Summary: This is not a new story, this is simply a "sequel" so to speak from the first Damage. So if you have been reading the other story this is just picking up from where it left off over there. If you haven't been reading it well basically Heath rapped Justins girlfriend Lacey and she later became pregnant and they had no idea who the father was until the DNA test was done when she was born. She is now here and both Lacey and the baby are having a hard time in the hospital and Heath ran away again but don't worry he will be coming back again soon. This was a crappy summary but I dont know how else to describe it since it is NOT a new story.

Characters: Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, Wade Barrett, some of the Divas make appearances and a few other wrestlers as well.

Other characters: Lacey (Justin fiance)

A/N: This chapter is really just a filler for the next chapters and it was kind of rushed through in a way.

Justin nearly tripped himself several times trying to skip steps as he ran up the stairs. He opted on taking the stairs because he felt he would get there faster if he didn't wait for the elevator he ran through the hallway and into the nursery and looked into the bassinet immediately seeing Lilly laying in there and fine and he looked at the chair not seeing Lacey and he turned around seeing a nurse walking toward him.

"What happened?" he frantically asked

"Lacey had a seizure" the nurse began

"Oh God where is she?" he asked

"They had taken her to run some tests to make sure that it wasn't caused from a stroke and to check and see if she is in any danger. She was alert and vocal after it happened but she was complaining that her head and back were hurting" she said

"Was she holding Lilly when it happened?" he asked

"No she must have knew something was wrong because she called me over and said she needed to go to the bathroom so I took Lilly and put her in her bassinet and helped her up to get her to the wheelchair and she told me that her legs were feeling numb and after she took a step she just collapsed and began to have a seizure. Now like I said she was alert afterward which is a good thing but they needed to run some further testing to make sure" she said

Justin sighed and rubbed his face and tried catching his breath and looked Lilly.

"Lilly" Justin said walking to her

"Its okay Angel" he said rubbing her head

"Its time for her feeding, do you want to try feeding her? She will probably be in testing for a while" the nurse said

"Yeah. I'll feed her" said Justin as he reached into her bassinet taking her out and sat down with her

"I'm going to go try calling him again" said Wade

Justin nodded and stared at the baby and was worried sick for Lacey. Wade left the nursery and went into a waiting room on the floor and began to try to call him. The nurse brought him a bottle and gave it to him and he put the bottle to her mouth and she took it and drank slow but he was okay with her drinking slow as long as she actually took the bottle. Justin smiled at her and kissed her head as he fed her and just couldn't take his eyes of her.

Wade stood in the waiting room letting the phone ring and it eventually went to his voicemail and he sighed

"Heath, you need to call me back. We need to know you are okay and...well Lacey has taken a turn for the worst I think. Lilly seems to be doing better but I still think something might be off with her she seems a little weak when I saw her just now. I don't know maybe I am just worried about Justins state of mind and its making me think she seems weak. I don't know. me please? Or come..or something" said Wade as he ended the call

Wade sighed and sat down in that waiting so Justin could have his time with the baby.

As soon as the baby finished Justin burped her and changed her diaper and just sat with her rocking her till she fell to sleep. She looked so peaceful and safe in his arms he couldn't help but smile at how cute she looked. He saw someone stop and stand in front of him and he slowly looked up seeing that it was the doctor.

"She okay?" he asked

"She is back in her room. There were no signs of stroke and as long as she doesn't have anymore I think she will be fine with no lasting problems but she is very tired now physically. It weakened her body and she is still complaining of her legs feeling numb but there was no issue in her brain, back or neck scans we ran to show that there was a problem so I am thinking its because of her blood pressure, the medications and the fact that her legs are so swollen that they feel so weird to her. We have put some wraps on her legs that inflate and deflate to hopefully help ease the symptoms and maybe even get the swelling down some." the nurse said

"She awake?" He asked

"She was when I left" she said

"Okay" Justin said standing up slowly and putting Lilly back into her bassinet slowly and kissed her on the cheek

"I'll be back soon little one" he said moving the tiny bear closer to her thinking it would help her feel like she isn't alone then left with the doctor to Laceys room

