've been eating the Vroom! Vroom! Bars haven't you? No wonder you've been able to live this long. What the miracles of science can produce! Negating any type of illness and ailment to your body. But what I "forgot" to explain is why you shouldn't eat so many of them besides the addictive features. You were poisoned days ago and no doubt have been taking the bars ever since. How many have you eaten, District Ten?"

I hesitate. Should I answer him truthfully or give a lie? "Four. Why?"

Eli sucks his teeth, head shaking like a disappointed parent to a child. "You eat anymore and your body will go into shock. You'll overdose, or the poison will set in soon. Eventually death will occur if immediate medical attention isn't received."

What do I say to that? You're right? Help me? I won't let him have the upper hand, distract me with his lies. "Shut up! You're just trying to intimidate me."

"Am I doing a good job at it Giovanni?" Leaning against the wall, he thinks he can relax now that he's got me where he wants me. "Maybe you do need me in order to tell you how to live."

…He's right. I've just been guessing how many bars to intake, experimenting on my body. Eli could be telling the truth. I should listen to him.

Wait, what am I saying? Even if he did tell me how to live, I wouldn't survive long enough to use the method. The choice has already been made for me.

"You're the one that poisoned the water then," I say, pointing my finger accusingly to his slouched figure.

Shrugging like we're not about to fight to the death, the brown-haired boy is as calm as can be. "Actually, no I didn't. That was all Sofia's doing. I had no idea about that little deed. My plan was for you to die from the energy bar overdose. Or, seeing how well you guys got along, have you and Chiffon kill each other. The odds were simply in my favor."

Well don't I look like an idiot. He's been planning against us all this time. I stare in disbelief at how well-calculated everything was. The smirk playing on his lips is aggravating. "What is it, Giovanni? Surprised to see stupid little Eli so brave, fighting for his life? Guys, we gotta search through this building some more. Orazio's coming for us, help! I'm so scared! Protect me Chiffon!" he mocks himself, pleased that he's done such a good job at the role he crafted. "Surprise, surprise! I was convincing wasn't I Ten? Thought you would be able to take me out just like that. Please!"

So it was all an act. The way he acted so polite and ditzy during Training and his Interview, then appeared weaker and stupider than he really was, avoiding fights and hiding behind Chiffon throughout the way. All of it a lie. The cowardly boy from District Six wasn't so worthless as we all thought. Eli fooled the whole country, tried to perform his way to victory. Not the first time it's happened, but definitely one of the best I've seen.

I'm impressed.

But where does fact separate from fiction? "You never did like Chiffon, did you?"

"The only girl I love is back in Six waiting for me to come home to her." With that, he faces the cameras, giving them a sympathetic look. "Melanie, if you're watching this know that this isn't the real me. I'm coming home soon to prove it to you. I promised."

A girlfriend back in Six? "You're…you're sick!" I utter, outraged by the boy's confession. "What you did to Chiffon was despicable! Think about your blind sister. Would she want to know what you did? Does she actually exist?"

"I would never lie about Natasha!" suddenly screams Eli, tears rolling down his cheeks. "I never wanted to kill either of them! It was all to get back to my family. My strategy was my intellect. What's so wrong about that? The Careers use their fists and weapons to kill their competition. Chiffon was the perfect candidate: young, pretty, skilled but a non-Career. Vulnerable. Don't give me a lecture on ethics or what's right or wrong because you know you would do the same thing in a heartbeat."

Once again he's right. Between my life or someone else's, the choice would be simple. Changing the subject and putting the conversation back to him, I question him on what he mentioned earlier. "Them?"

"Chiffon and Sofia. I killed them both. Chiffon was a good girl, really, she was. Sofia too. They didn't deserve to die, none of them did. But these are the circumstances we're put in Giovanni," Eli goes for the pathetic woe-is-me act. "That's life. Should I die because I can't fight? What makes my life less worthy of living?"

"Because you killed them with evil intentions! You liar!" Again, Eli escapes my blow, whip just about slashing through his chest. This time, the Six boy charges towards me, swiping away with the dagger. I easily dodge each and every clumsy strike, dancing about the room. Hitting his nose with the butt of the whip, I'm confident in me winning. Like Eli said, he's not a fighter in the least bit.

"Coward! You're less than a man," I tell him, avoiding a kick to the side and a stab at the waist. How I wish I didn't lose the sickle in the fight with Creek. My fist slams into his eye and he's sent back. Another fist hits the fourteen-year-old's stomach and he leans forward, struggling to breath.

"Need some help amigo?" I send my foot into his jaw. Eli is thrown straight up into the air and crashes down on the ground, eyes wide with fear.

