Author's Note: So here's the second part of this fic. Really, they're just little drabbles...but overall there is a faint plot...or not, who knows XD
This could be taken as a continuation from last chapter, or it could be a whole new thing on its own. Really, read it however you like.
Special thanks to Chikanpo for convincing me to write another chapter for this^^
Kokoro/Kokoro Kiseki
"The first miracle was that you were born
The second miracle was the time spent with you
The third miracle was the "sincere heart" from the future you
The fourth does not exist there is no need for a fourth"
"Did I ever mention how utterly confusing this PV is?"
"Twenty three."
"That was the twenty third time you've mentioned it."
"You actually kept track?"
"Yup, I was bored."
"Okay, then mind explaining how you somehow appeared through a HOLE in the tree looking all young and stuff after you had been dead for who knows how many centuries in the PV?"
"Simple, it's a miracle. Haven't you been paying attention to the song as you sang it?"
"But it makes NO sense, miracle or not!"
"Annnd that's twenty four."
"I can see the Kokoro being a miracle and all but that's the Kokoro! What does that have to do with YOU coming back to life for a day? It does not make ANY sense!"
"Tweeenty five."
"Kagamine Len. I swear if you sprout those numbers one more time I'm gonna run you over with the roadroller."
"How? You don't even know how to drive it."
"I kept the instruction manual though."
"I'll shut up."
"Good, now explain this to me again."
"-sigh-, Rin, this is a STORY. A made up fantasy story. Asking how I managed to come back to life is just about the same as asking how Cinderella's fairy godmother made a dress appear out of nowhere or how Cinderella's dress can just disappear when it's midnight!"
"So are you implying that you're like Cinderella?"
"In a metaphorical sense. Some miracle allowed me to be with you for a day while you have the Kokoro. But I was there for only a day, just like how Cinderella's dress only lasted until midnight."
"Okaaaaaaaay. Hey Len?"
"What is it?"
"I just had the greatest idea!"
"Somehow I don't like the sound of that."
"I do recall seeing a blue dress that looked just like Cinderella's in the dressing room…and it- Len?"
The epic twinlepathy they share allowed Len to figure out exactly what his sister was planning. So, he bolted out the door and ran for his dignity before Rin could finish her sentence.
"In my dreams, I heard the voice many times
It resounds kindly in my heart
A peaceful light
Envelopes me
And I smile"
"This doesn't make any sense! How were you able give me that ribbon when you were supposed to be dead and buried?"
"Not again…"
Like, Dislike
"No - I feel like I'm going to be dyed
- I realized that sweetness
You're a bit of a pervert, but I'm being dyed with love..."
"Is that ALL you care about within this WHOLE video?"
"I'm hurt…you don't even care about the part where I got you the rainbow quartz…or the part where I played that guitar for you…"
"Aww Lenny-kins~"
"You know I hate that nickname."
"Meh, you know why the pervy you's so interesting?"
"Do enlighten me, o dear Rinny-kins."
"It's because that's the only part in the whole video that is not just like how you behave in reality."
I like you, I love you
"su, su, susu, susu susu
susu susu, su... su... su... su
su, su, susu, susu, su... su
suki, daisuki!"
"Aww Rin! You're so cute in this song!"
"If that's what you call cute, then I'd never want to be cute."
"But this is priceless! I've never seen you stutter so much."
"You've got that right!"
Suddenly, Rin leapt up from the sofa and declared loudly:
"I, Kagamine Rin- will never ever EVER be the kind of person who'd stutter like a chicken when I'm confessing my love!"
She then turned her eyes to Len, who was watching her with a startled yet amused look on his face.
"Yes Rin?"
"I love you!"
"I already know that."
"But still. It counts!"
"Rin, are you just trying to justify the fact that they totally portrayed your personality wrong in the song?"
"Even though we both know that already?"
"Yea so?"
"Heh, nothing…I love you too Rin."
Romeo and Cinderella
"The Cinderella that had lied too much
Is said to have been eaten by the Wolf
What should I do? At this rate, even I
Will be eaten someday
Before that happens, come to my rescue, 'kay?"
"Rin, can I ask you something?"
"When we get older, will you marry me?"
"…Is that a proposal?"
"Do you want it to be one?"
Len smiled, then got up and knelt down in front of Rin; and pulled a little velvet box from his pocket. He propped open the box to reveal a silver ring that has a sapphire in the middle with tiny diamonds surrounding it.
"Kagamine Rin, will you marry me when we turn 18?"
Rin stared wide eyed at the ring, then at Len, then down at the ring again. It was all so sudden to her, she didn't know what –or how- to think. However, as she looked at Len again to see that he was still smiling that heart-warming smile of his up at her, she made up her mind. This was Len, and she loved him more than anything else. So, she echoed his smile and nodded.
"Yes, yes I will."
"I want you to hold me, I want you to confirm for me
That the love we share, is not a mistake
Kiss me on the lips, I want the world to change for me
Intoxicated by our love, let me drown in this moment."
They loved each other, not caring about society's complications.
They were made for each other, literally. One would not be whole without the other.
And who are we to judge? Love knows no boundaries.
And even if there was to be a boundary, Len and Rin would just trample it with their roadroller without a second thought.
Review please? For the love of roadrollers? :3