This random little ficlet has been bouncing around in my head for a while. I hope you enjoy! ^_^
Disclaimer: I do not own Hellraiser.
Somewhere in the depths of Hell's Labyrinth stood a potted cactus, the type you see in Old West type cartoons with the funny arms. This was not an ordinary cactus, however. It had been brought to life by the power of Leviathan, who had sealed a cursed human soul within it. Everyday the poor cactus asked passersby for hugs, reaching out with pleading, thorny arms, but they all ignored it and went on their way.
One day, Pinhead, the Great Master of Pain himself came down the cactus's hallway. As usual, the cactus asked for a hug. Pinhead looked at it blankly for a moment, then…
Hugged the Cactus!
The cactus, happy to finally be hugged, closed its eyes (yes, it has eyes) and settled into the embrace. A moment later, however, its eyes snapped open.
It jerked itself away from Pinhead with a cry of pain, blood seeping from several puncture wounds.
Pinhead was NOT huggable.