Stumbling as he rise, a spit of blood lands on my jacket. I brush the blemish off with one swift motion. A last attempt to insult me, he calls me something I can never forgive him for. "Idiot. You wouldn't comprehend what I'm talking about if it was laid out in front of you, you filthy shit eater."

I lose it then. Eli makes the mistake of coming for me again and I let loose all the pent up frustration that's been held up inside me for so. He doesn't see it coming, ducking too late to avoid my wrath. Once a deep gash appears on his forehead, I see in his eyes that he knows it's over. Over two weeks of bitterness and rage is unleashed on the boy. It's comforting, incredible actually. I like not having to hold back anymore, to release all the physical and mental suffering I've been through. Again and again and again the whip cracks all over his body, making the fourteen-year-old holler out for mercy, begging for his mother, father, Melanie, anyone to save him.

I like the blood. I like the sound of the whip tearing up his skin. I like his screams. I like the thrill I get from killing Eli.

I'm so lost in the moment and reveling in the pleasure that by the time I finally come to, Eli is nothing more than a figure whimpering to be put out of its misery, unrecognizable under the gashes and swelling. Horrified by what I've done, I take his dagger, long discarded after the first crack struck him, and sink it into the beaten fourteen-year-old's chest and claim his weapon.

Just like that I'm the only one left standing from our alliance.


An alarm sounds throughout the entire tower and everything turns red. The purple robes couldn't wait for me to kill Eli. 'Let's bring on the main event' they say.

By instinct I'm out into the hallway, a nearby hovercraft heard behind me. Looking down below, strange rods of lights slowly fill up the darkened first floor, then the second. Are those…lasers? From a distance I hear some sort of struggle go on before a door burst open and someone moves loudly through the stairwells. This time I don't need a cue to run and instantly I'm flying through the steel staircases, leaping from level to level. Really Gamemakers, more running? Can you give a guy a break?

The lasers are moving faster now, encouraging us to hurry up. They're not real threats. Too many tributes have died from Gamemaker traps already. The audience won't like it if we don't give them a proper show. The final fight must always be one to remember. But where exactly are we supposed to go? I've been running through the levels for a while now. I hear the others but don't see them. There must be other staircases in the tower then. Stopping to take a breath, it's a quick break when I see the lasers just a level down.

Three levels more and I'm at the top. No more stairs, just a door in front of me. Now what?

Rushing to open it, the smoky air greets me to the outside. We're on top of the tower. Almost identical to the one I met Rhapsody on at the night before the Games began, there is little to hide behind. Save a few unfamiliar silver objects, the same ones on the Training Center rooftop, scattered throughout, it's a vast, open field perfect for a showdown. Out below the Arena which once had twelve buildings and bombs blasting every minute is now only an endless void of gray. Far away, Domitia and Radiance is in one corner of the rooftop, on guard and springing to attack a running Valentino when my arrival interrupts their kill. As the wolves lock eyes on their new prey, the Seven boy shrinks away behind a steel pipe, shielding himself from danger.

Now I'm their target.


"Radiance," Domitia snaps her fingers at the One girl, hand open as they charge towards me. "Give me your weapon. We only have one arrow left. Let's take this fool down quickly."

While the brunette grabs something out of her jacket pocket, Domitia takes the opportunity to gloat and intimidate me. I can't say the ugly woman isn't doing a good job. I run around and around the rooftop, frantically trying to find a place to hide. No such luck. Every structure is behind them, meaning I'd have to get past the Careers in order for that to happen.

"We've wasted far too much time on you, boy. Embarrassing me and killing off two of my Careers? We'll see who has the last laugh when I slaughter you like the stupid pig you are, District T-"

One moment the Two woman is shouting insults from across the field, leaping towards her prey, eager to please the Capitol. The next moment both her and Radiance stand unnaturally still, silenced, as if struck by something. When I see Domitia's tall frame jut forward and Radiance stumble back from the force, a small hole appears in the dark-skinned woman's abdomen and she falls to her knees. Blood flows from her wound, staining her shirt and pants, seeping to the floor. Sword painted in red marking her the culprit, Radiance looks down at her ally, momentarily stunned by what she has just committed.

"N-n-never s-saw that coming," Domitia struggles to talk through the blood gushing out of her mouth, her laugh sounding like a gargle for help. "Guess I-I-I was the fool then, huh? You win District One."

"I'm sorry," is all she whispers.


