Kurt was awakened from his peaceful sleep by Karofsky jostling him. He was lifted from his warm, comfortable spot on Karofsky's stomach and laid back down on the bed. The sheets were warm, but not quite as comfortable as the jock had been and Kurt let out a yowl of protest that ended up being more of a yawn.

Karofsky scratched him behind the ears in a mollifying gesture before going into the bathroom. Kurt tried to go back to sleep, but he couldn't manage more than a half-awake drowse. Giving up he stood up to stretch and, wow, cats really had a benefit over humans in that regard. His spine seemed to be specifically designed to elongate itself all the way down to the tip of his tail.

When he was finished, Kurt sat up and looked around the room, wondering what he should do now. Karofsky was still in the bathroom and from the sound of it he was taking a shower so Kurt would have to entertain himself for a while.

Jumping off the bed, Kurt began exploring the room. At first, he felt a little guilty about snooping through other boy's stuff, but then he remembered he was a kitten and kittens had lots of nosy, curiosity instincts that needed to be satisfied. Kurt couldn't be held responsible, right?

It's not like there was that much to find anyway. Kurt found out that Karofsky had pretty typical, teenage-boy taste in movies, but surprisingly atypical taste in books. He seemed to have a personal vendetta against doing laundry because every pile of clothes Kurt came across made him wrinkle up his little kitten nose. He thought he struck pay dirt when he found a box buried under the jock's bed, but it turned out it just held a bunch of grade-school style craft projects. It was a little odd that Karofsky would hold on to that sort of thing, instead of his mom or something, but it wasn't nearly as juicy as a porn collection.

Once his reconnaissance of the room had been completed, Kurt sat down in the middle of the floor and wondered what he should do now. It was then he realized that the door to the bathroom hadn't been closed all the way and there was steam coming out from the small crack.

It took some effort, doors were apparently quite heavy for kittens, but Kurt managed to nose the door open enough for him to squeeze into the bathroom. Once inside, Kurt wished his hard work would have had a bigger pay off, but the bathroom seemed to be rather boring. Unlike, his bedroom, Karofsky kept the floor of the bathroom clean. There wasn't anything within Kurt's reach for him to nose through and his attempts to open the cabinet under the sink are met with only frustration and a sore paw.

He was about to leave before all the humidity did any damage on his hair, er, fur, when his name came from behind the shower curtain. Kurt glanced up to see if Karofsky had spotted him, but the curtain was still closed and besides, Karofsky didn't know that the kitten he'd taken possession of was, in fact, Kurt.

Kurt moved closer to the shower, intent on figuring out this mystery, when Karorfsky said his name again. Only he didn't so much say it as – moan it? Kurt crinkled his nose in confusion and studied the jock's shadow through the curtain. He could just make out Karofky's form, slightly hunched over and one arm jerking oddly and…oh…oh…and then Karofsky was moaning Kurt's name again.

And, yes, technically Kurt no longer possesses the ability to blush, but his entire body heated up at that single word. Kurt wasn't sure what one did when confronted with this situation. Emily Post didn't have any advice on what to do when you found you're once arch-enemy masturbating in the shower, while moaning your name, while you were in the form of a kitten. So Kurt just sort of stood there in an awkward, frozen sort of way, until the shower curtain suddenly moved and, terrified that Karofsky was going to catch him watching like some pervy, peeking-tom kitten, Kurt turned and fled out the door.

He skittered to a halt once he was under the bed and safely hidden behind Karofsky's box of childhood mementos and it was there that Kurt allowed himself a small mental breakdown. After rolling around for a minute in abject horror, Kurt forced a few deep breaths into his lungs and tried to take stock of the situation.

Okay, so Karofsky jerked off while thinking about Kurt. This was so not a big deal. Every guy jerked off to fantasies and why shouldn't Karofsky be thinking about Kurt. As Mercedes always told him, Kurt was damn fine and that hamhock would be lucky to have him.

Kurt's rational thinking was shot to pieces when the bathroom door opened and Karofsky stepped out. Kurt stood frozen in his hiding spot and watched with wide eyes as Karofsky's bare feet moved across the room to his dresser. He let slip a tiny mew of distress or embarrassment or something when a towel dropped to the floor and Kurt realized Karofsky must be naked right now.

He didn't stay that way for long though as Kurt watched him put one leg and then the other into a pair of plain grey boxer shorts. Then the feet moved across the room and after a couple moments Karofsky called out, "Where are you, buddy?" Kurt would have thought that being this small would give him an advantage when it came to hiding, but apparently not as it only took Karofsky about two minutes to find him.

And then there was the oh, so awkward moment when the jock wrapped his entire fucking hand around Kurt's body and pulled him out into the harsh light of reality and god, was that the hand Karofsky had just been jerking off with? Jerking off to thoughts of Kurt with?

Karofsky, clearly oblivious to Kurt's inner turmoil, simply held him close, stroking his fur absently in the silence. Eventually, Kurt thought he might be able to put the whole embarrassing mess behind him, but of course, the jock had to ruin that.

Karofsky lay out on the bed and lifted Kurt above his head, looked straight into Kurt's eyes and said, "Have you ever wanted something so badly, but it was completely out of your reach and you have no one to blame but yourself for ruining whatever chances you may have had?"

Karofsky's voice was sad, but also serious like he actually expected Kurt to answer and all Kurt could do was blink owlishly since he knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that Karofsky was talking about him and it was just as well that he couldn't speak because, really, how was a guy supposed to respond to something like that?