"I am so sorry baby" she said

"Why? You don't have an reason to be sorry" he said

"You were probably eating breakfast. Which you need" she said

"I'll be alright" he said

"No you wont, go get something to eat. I am going to be fine now that they know it was nothing. They just gave me all that medicine again so I will probably be asleep soon" she said

"I don't have to go. You okay? Does anything hurt?" he asked

"Just my back but nothing else really hurts. My legs feel numb. I just feel rundown but I haven't done anything" she said

Justin laughed lightly

"Haven't done anything? You just delivered a beautiful baby girl. You've done alot" he pointed out with a smile

Lacey smiled and nodded her head lightly

"She is beautiful" she said

"I'm going to run home later and get some stuff, I need some more clothes I'll stop and develop a picture for you so you can have one in your room. You are probably going to be here a few more days. I know Lilly will be, she's dropped a couple ounces but since she is eating again she should gain it back pretty quick" he smiled

"I hope so, she needs me" she frowned

"I know baby. She'll be okay though, she knows you love her and want to be there with her" he said

Lacey slowly closed her eyes and smiled and Justin rubbed her head slowly and knew she was falling to sleep. A few minutes later Wade walked into Laceys room and Justin looked at him.

"find him?" he whispered

Wade shook his head no and looked at her

"She okay?" he whispered

"They said it wasn't a stroke and should have no problems from it" he whispered back

"I'll go ahead and leave and keep trying and let you guys rest" he said

"Thanks man" Justin said

"I'll see you later" said Wade as he left the room

Justin walked back and forth from the nursery to Laceys room many times and ended up falling to sleep in the chair in the nursery.

Wade returned the next morning and walked into Laceys room and saw she was asleep so he went into the nursery and found him asleep in the chair and looked at the baby

"I'll wake your daddy up" he smiled leaning down and shook him lightly waking him up

"Oh God. I fell asleep" he said rubbing his eyes then stood up and looked at Lilly

"Hey, how's my angel this morning?" he asked rubbing her arm and noticed she looked pale

"She doesn't look right does she?" he asked Wade

Wade walked closer and looked at her and rubbed her head

"No shes looking a little flush" Wade said

"I'm getting her nurse" he said leaving only to return seconds later with her

She began checking her over and listening to her lungs and heart and checking her temperature.

"She's got a low grade fever and her breathing sounds raspy again. I'm going to get the doctor" she said leaving

"No, Angel. Oh God" he said rubbing her head lightly

Justin grew even more worried than he was last night as he watched her and rubbed her head. Moments later the doctor returned and began listening to her lungs as well.

"I'm going to up her oxygen again but if she doesnt improve and doesn't eat again I'm going to have to place her into an incubator until she gets strong enough" said the doctor

"Oh my God" he whispered

"Is she going to be okay?" he asked

"We hope so but its just going to be a wait and see sort of thing. She's otherwise healthy and strong so honestly there is no doubt in my mind she will fight this and start breathing right on her own" smiled the doctor

"I hope so" whispered Justin as he leaned down and kissed her on the head

"Daddy loves you so much" he said rubbing her head

The doctor turned up her oxygen and told the nurse to get a bottle.

"I'll be back I am going to check Lacey" the doctor said leaving to her room

"I cant leave her" Justin said with a frown

"You don't have to, I'll go down there and see if she needs anything" he said leaving the nursery and into Laceys room

The doctor woke Lacey up finding she was just as sick as the day before with her blood pressure being very high so she decided on giving her the medication and making her sleep all day. The doctor returned to the nursery with Wade and spoke to a nurse.

"She wouldn't eat" Justin said as he watched Lilly with tears in his eyes

"She's going to be okay" Wade said patting him on the back

"What did they find out about Lacey?" he asked

Wade dreaded telling him the news knowing he was already stressing.

"She's like how she was the other day. They've given her medicines again already and she went right back to sleep" said Wade

Justin rubbed his face and his stress level was up and he began to worry he was about to lose them both at this point.

A/N: I didn't really have time to edit this too much so there may be quite a few mistakes, not only that this chapter doesn't really make sense to me lol. I was trying to rush the day through so I could get to the next chapter which will be better :D.