Using the final exchange between the two Careers and the sound of the hovercraft to my advantage, I've just inched myself behind a structure when Radiance snaps out of her trance and notices me getting away. Hitting the metal with her sword, I would have been skewered by her weapon had I not moved out of the way in time. Rolling away and up on my knees, the world spins a bit as I try to regain my balance, dehydration coming on strong.

In her Interviews, Radiance looked, well, radiant. Dress, shoes, hair, and makeup set to perfection, transforming a lowly district dweller into a flawless plaything for the Capitol men to devour. But now, the teenager looks unrecognizable. Every piece of clothing she has on has been damaged in some way, one jacket sleeve torn off, pants and shirt dirty, ripped in several areas. Her hair is wild and going all angles, parts of it matted down or sticking up into the air. Blood from Penelope, Valor, and every other tribute's death she's caused covers her from head to toe. It should be a reminder of what she's done, how much pain she has brought upon herself. Radiance herself has a few injuries from previous fights. I notice a deep cut in her arm and leg, not to mention the slight limp she walks with. What tops her appearance is the crazed, glazed-over look in her eyes. Mentally she looks like she's gone to the loony bin and back.

I probably look the same way.

Maybe I can distract her with my words, make her lose her concentration and go wild. Then I could win and go home. "My, my. What has happened to my pretty little fiancée?" I tease, stumbling backwards as she advances forward.

Besides the fury ready to leap out and tear me to pieces, another emotion is behind those angry brown eyes. Exhaustion. Radiance looks worn out, leaning against her elaborate sword, ready to just end it all. For a second it seems like the girl wouldn't care who won, just as long as she got to rest. My satisfied smirk is wiped off before I can speak when she gets up from her leaning position and sprint towards me. The surprise attack catches me completely off-guard, allowing me time to swing out of the sword's way to catch on my arm instead of my chest. I holler out at the raw pain shooting through the area and look to see red flowing freely from the deep wound. I can only be thankful it was my left arm and not my right arm, the dominant one. Still, the injury hurts like hell.

Now it's her turn to enjoy the moment. "I don't have time to chit-chat with you. Fight me so I can finish this up. The Games are almost over. I just want to go home." The desperate note in her voice makes me falter for a bit. Radiance sounds so…pitiful. I shouldn't enjoy degrading her so much. I go to reconsider insulting her any more then think again. Why feel sorry for a Career? This One girl is about to kill me. Calling her nasty names and making accusations doesn't compare to what she can do to me. Will do to me.

"Don't worry. You'll go home soon, and when I stop by your district on my Victory Tour I'll make sure to tell your parents just how brave you were before I killed their daughter."

Sending her sword down again, Radiance tries to ready her bow but I knock it out of her hands with my whip, dragging it towards me. I'm no use at the thing so I send it over the edge of the rooftop. There's no point in wasting precious time figuring out how to set up the damn arrow when the Career is this close to me. Infuriated by me taking her favored weapon, she comes at me even harder. Even with the injuries and limp, Radiance is fast. Her strikes and spins still hold a level of grace and technique I could never imagine to have. She is determined to win. But I'm no clumsy cow myself. Through the immense pain, I force myself to match her strides, stepping or leaping out of the way of her sword or blocking the hits with the dagger I stole from Eli. The girl's too close and too quick for me to properly use my whip. By the time I send my arm back to strike my cannon would go off.

"Mamacita you want a divorce already? Such a short marriage," I say. Another hit to the injured arm. That shuts me up.

"You would never in your life be able to touch, taste, or get any of this District Ten. A wolf for the Opening Ceremonies? Try a sheep, like your district partner," says the crazed brunette.

We're at it once again, spinning and twirling and waltzing around the metal rooftop. Throughout the fight I get a vague sense that I'm forgetting something important but I decide to think on it later, focusing all of my attention on defeating the Career. Cuts and gashes have been made on the both of us but no finishing blows. When her diamond-studded sword springs forward, I meet it with the tip of the golden dagger.

We've come to a standstill, both of us pressed against one another, daring the other to give up.

Radiance may be trained and have the bigger weapon yet my brute strength does her in. Her eyes tell me all, filled with panic and desperation. Slowly, she gets weaker and weaker as her legs get lower and lower to the floor. Seconds later, her knees hit the ground hard. She's still holding on strong though, not giving up until the very end. Gritting my teeth ready for her to tire out, a leg pops from under her kneel and I'm sent forward. Radiance's blade just about severs my head straight off my shoulders before I leap back to my original position. Except the tip of my nose wasn't saved, blood spilling through the small spot the tip used to be located. Letting out an outraged gasp, I get up the nerve to launch my whip into the air and let it go crashing down on Radiance's skin. She scores her hits, a slash on my forehead and a stab in my calf but my strike was effective. Very effective.