After a couple seconds, Karofsky sighed and lay Kurt back on his chest. "God, when did my life get so pathetic I had to pour out my love life woes to a cat?" And for one aching moment, Kurt wished he wasn't a kitten, not for the normal reasons, but simply so he could pull this sad boy into his arms and hold him close. After a moment of indecision, Kurt wriggled out from Karofsky hand crawled quickly up the boy's chest so he could quickly nuzzle the exposed neck in comfort. It was a spur of the moment decision and as soon as he'd done it, Kurt lost his nerve, scampering away to hide under the covers in embarrassment.

He might as well have not bothered though since Karofsky just laughed and pulled him back out, "Awe, you giving me kisses, buddy?" and placed him on the pillow.

"You better sleep there so I don't accidently squish."

And because Kurt really didn't want to be squished, and for that reason alone, he stayed put and let the other boy curl an arm around him. Just as he felt himself drifting off, Kurt placed a paw on his companion's wrist and thought, Goodnight, Dave.

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Kurt woke up, feeling warm and secure with his head pillowed on Dave's shoulder and he was surprised to note how safe he felt. He arched his back and then gasped as his suddenly larger body tipped over the edge of the bed. He scrambled a little to get his bearings and once he got settled, he realized that he'd woken up back in his correct body.

Kurt took several deep breaths as gratitude-driven adrenaline coursed through his body. Once he'd calmed down, he took stock of the situation. He was still dressed, thank goodness, and Dave was miraculously still asleep, despite the noise Kurt had made. So he could just walk out before the Karofsky family woke up and it certainly would be much easier to not have to explain how he got in Dave's room.

But something stilled Kurt's hand before he opened the door and he looked back at Dave before leaving. The jock really was different from everything he was expecting. He wished there was some way he could thank Dave for everything he'd done in the past day, but Kurt couldn't think of anything, so he just left.

It turned out Kurt's house was only a few blocks from Dave's and he was able to get back and take a shower before the rest of the Hummel-Hudson household woke up. He spent the rest of the morning doing normal tasks, or rather trying to, since he couldn't seem to concentrate without his thoughts turning back to his unexpected caretaker.

By early afternoon, Kurt had pretty much given up on getting anything productive done. He thought a walk might clear his head, so he went out and ended up taking the route back to Dave's house. Kurt wasn't planning on talking to Dave, he'd just picked a direction and started walking, but about halfway between his house and Dave's he passed by a park and was surprised to see Dave sitting on one of the swings, looking rather dejected.

Kurt stood there for nearly a full minute before he worked up the courage to go over. Really, it wasn't that big of a deal. He was just going to talk with his tormentor/rescuer/secret admirer? Yeah, people probably did that all the time.

"Hey," he said and then wanted to facepalm himself for such a lame greeting. Hey? Really? That was the best he could come up with? He soldiered bravely on though, "Nice day, isn't it?" God, someone just duck tape his mouth now, please.

Dave blinked at Kurt a couple times before looking around. "Are you talking to me?" he asked, when he saw that they were the only people in the park.

"Yeah, what are you doing here?"

"Um, I'm looking for a kitten, actually," Dave said, blushing a little and Kurt's eyes widened.

"A kitten?" he managed to squeak out.

Dave must have thought Kurt was making fun of the situation because he scowled and said, "Don't laugh, he got out last night and now I can't find him anywhere. I'm worried something bad may have happened to him."

Kurt coughed to regain his bearings, "Was it a little, brown tabby, by chance?"

Dave jumped up as though electricity had been shot through him, "Yes, yes, that's him. Kurt, have you seen him?"

"Yeah, I found him on the side of the road and took him to the shelter."

"Oh, thank god," Dave exclaimed, suddenly throwing his arms around Kurt in a tight hug. "Thank you, I was so worried."

Kurt blinked in surprise, but figured, what the hell, and moved to hug Dave back, but before he could Dave released him just as quickly as he'd grabbed him.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to jump you like that. I was just, really happy, you know?"

"Its fine," Kurt said hastily and then they just stood there in awkward silence.

"Well, I should probably go," Dave said and Kurt had to do something to make him stay so he blurted out the first thing that came to mind.


Dave blinked, "Excuse me?"

"Um, I read somewhere that people who like cats also like rabbits. Is that true?"

"Well, I do have a rabbit," Dave said hesitantly.

"Oh – that's great." More awkward silence, this time broken by Kurt, "Could I see him?"

Dave looked completely confused now, but after a couple seconds he said, "If you really want to."

"Excellent," Kurt beamed and headed in the direction of Dave's house. Within a few steps, Dave caught up with him and he said, "How do you know the way to my house?"

Kurt stumbled a little, mind racing, "I guess this just felt like the right way." It was a lousy excuse, but Dave seemed to buy it. He didn't question it at any rate and Kurt fell a little in love with that easy acceptance. Impulsively, Kurt slipped his hand into the crook of Dave's elbow and said, "So, this kitten and I only had a few minutes together. Was he as special as he seemed?"

Dave's eyes look like they're about to fall out of his head as he stares down at where Kurt's hand rests, "Uh, yeah, he was pretty awesome. He had a lot of layers and sometimes he seemed kind of crazy, but I think deep down he was cool."

Kurt grinned and squeezed his hand a little, "I'm sure he thought the same about you."