Chapter 7:

After running out of the room, Rachel ran straight towards Kurt and Blaine's room, not even bothering to knock.

"I have to leave, I have to get out of here!" Rachel quickly exclaimed as the tears continued to pour down here face. At the sound of someone coming into their room Kurt and Blaine quickly shot up to find a grief stricken Rachel.

"Wait what?" Kurt asked. "What's going on Rachel?" he asked as he made his way out of bed and over to Rachel. She filled Kurt in on just about everything that had happened throughout the weekend, how Jesse had asked for a break, and of course how she and Finn had kissed, only to have Emily come in and ruin everything. "You kissed Finn?" he asked rather excitedly as he clapped his hands together.

"Kurt, not the point," she told him as her eyes narrowed a bit. "I just can't be here anymore, I need to go back home," she decided. After a little bit of convincing Rachel convinced Kurt and Blaine to give her the keys to go back to their apartment in Manhattan. Mercedes and Sam didn't live too far away from them and figured they could catch a ride from them the following day. All Rachel knew was that she couldn't bare to spend another day here, not after what had happened with Emily, and more importantly how she had made such a huge fool of herself in front of Finn.

After getting the keys from Kurt and Blaine, Rachel packed her bags in record time. On her way out she passed Finn's room to hear about a bunch of yelling, mostly on Emily's part. "I'm so sorry," she whispered as she touched Finn's door before finally heading towards the car. After causing all this trouble with Emily and possibly ruining Finn's relationship with her she was pretty sure this was the last time she would ever be this close to Finn again. After all of this she was almost positive he'd never want to see her again and honestly she couldn't blame him. As Rachel started the car she took one last glance in the cabin's direction before taking a deep breath and driving away.

After driving the two hour drive Rachel made it back to her apartment. By this time it was now around six o clock in the morning. Here most people were just waking up to start a new day, and here Rachel was who had already ruined her entire day, hell, life. As soon as Rachel made it inside she hopped into the shower. The whole entire drive Rachel had done pretty good at holding back her tears, but now that she was here alone, realizing what a mess of her life she had made she couldn't help herself as she broke down.

Finally after pulling herself partly together Rachel got out of the shower. When Rachel was back in her bedroom she found herself looking for a shirt that she had kept hidden at the bottom of one of her drawers. Back in high school during their senior year Finn used to sneak into Rachel's room late at night where they often fooled around and made out. However one night Finn's shirt ended up off, and before they could react they could hear one of Rachel's dad's walking down the hall. Finn quickly jumped out of her window leaving his shirt behind. Rachel then told Finn that it had now become her property and wore the shirt to bed all the time. Of course, as they went their separate ways the shirt found it's way to the bottom of her pajama pile since she wasn't too sure Jesse would appreciate her wearing an ex boyfriend's shirt. However, now that Jesse and Finn were gone she just couldn't help herself as she slipped the shirt on over her head. Rachel made her way over to her full length mirror and couldn't help but smile as she took in her appearance. Being so short, Finn's shirt looked ginormous on her, but Finn had always told her how cute and sexy she looked in his shirt.

As Rachel was admiring herself in the shirt, she could hear her cell phone ringing in the other room. After seeing that it was Kurt she answered. "Yes Kurt, I made it home safe," she assured him. The two chatted for a few more minutes about how Kurt and Blaine would probably be home late tomorrow night but if she needed them sooner just to call. "Yes, I promise I will call if I need you," she told him with a roll of the eyes knowing that she wouldn't call. Just because she was miserable didn't mean that she would make them miserable as well. "Love you too Kurt," she told him at the end of the call before finally hanging up.

Rachel once again glanced up at the clock and found it to only be seven in the morning. She knew she should have been tired, but no matter what she did she knew she couldn't sleep, so instead Rachel made herself a quick breakfast before flopping herself down on the couch and turning on the tv. As she watched she heard a strange sound and quickly turned the tv to mute. It didn't take long to realize that the sound was coming from the front door, as if someone was putting a key in the lock and trying to get in. 'of course this would happen to me' she thought to herself as she quickly ran into the kitchen and grabbed the first thing she could find... a big frying pan. Rachel slowly stepped towards the front door as it finally opened as she raised the pan in the air, ready to hit the intruder on the head.

"Woah! Rachel! It's just me" Finn quickly told her as he held his hands out in front of him as protection.

"Finn?" she asked in shock, still holding the pan over her head.

"Yes, it's just me. Mind lowering that thing please?" he asked with a nervous chuckle as Rachel finally lowered the pan.

"What are you doing here? Where's Emily?" she confusedly asked. She had just gotten off the phone with Kurt and Blaine about a half an hour ago and figured they would have said something.

"Kurt and Blaine gave me their key," he explained, as if he were reading her mind. "I asked them not to tell you because I didn't want you to run off again or something," he continued as he took a step towards her, but Rachel still unsure of what was going on took a step back.

"Well, where's Emily?" she asked again, wanting to get all the facts.

"She's at the cabin still. She called some friends and they are coming to pick her up," he explained. "Things haven't been going good for us for awhile now and I was hoping the trip to the cabin could help things between us, but as soon as I saw you, well I knew that things couldn't be fixed," he concluded as he once again took another step closer, this time Rachel stayed exactly where she was standing.

"And why is that?" she softly asked, as her eyes glanced down at her bare legs before back up him.

"Because I love you Rachel Berry, I always have and I let you run away once, but I'm not going to let it happen again," he replied as he once again took another step forward, leaving very little space between the two of them.

"But I live in New York, you live in Lima," she replied as she shook her head knowing this was too good to be true and that there was no way this could turn out good.

"That doesn't matter Rachel. When two people are meant to be together they make it work, and you and I are supposed to be together. We're soul mates Rach," he assured her as he closed the final gap between the two of them as he grabbed the pan out of her hand and threw it to the side. "Say you love me too .. please?" he whispered as he looked down at her as he wrapped one arm around her waist as he ran his free hand through her hair before placing it on her cheek.

"I love you Finn Hudson, so so much," she immediately replied as a huge smile came to her lips as he held her even tighter as he pulled her into a hug as he kissed the side of her neck.

"I like your shirt" he whispered into her ear as she let out a small giggle as she pulled back a little to look at him. "Still as sexy and beautiful as ever.. and all mine right?" he asked with a hopeful look.

"Yep, all yours, for forever and ever" she replied with a small giggle before wrapping her arms around his neck as she pulled him into a passionate kiss. Honestly, she had no clue as to how they would make it work, but she loved him and he loved her and that was all that mattered.

The End!

And so concludes my first fanfic! Thank you so much to all who commented and added my story to their favorites/alerts! It really does mean a lot to me! I'm planning on starting another fanfic soon and it will hopefully be up today! I did fall in love with this finchel and am possibly considering continuing this Finn and Rachel's story in another story about how they make it work and maybe having both Jesse and Emily make an appearance, but not sure! Would anybody be interested in that? Just let me know! Once again, thank you for reading and I hope you follow my next fanfics!