Howling as the leather shreds her skin off, I wrap the blood-soaked whip around her arm and yank forward, dislocating the One girl's shoulder. Tears fall from her face but the grip on her sword is still strong. My foot connects with her jaw, followed by a fist to the nose. Through the blood running down the cut on my forehead, I see Radiance stumbling back in an attempt to regain her footing. I don't allow her the pleasure, sending my whip down twice more and wrapping it around the girl's leg, crashing her into the metal floor. The girl's prized sword finally falls from her grasp and I crush her wrist with my foot, knocking her head to the side with my other foot. No way will she grab for it now.

I look down at all the good work I've done. If I thought she looked bad before, she looks horrible now. A Career adored for her beauty and coy mystique is so bruised and beat up that the poorest District Twelve girl wouldn't want to look like her. Sobbing freely now, tears mix with blood as she realize that she has lost the fight. I shake my head and wring my finger in her face, basking in the glory of defeating a Career Tribute. All that training and all those years of dedication to lose to a scared kid from District Ten. Useless.

Struggling to hold her down, I'm quick in my movements.

This is it.

All I have to do is kill her and I win!

Eagerly bringing down my dagger, Radiance eyes go wide as she sees death coming for her. Right before the knife strikes her heart, the teenager lets out one soft plea.

"Papa, je suis désolé. Forgive me."


I stand, wobbling a bit from the leg wound. But I don't notice it. I don't notice anything. The pain, the blood, the injuries, the dizziness, the dryness in my throat, the way my vision blurs, or the weakness in my body. Because I've won.

I've won the Hunger Games.

I've won the Hunger Games!

But where are the trumpets? The fanfare? Claudius Templesmith?

Turning around, I see it flying through the air. So fast, so quick, like the bullet from a Peacekeeper's gun. Heavy too. Who would have known the Games would end this way? I thought I won this thing, thought I'd make it out of here alive. Guess not. The Arena is truly full of surprises.

When the blade of the axe hits me, I close my eyes, preparing for death to come. Will it be quick? I wonder.

But it never does come.

Instead of embedding itself in my head, the axe only grazes the side of my face, taking off skin and my ear with it. Flailing around in agony, I grab at the exposed part of my face, feeling gooey tissue and muscle where the skin used to be. Nothing makes sense. I only understand the indescribable pain I'm in. It takes me a moment to realize that I'm screaming. It's only when I see Valentino trying to open the door to the stairwell is when I realize what's going on.

Valentino tried to kill me. His plan failed. I'm still in the Games.

I'm still in the Games.

Sprinting with all my might, I leap towards the Seven boy. The raven-haired teen tries to block my attack but he's too panicked to defend himself and I'm too enraged to lose.

"Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!" he yells, scurrying around the bare rooftop. I pummel into him, sending him crashing into the railing. Putting all my weight on top of him, I hear something crack and Valentino lets out a pained wheeze. My blade rakes against his neck and only when I hear his cannon do I stop stabbing him.


This time, the trumpets blare and the audience claps for my victory. "Ladies and Gentlemen! I am pleased to present the Victor of the Sixty-First Hunger Games, Giovanni Del Rojo! I give you—the male tribute of District Ten!"

The hovercraft draining out the sounds and flying me away, I don't take my glare off of Valentino. I don't dare to. I'm waiting, waiting for him to get back up, to try to steal my win again.

But he won't, because I'm the Victor of the Sixty-First Hunger Games.

That's all folks! Roulette has come to an end everyone. But don't fret; if you're dismayed by the idea of never seeing Giovanni again, think again. I have two (possibly three if I break up the last fanfic, which I probably will) more stories detailing Mr. Del Rojo's life after the Arena and the general world I've constructed based on Suzanne Collins's imagination. To give you a glimpse of what's all to come:

-Recovery and the internal consequences of winning

-The life of a Capitolite

-What it means to be a Victor

-Giovanni and Rhapsody's relationship and the fusion of District and Capitol mentalities

-Continuing relationships with his District family, friends, and HG family

-Exploration into the lives of Esteban and Yesenia

-Giovanni during the 62nd HG, 69th HG, and the 74th HG

-Giovanni's role in the rebellion and his opinion on Little Miss Everdeen and her boytoy

Before that all occurs, I'm in the process of working on a companion fic titled A Deck of 24. I've told a few of you about my idea, but for those of you who don't know, this story will showcase the lives of the 24 tributes that participated in the 61st Hunger Games. It should begin sometime early April (late March if don't get distracted) so be on the lookout for it!