The setting sun gave the blue hedgehog a purple glow and made his emerald green eyes shine. The wind wiped around him but he didn't care; all his attention was on the pink hedgehog running towards him. Her quills were blowing in her eyes, she looked like she'd been crying. She started to run faster; ignoring the golden strands of grass brushed her pink boots, she wanted to see him before he went.

"Sonic!" she cried. Sonic grinned as she leapt into his arms and returned the hug.

"Hey Ames. Where were you? I've been trying to find you all day" he smiled and leant down so they were the same height "I thought I wasn't going to see you" She didn't reply but as he looked into Amy's eyes Sonic knew that she wanted him to stay.

"Amy, look, I have to..."

"I know" Amy muttered before bursting into tears "but it's not fair!"

" I know Ames I know!" Sonic muttered as he hugged Amy and brushed her quills from her eyes "But you know I'll come back to you; I always do!"

Amy looked up at him "You promise?"

Sonic smiled "I promise!" He pulled her closer and kissed her " Don't worry Amy I'll be back before you know it" he winked at her then ran off.

A week later and Amy was still waiting. She was in the field, she had come here every day for a week and the night had always fallen before she left. It was a clear night and the stars were really bright. Amy didn't care about this, all she wanted was Sonic.

"Back again I see"

The pink hedgehog spun round to find herself face to chest with and ebony furred hedgehog.

"Shadow! What are you doing here?" she cried in surprise. It was like he had just stepped out of thin air, which might actually be the case.

"Your friends asked me to find you" the other hedgehog said matter-of-factly

"oh...why did they do that?" Amy sounded upset with his answer.

Shadow looked closely at the pink hedgehog "they were worried about you apparently" he moved closer "You wanted to know why I came here?"

Amy nodded.

"Well I come here to look at the stars, it reminds me of home, of the ARK and it reminds me of Maria" he turned to Amy "you reminded me of her as well so I'll return the favour" Shadow pulled Amy on to the grass so she could see the stars.

"Wow they're beautiful" Amy muttered

Shadow looked at her again "I'm sure the Faker will come back at some point but until then things can go on"

Amy looked at Shadow "I know that..." she blushed "thank you for reminding me Shadow!" she hugged him then went back to looking at the stars.

A few hours later Shadow looked over at her; to find her fast asleep. He rolled his eyes but smiled as he picked her up. Grabbing his chaos emerald they vanished into the night.